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I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciations to all those who have generously
offered their kindness and assistance to the completion of the thesis
First of all I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor,
Associate Professor Hua Yan whose sense of responsibility, and genuine care and
consideration of me have impressed and encouraged me all through the two and a half
years of my graduate study. The weekly seminars she sponsored and organized for our
graduate students’ group have rendered invaluable assistance for developing and
crystallizing my thesis. In addition, her inspiring instructions and detailed
modifications have bettered my work and made it something more accurate and
I also owe a great deal to many professors and teachers in the College of Foreign
Languages of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology; without their
impressive lectures and professional guidance, I could not have acquired sufficient
specialized knowledge to work out the much-demanding graduation dissertation.
Next, I would like to thank my classmates and friends for their willing company
of and precious friendship with me; I truly appreciate the days we are being together,
sharing, caring and encouraging one another, which has made my life here on the
campus very colorful and enjoyable.
Last, I would like to thank my parents who have never ever stopped encouraging
and supporting me all the time.
The dissertation aims at expounding the theme that Far from the Madding Crowd
written by Thomas Hardy is a eulogy of nature and the people who love and respect
nature, and that people can always live in harmony with nature if they learn to
understand it and make appropriate use of it instead of abusing it.
Starting from literature reviews of the writer and his works, Hardy’s ambivalent
attitude towards women and his strong ecological consciousness are illustrated clearly
in the first two chapters. Next, the heroine Bathsheba Everdene is reviewed of her
three salient characteristics -- her vanity, her independence and her love -- out of
which, she is regarded as a Victorian feminist. Then in chapter 4, the relation between
man and nature is discussed with sufficient evidence to prove that people are happier
and more successful when they are in good relation with their natural surroundings,
and vice versa; and among the many characters relating to nature, Gabriel Oak is
established as a model of nature-conscious man in Hardy’s Wessex realm. Also in
chapter 4, another relation pattern between people and nature looms larger in that
males and females show different ways to associate with their natural surroundings –
men’s contact with nature is more active, functional and with practical benefits while
women tend to resort to nature for assistance when they are troubled emotionally or
physically. The thesis tentatively suggests that this different-gender arrangement of
scenarios and plots originate from Hardy’s own patriarchal viewpoints of man and
woman, and it reveals in ecofenimist perspective that Hardy assigns men the most
active role among the three – men, women and nature.
The research of Hardy and his novel is carried out in hopes of infusing more
enthusiasm into the current environmental conservation and protection, and
contributing to the joint endeavor of mankind to build a harmonious relationship with
nature where man is a species like all the other creatures.
Key words: ecofeminism, woman, man, nature, patriarchy, Far from
the Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy
关键:生态女义,自然,女性,制, 《远离
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. ii
Contents .......................................................................................................................iv
Chapter One Introduction .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Theme and Value of the Research ..............................................................1
1.2 Literature Review ...................................................................................... 2
1.3 Ecofeminist Criticism ................................................................................ 6
1.4 Framework of the Thesis ........................................................................... 8
Chapter Two Far Into Wessex .................................................................................. 10
2.1 Affection for Native Land ........................................................................11
2.2 Cultivation of Ecological Consciousness ................................................ 13
2.3 Influence of Social Transformation ......................................................... 15
Chapter Three Far from Conventions ..................................................................... 17
3.1 Girl of Vanity ........................................................................................... 18
3.2 Girl of Independence ............................................................................... 19
3.3 Girl of Love ............................................................................................. 23
Chapter Four Being with Nature ............................................................................. 25
4.1 Men with Nature ...................................................................................... 26
4.1.1 Gabriel Oak .......................................................................................27 Playing the Flute ........................................................................ 27 Reading Stars ............................................................................. 28 Pity for Sheep ............................................................................ 29 Foretelling Storm ....................................................................... 29
4.1.2 Francis Troy and William Boldwood ................................................31 Red Uniform and Sword Drill ................................................... 31 Ignoring Nature’s Warning ........................................................ 32 Indulging in One’s Own Emotions ............................................ 33
4.2 Women with Nature ................................................................................. 35
4.2.1 Bathsheba Everdene ..........................................................................36 Handsome but Vain ....................................................................36 Narcissus or Valentine ............................................................... 37 Cultural or Natural .....................................................................38 Return and Reward .................................................................... 38
4.2.2 Fanny Robin ......................................................................................40 Pretty and Fragile .......................................................................41 Struggle but Die .........................................................................42
Chapter Five Conclusion ...........................................................................................45
Works Cited ............................................................................................................... 50
在读期间公开发表的论文 ......................................................................................... 52
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
Thomas Hardy, the great British writer, has always been fascinating me by his
versatile talents and many famous works. Impressed by his sensitive and detailed
depictions of women characters in his novels and enticed into the beautiful natural
world created in his fictional realm, I focus my attention on one of his works, Far from
the Madding Crowd, his fourth novel and his first major literary success.
1.1 Theme and Value of the Research
As a much-discussed work written by Hardy in 1874, Far from the Madding
Crowd seems to have taken on a new look in the present time when ecological
consciousness has taken root in people’s mind and being friendly with natural
environment has become a common agreement all over the world. The Copenhagen
Conference on Climate Change held on Dec.7 last year thrust the environment issue to
the summit when the developing countries are expecting the financial aids from the
developed countries to help cut down their carbon dioxide emissions and also hope
those countries take lead in reducing their own countries’ CO2emissions which, in fact,
contribute in a larger proportion to the deteriorating global pollution. Ordinary people
are also frequently reminded of climate change problems. People as individual can not
feel directly the harm they do to the climate when they drive a car to work, when they
overuse water while showering, when they litter around on a pleasant trip, when they
wear a fur coat in winter, and when they enjoy hunting wild game in woods. However,
many a little makes a mickle. They all contribute a bit to the climate change. If they
realize this root reason, they will tighten their water tap and shut down their electric
appliances in standby mode; they won't buy more clothes than they need just for
showing off or running after fashion; they will not travel around the world too much to
waste petroleum or gas that could be used for subsistence purposes, and they won't use
disposable chopsticks to have more trees felled down. All these modern problems have
originated from people’s neglect of nature. In this current context, going back to see
how Hardy regards issues of nature appears more than important and significant.
Hardy’s attitude toward nature is what modern people need most in the present,
An Ecofeminist Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding Crowd
and an in-depth research of his concrete thoughts or idealistic incarnation of his
ecological consciousness conveyed in his novels will help us learn more about the
natural world of human beings.
In my study of his novel Far from the Madding Crowd, I focus, especially, on two
obvious relation patterns between man and nature showed in his novel: the one that the
happier and more successful people tend to have a good term with their natural
surroundings and vice versa, and the one that males tend to have a more active
interaction with nature while females are inclined to resort to nature for help when they
are in trouble. The first relation pattern is the observation of Irving Howe who
elaborates his comments on Hardys works in his book Thomas Hardy (1973); and I
just locate some evidence in the novel in discussion to prove its vitality. The second
relation pattern stems from my own reading and contemplating, and I think it can be
regarded as the most creative part of my research.
In addition to the discussion of human’s relationship with nature, I also study the
female character in the novel in a perspective of feminist criticism. The heroine,
Bathsheba Everdene, is established by Hardy as a typical feminist figure in Victorian
age, which in a sense reflects the writers ambivalent attitude toward women.
With these discussions, I intend to expound the theme of the thesis that Far from
the Madding Crowd is a eulogy of nature and people, especially nature and the people
who love and respect nature, and that people can always live in harmony with nature if
they learn to understand it and make appropriate use of it instead of abusing it.
If the thematic meaning of the research is realized through my long-time effort on
writing this paper and if the environmental protection ideas implied by it are identified
with by professors and students who read the thesis, I will feel relieved and satisfied.
1.2 Literature Review
There are many critics of Hardy’s attitude towards females, ranging from his
being positive, to ambivalent and to negative. Dutta Shanta in her Ambivalence in
Hardy (2) mentions that “Hardy is held up as a champion of womenas a man who
sympathized with their downtrodden condition and who fought to highlight the various
socio-economic injustices of which they were victims”, and that Hardy is suspected to
be a misogynist “who seems not to have outgrown the hereditary Christian notion that


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:55 页 大小:512.96KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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