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It has taken me nearly a year to select the topic, write and revise my thesis. When
looking back on the hard long journey, I can hardly imagine the completion of my
thesis without the help and encouragement from so many people. Therefore, I would
like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt gratitude to those who have
provided me with unselfish help.
First of all, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Professor
Deng Zhiyong. He has given me valuable suggestions on the organization and the
contents of this thesis. After my finishing the first draft, he read it carefully and gave
me so many suggestions about correction and improvement. Without his immense
patience and enlightening guidance, I would never have finished my thesis. Here I
would also thank Associate Professor Yang Tao. She has read through my third draft
and given me a lot of precious suggestions about correction and language polishing.
My gratitude also goes to those professors who have given us wonderful lectures
during my postgraduate studies. I am also indebted to the teachers who have spared
their valuable time to finish my questionnaire. They are Zhang Feixiang, Hua Yan,
Zhang Qi, Jin Wenning, Liu Qin and Han Geling. All of my classmates also deserve
my heartfelt gratitude. During the past two years they have offered me great help on
both study and everyday life.
Finally, I would like to express my great thanks to my families for their persistent
love and support throughout the years of my study.
This thesis chooses The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and its three Chinese
versions as a case study and makes a comparative study of these versions from the
perspective of rhetoric. Translation and rhetoric in nature are communication; the
process of translation is actually a process of rhetoric or identification, during which
the rhetorician is the translator itself, the audiences are the various target readers and
the rhetorical product is the translated version. Whether a translated version is
successful or not depends on whether it has been accepted and identified by the
target readers, that is, whether it has persuaded the target readers. Therefore, the
author of this thesis uses Kenneth Burke’s “Identification” theory and holds that a
translator should try his best to achieve three “identifications” in the process of
translation, namely the identifications between the translator and the source writer,
the translator and the target readers, and finally achieving the identification between
the source writer and the target readers. In order to achieve the three
“identifications”, a translator must analyze the rhetorical features of the source text
first, and then use the closest natural equivalent to reproduce these features so that
the source text and the target text can achieve Dynamic Equivalent. In other words,
the translator should make the source text and target text achieve “identification” in
both meaning and style.
Through carefully analyzing the rhetorical features of the original novel and
making a comparison of the three Chinese versions, the author finds out that the
three versions have all successfully transferred the type of narration and the
colloquial style of the original novel. But from the aspects of dealing with the shift
of point of view in narration, dialects translation, humor translation and the
translation of other genres of literature, Xu’s version has done a better job than
Zhang’s and Cheng’s versions. Therefore, the author makes a hypothesis that on the
whole Xu’s version has achieved better rhetorical effects than Zhang’s and Cheng’s
Since the readers’ response is the best ways of evaluating whether a version
has achieved the best rhetorical effects, the author designs a questionnaire to collect
Chinese readers’ response to the three versions. The results show that most readers
have an obvious preference for Xu’s version. Among the seven selected examples,
there are five in which more than one third of the total readers have chosen Xu’s
translations, especially the identifying levels of Example (3), Example (4) and
Example (7) have achieved 54.2%, 51.8% and 53.0% respectively, much higher than
33.3%. This further testifies the hypothesis that the author has made previously.
Finally, based on this study, the author puts forward some suggestions for translators
so that they can improve the quality of their translated versions as well as upgrade
their translation level in the future.
Key Words: Dynamic EquivalentIdentificationRhetorical
effectsThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
摘 要
同度与作者的假设非常接近。在选取的 7 个译例中,选择许译的人数超过三
之一的译例达到了 5 个,尤其是译例(3)、(4)和(7),他们的认同度分别达到
54.2%、51.8%和 53.0%,大大超过了 33.3%的基本认同度。这进一步证实了
关键词: 动态对等 同一 修辞效果
Chapter One Introduction .............................................................................................. 1
§1.1 The Source, Significance and Aim of the Study .............................................1
§1.2 The Structure of the Thesis .............................................................................3
Chapter Two Literature Review .....................................................................................5
§2.1 The Research on Rhetorical Issues in Translation at Home and Abroad ........5
§2.2 Reader in Translation and Rhetoric ................................................................ 7
Chapter Three Theoretical Preliminaries ..................................................................... 11
§3.1 The Definition and Nature of Translation .....................................................11
§3.1.1 Some Key Definitions of Translation ............................................... 11
§3.1.2 Nida’s Notion of Translation and the Dynamic Equivalence Theory13
§3.2 The Definition and Nature of Rhetoric ......................................................... 14
§3.2.1 Some Key Definitions of Rhetoric ................................................... 14
§3.2.2 Kenneth Burke’s Notion of Rhetoric and the Identification Theory 16
§3.3 The Relationship between Fictional Translation and Rhetoric .....................18
Chapter Four An Introduction to The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Analysis
of Its Rhetorical Features .............................................................................................21
§4.1 Introduction to the Author—Mark Twain .....................................................21
§4.2 Introduction to The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ................................... 22
§4.2.1 Contents of the Novel ....................................................................... 22
§4.2.2 Rhetorical Features of the Novel ...................................................... 24
§4.3 Comments on the Novel ............................................................................... 26
§4.4 Introduction to the Three Selected Chinese Versions ................................... 27
Chapter Five A Comparative Study of the Three Chinese Versions ............................ 29
§5.1 The Narrative and Its Translation ................................................................. 29
§5.1.1 The Relationship between Narrative and Rhetoric ........................... 29
§5.1.2 The Relationship between Narrative and Translation .......................30
§5.1.3 Narrative in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Its Translation31
§5.2 The Style of the Three Versions ....................................................................41
§5.2.1 Style and Translation ........................................................................ 41
§5.2.2 A Comparison of the Three Versions in terms of Style Transference42
§5.3 Other Genres of Literature in the Novel and Their Translations .................. 62
§5.3.1 Letter and Its Translation ..................................................................62
§5.3.2 Poem and Its Translation .................................................................. 67
Chapter Six A Questionnaire on Target Readers’ Response ........................................ 71
§6.1 The Design and Implementation of the Questionnaire ................................. 71
§6.1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................. 71
§6.1.2 Subjects .............................................................................................71
§6.1.3 Design ............................................................................................... 72
§6.1.4 Procedure .......................................................................................... 72
§6.2 Results and Discussions ................................................................................73
§6.2.1 The Basic Knowledge about the Subjects ........................................ 73
§6.2.2 Data Analysis and Discussions ......................................................... 75
§6.3 Summary and Limitations .............................................................................79
Chapter Seven Conclusion ...........................................................................................81
Appendix ......................................................................................................................85
Bibliography ................................................................................................................ 93
在读期间发表论文 ..................................................................................................... 96


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:99 页 大小:988.61KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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