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种现象称为“语码转换。自 20 世纪 50 年代起,这种独特的语言现象就成为语言
会话分析, 语用学等对语码转换现象进行了一系列的研究并取得了一定成果 , 但是
Jef Verschueren 提出的语言顺应理论便是这一研究方法中的杰出代表,他指出
征是什么?” “为什么进行语码转换?” 和“如何进行语码转换?”
这三个预设性问题。研究期间收集并整理了《天天向上》2009 年至 2010 6月共
52 期有效节目,时长约 110 个小时,并着重分析出现了语码转换的对话片段。首
关键词:语码转换 顺应性 语言现实 社会规约 心理动机 《天天向
List of Tables & Figures
Figure3-1……………………… ……….………………….…………………………..20
Table 4-1………………………… ………………….…………….……………...……29
Table 4-2…………………………………………….…………….……………………30
Table 4-3…………………………………………………………….…………….……31
List of Tables & Figures...............................................................................................v
Chapter One Introduction...........................................................................................1
1.1 Research Background........................................................................................1
1.2 Rationale and Aim of the Study........................................................................2
1.3 Organization of the Thesis................................................................................3
Chapter Two Literature Review.................................................................................4
2.1 Definition of CS................................................................................................4
2.2 Classifications of CS.........................................................................................6
2.3 Other Notions Related with CS....................................................................................7
2.3.1 CS vs. Code Mixing................................................................................7
2.3.2 CS vs. Borrowing....................................................................................8
2.3.3 CS vs. Bilingualism.............................................................................................9
2.4 Previous Researches on CS.........................................................................................10
2.4.1 Related Studies Abroad.........................................................................10 The Grammatical Approach......................................................................10 The Sociolinguistic Approach......................................................12 The Psycholinguistic Approach............................................................13 The Conversational Approach......................................................14 The Pragmatic Approach..............................................................15
2.4.2 Related Studies at Home..................................................................................15
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework of the Study.............................................17
3.1 Jef Verschueren’s Linguistic Adaptation Theory............................................17
3.2 Yu Guodong’s Adaptation Model....................................................................19
3.3 CS as Realization of Adaptation................................................................................21
3.3.1 Adaptation to Linguistic Reality...........................................................21
3.3.2 Adaptation to Social Conventions.........................................................21
3.3.3 Adaptation to Psychological Motivations.............................................21
Chapter Four Data Collection and Description......................................................24
4.1 Introduction to the TV program......................................................................24
4.2 Data Collection and Processing.......................................................................24
4.3 Grammatical Characteristics of the Data.................................................................24
4.3.1 Types of CS in Day Day Up..................................................................27
4.3.2 Syntactical Features of CS Elements in Day Day Up...............................30
Chapter Five Adaptation Analysis of CS in Day Day Up.......................................34
5.1 CS as Adaptation to Linguistic Reality...........................................................34
5.1.1 Filling Lexical Gap................................................................................35
5.1.2 Quotation...............................................................................................36
5.1.3 Mentioning Proper Words................................................................................37
5.2 CS as Adaptation to Social Conventions.........................................................37
5.2.1 Widening or Shortening Social Distance..............................................38
5.2.2 Euphemism............................................................................................39
5.2.3 Elevating Social Status.....................................................................................39
5.3 CS as Adaptation to Psychological Motivations.............................................39
5.3.1 Humor Creation.....................................................................................40
5.3.2 Emphasis...............................................................................................41
5.3.3 Convenience..........................................................................................41
5.3.4 Fashion..................................................................................................42
5.3.5 Tone-softening....................................................................................................42
Chapter Five Conclusion...........................................................................................44
6.1 Findings of the Present Study..........................................................................44
6.2 Limitations of the Present Study.....................................................................45
6.3 Suggestions for Future Study......................................................................................46
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
With the strengthening of China’s reform and opening up policy and the great
acceleration of globalization, China has a great many of contacts with the outside world
and Chinese have been frequently involved in the dynamic contact with foreign
languages. Nowadays it is common for people to use several languages or language
varieties in course of daily conversation, internet, television programs, magazines,
advertisements, poplar songs and so on. This language contact phenomenon is called
code switching (hereafter CS), which refers to the alternative use between two or more
languages or language varieties by bilingual or multilingual speakers in the conversation
or discourse.
First observation on CS begins in the early decades of the twenties century. By the
1970s, research on CS has become much more widespread and different explanations
have been put forward into this new research field. Linguists treat CS as
communicators language and have explored this phenomenon from different linguistic
perspectives such as morph syntax, sociolinguistics, conversational analysis,
psycholinguistics and pragmatics. And so far, all above approaches have contributed to
the perception of CS and reveal some linguistic or nonlinguistic facts of CS. Among
them, the pragmatic approach is relatively an ideal analysis for CS which has
simultaneously involved social, psychological, linguistic, cultural factors in a dynamic
The more convincing and promising research in pragmatic field is Jef
Verschuerens Theory of Adaptation, put forward in his book understanding pragmatics.
It finely defines the motivations and functions behind the communicators’ performances
of CS. Based on Jef Verschuerens theory, Chinese linguistic researcher Yu
Guodong(2001) advances Adaptation Model for CS study which classifies three
adaptation models: adaptation to the linguistic reality, adaptation to the social
conventions and adaptation to the psychological motivations. Taking Yu Guodong’s
Adaptation Model as the theoretical basis, this thesis will analyze the CS phenomenon
in the TV program Day Day Up from the pragmatic perspective.
1.2 Rationale and Aim of the Study
The use of CS manifests that language is open to change and also shows the
diversity of language. Language is the tool for human communication. People from
different speech communities have frequent communications for some political, cultural
On the Code Switching of the TV Program Day Day Up
and economic reasons, which unavoidably lead to the language contact. The research
into the phenomenon of CS is important to the understanding of bilingual’s
communicative competence as well as the language change.
In recent years, more and more researches of CS have been done on English class,
literature works, newspapers, magazines and business documents but less on daily
conversations and TV programs because written corpus is more stable and convenient
for collection and study compared with oral corpus. In fact, TV program is a good
corpus to probe into the linguistic phenomenon of CS. Many people choose watching
TV as their leisure entertainment and media can reflect the most recent trends and
fashions in the society. What’s more, as a TV talk show program, it has very natural and
affected style. There are frequent and plenty of interactive communications between
hosts and guests, so it is possible to collect authentic and reliable data, which can make
the research effective enough.
With above considerations, the present study will choose the TV talk show Day
Day Up, one of the high audience rating programs in mainland China, to make a
detailed analysis and aims to get the following objectives.
Firstly, by describing the diverse CS distribution patterns in the collected corpus,
the study attempts to show the general linguistic features of CS. This can deepen
knowledge about the occurrence of CS in communication, especially in oral speech.
Secondly, to identify the users’ attitudes toward this phenomenon and find out the
main reasons that affect their use of CS and to figure out the major motivations for the
use of CS in conversations.
Thirdly, to test the validity and feasibility of Yu’s Adaptation Model by focusing on
TV talk show, and to see whether this model can really provide us with a more
comprehensive explanation to the CS.
1.3 Organization of the Thesis
The thesis can be divided into six chapters. The first three chapters are the
theoretical foundations of the research; Chapter four and Chapter five are the main body
of the thesis which analyze the CS with the corpus as the realization of linguistic
adaptation; Chapter six is the conclusion of this research.
Chapter One serves as a general introduction to the background of the research and
describes the rationale and objectives of the present study. Meanwhile, organization of
the thesis is illustrated.
Chapter Two presents a review of the relevant literature. It first discusses the
definitions of CS given by former linguists. Then it points out some distinctions
between CS and other related terms. Various kinds of research approaches to CS will
also be discussed.
Chapter Three focuses on the theoretical framework of the study—Jef
Verschueren’s(1999) Theory of Linguistic Adapatation and Yu Guodong’s (2001)
Adaptation Model in detail.


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:51 页 大小:380.78KB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-19


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