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相似,所以我们结合艺术劝说, 修辞三段论与象征行为理论建立他们之间的修
东方话语中的应用,主要有:艺术劝说(Artistic Proofs)和同一(Identification)。我
同”、“误同”、 “非言语认同”和“形式认同”在新东方话语中的应用。
关键:象征行为 修辞分析 新东方话语
List of Figures
Fig.3.1The Dramatistic Pentad ……….………………….…………………………..11
Fig.3.2 Structure of Enthymeme ………………….…………….……………...……18
Fig.3.3 Premises of Enthymeme………………….…………….……………………18
Fig.3.4 The Relationship between Enthymeme and Artistic Proofs…………….……19
Fig.3.5 The Operating Device of Theories…………………..………………….……21
Fig.4.1 The Classification of the New Oriental’s Discourse…………….…….……..27
Fig.4.2 The Pentad of the New Oriental and Teachers……………………….............32
Fig.4.3 A Spoken Communication Structure………………………………................40
Fig.4.4 Two-level Communication Structure………………………………...............41
Fig.4.5 Rhetorical Triangle in Oratory……………………………………………….42
Fig.4.6 The Operating Device of Theories in Yu Minhong’s Speech……………..…48
Table of Contents
List of Figures...............................................................................................................v
Chapter One Introduction...........................................................................................1
1.1 Research Background........................................................................................1
1.2 General Purpose of the Study............................................................................3
1.3 Methodology and Data Description..................................................................4
1.4 Structure of the Thesis.......................................................................................4
Chapter Two Literature Review.................................................................................6
2.1 Introduction of New Oriental Education & Technology Group.......................6
2.2 Studies on the New Oriental’s Discourse..........................................................7
2.2.1 Previous Studies on the New Oriental’s Discourse.................................7
2.2.2 The Present Research..............................................................................8
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework.....................................................................9
3.1 Theory of Symbolic Action...............................................................................9
3.1.1 Pentad....................................................................................................10
3.1.2 Identification.........................................................................................12 Defining Identification................................................................12 Types of Identification................................................................14
3.2 Artistic Proofs and Enthymeme.......................................................................16
3.3 The Relationship among Symbolic Action, Artistic Proofs and Enthymeme. 19
Chapter Four Critiquing the Symbolic Action in the New Oriental’s Discourse. 23
4.1 Defining the New Oriental’s Discourse..........................................................23
4.1.1 The Definition of the New Oriental’s Discourse...................................23 Defining Genre............................................................................23 Characteristics of Genre..............................................................24 The Construction of a Genre.......................................................25 The New Oriental’s Discourse as a Genre...................................25 The Classification of the New Oriental’s Discourse...................26 The New Oriental’s Publicity............................................27 The New Oriental’s Speeches...........................................28 The New Oriental’s Discourse in Classroom Teaching....29
4.2 Rhetor and Audience of the New Oriental’s Discourse...................................31
4.2.1 New Oriental Education & Technology Group and the New Oriental
Teachers as Rhetor..........................................................................................31 The Relationship between the New Oriental School and Teachers
.................................................................................................................31 New Oriental Education & Technology Group as Rhetor...........32 The New Oriental’s Teachers as Rhetor......................................33
4.2.2 Society and Students or Parents as Audience........................................35 Society as Audience....................................................................36 Students or Parents as Audience..................................................37 Students as Audience.........................................................37 Parents as Audience...........................................................39
4.2.3 The Interaction between the Rhetor and the Audience..........................40
4.3 Identification in the New Oriental’s Discourse...............................................46
4.3.1 Identification through sympathy in the New Oriental’s Discourse.......47
4.3.2 Identification through antithesis in the New Oriental’s Discourse.......51
4.3.3 Identification through transcendent “we” strategy in the New Oriental’s
4.3.4 Identification through non-verbal symbolic action in the New Oriental’s
4.3.5 Identification through forms in New Oriental’s Discourse...................57
Chapter Five Conclusion...........................................................................................60
5.1 Brief Summary of the Study............................................................................60
5.2 Enlightenment of the New Oriental’s Symbolic Action on the College English
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study................................................62
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
Recent years, there are some strange phenomena in English education in
universities. For example, students lose interest in English class, but are keen to go to
English training institutions after class, such as New Oriental Education &
Technology Group (New Oriental). Some students complain about the useless and
boring content of college English and the poor teaching methods teachers used. They
do not listen attentively to the teacher in the class and show little respect to college
teachers, but they appreciate New Oriental’s teachers for their humorousness and
helpful teaching methods. They admire New Oriental’s teachers, learn English
actively and positively and greatly improve their English ability. The income of
China’s English teaching industry is nearly over 4,000 billion, while the New Oriental
occupies the leading position. Over 60% Chinese students in the United States are
trained in the New Oriental before they go abroad. As a leader in China’s educational
institutions, the New Oriental is successful. In this regard, the author attempts to
explore the reasons for these phenomena. According to Tian Huisheng (1996: 78),
factors affecting teaching include the physical environment and psychological
environment. Therefore, we compare those factors of universities and the New
Oriental School. The physical environment consists of spatial and temporal
environment, facility environment, and natural environment. As to spatial and
temporal environment, the class size of college English class is about forty to fifty
students in general, while the New Oriental’s class size is frequently over hundreds of
students. It is obviously that large class size is not suitable for study for a long time.
With respect to facility environment, colleges are typically equipped with better
teaching equipment, such as multi-media instruments, books and reference materials,
etc., and yet the New Oriental does not have all these facilities up to date. Concerning
natural environment, great attention have been paid to green area and afforestation at
colleges, and many natural landscapes at college construct a healthy study
environment for students, while the New Oriental has no condition to enhance such
construction. Consequently, a conclusion can be drawn that the reason why students
prefer the New Oriental is due mainly to the differences of cultural and psychological
environment between colleges and the New Oriental. One of the most common
differences of cultural and psychological environment between colleges and the New
Oriental is the teacher language and the teaching mode. Proficient teaching method is
necessary to teachers’ successful teaching. But it is deniable that teacher language has
an enormous influence on students. Teacher language is the professional language
engaged in teaching and learning activities. As the most important method and media
A Symbolic Action Critique of New Oriental Teacher Language
of, communicating and transmitting information and knowledge in the teaching
process, teacher language plays a vital role. In the daily communication with students,
teachers can use some rhetorical strategies to influence students and persuade them to
build good learning behaviors. With its success, the New Oriental has become a
popular subject in the academic community and has been approached from a wide
range of disciplines. Scholars in different fields study it from different perspectives.
However, the New Oriental, as one of the most popular language training
organizations, is paid less attention than it deserves at the discourse level. Almost no
one studies the New Oriental from the linguistic perspective, not to mention from the
rhetorical aspect. In this thesis, what we focus on is the rhetorical operation of the
New Oriental’s discourse, which is the crucial step for winning the trust of students,
parents, and investors. To the best of my knowledge, the symbolic action analysis of
the New Oriental’s discourse is almost a virgin land at home and abroad. Therefore,
we try to critique here the New Oriental’s discourse through a rhetorical lens. It is
worth mentioning that this analysis touches upon not only the New Oriental’s
discourse in the classroom teaching, but also the New Orientals’ speeches and the
New Oriental’s publicity, and thus intend to provide a brand-new perspective—a
rhetorical one —for analyzing the New Oriental’s discourse.
In consideration of theoretical framework, we find that even though the theories
of new rhetoric represented by Burke and Aristotle’s classical rhetoric have many
similarities, almost none combine them and explain their relationship. As the
representative of the classical rhetoric, Aristotle holds that rhetoric is “the faculty of
observing in any given case the available means of persuasion” (1954: 24). For him,
the key point of classical rhetoric is persuasion. By emphasizing that “you persuade a
man only in so far as you can talk his language by speech, gesture, tonality, order,
image, attitude, idea, identify your ways with his” (1969: 55), Burke expresses the
importance of identification, the key term of new rhetoric. It can be seen that
persuasion and identification are not two conflicted concepts. Besides, we deem that
“identification” and “enthymeme” may overlap in the operation of persuasion. The
process of enthymeme is the process of identifying, during which artistic proofs take
effect throughout. Therefore, in this thesis, we aim at combining theories between
Burke’s and Aristotle’s to establish a rhetorical operating device for a better analysis
of the New Oriental’s discourse. Additionally, by virtue of five types of identification
and pentadic analysis, rhetorical analysis is proved to be an effective tool for our
better understanding of natures of many different phenomena. Therefore, critiquing
the New Oriental’s discourse through a rhetorical lens is supposed to be useful for us
to get a better understanding of the success of the New Oriental and gain some
enlightenment from its success.
1.2 General Purpose of the Study
The general purpose of the study is to analyze how the New Oriental’s discourse
operates in persuasion from a rhetorical angle and by critiquing the New Oriental’s


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:76 页 大小:776.22KB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-19


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