医改政策下县级公立医院绩效管理研究— 以江苏省Y县级公立医院为例

3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 440.83KB 43 页 15积分
摘 要
县级公立医院承担我国医疗服务 90%的工作,是医改的主要对象,县级
本文以江苏省 Y 县级公立医院为研究对象,首先国内外医院绩效管理
然后,对江苏省 Y 县级公立医院绩效管理的现状展开调查研究,并系统分析
Y 县级公立医院在实际绩效管理中存在的各方面问题。在此基础上提出了
江苏省 Y 县级公立医院绩效管理改进和完善的对策和建议,并进一步指出了
关键词:卫生 医改 县级公立医院 绩效管理
Hundreds of millions of people's medical and health undertakings of
healthyhappy relationship thousands of households,is a major livelihood issues.
Accelerate the development of medical and health services meet the people's
growing health care needsand constantly improve the people's health levelthe
realization of "medical" is an inevitable requirement to promote the all-round
coordinated and sustainable economic and social development is the common
ideal of all mankind. Public hospital is the main medical service system in our
countrypriority among priorities belongs to medicalhealth system reformthe
reform of public hospitals is good
directly related to the success or failure of the
reform. Nowadays deepening the reform of medical care system to meet the
health needs of the broad masses of the peoplehas become one of the primary
goals of government efforts. The government of Jiangsu has always attached
great importance to deepening thereform of the medical and health systemhas
introducedvarious measures and methods promote the reform of public
hospitalsstrengthen the construction of grass-roots public hospitalsimprove
the health service level ensure the quality of medical service. But because
themedical and health system disease riddenmalpracticereform is difficult
although has made some achievementsbut difficult to see a doctoryour doctor
and so on has not really solve. Therefore how to carry out the study on
performance management of public hospitals safeguard people's health rights
and interestshas a high practical significance.
In this paper the Y of Jiangsu province public hospital as the research
objectfirst of allthe advanced ideas ofperformance management of domestic
and foreignhospitals the use of performance management theory to analyze
build analysis of theoretical basis. Secondly analyses the history and current
situation of domesticpublic hospital performance management the necessityof
performance management in public hospitals as well as the purpose of different
stages of the developmentprocess. Thirdlyreforming performance management
of public hospitals from the environmentanalysis and requirements of medical
reform policy on the impact of performance management of public hospitals at
the county level. Then the investigation of Y County Jiangsu province public
hospital performance management present situationand a systematic analysis of
various aspects of the Y county public hospital existing in performance
management practice. Then put forward Jiangsu province Y county public
hospital performance management to improve and perfect the countermeasure
and the suggestion put forward concrete measures toreform under the new
environment of county public hospital performance management and future
development. Finally construct a set of evaluation for thepublic hospital
performance management system of supervision.
Key WordHealthcarecounty public hospitalperformancemanagement
目 录
摘 要
......................................................... 1
1.1 义 ........................................... 1
1.1.1 ............................................ 1
1.1.2 ............................................ 2
1.2 ......................................... 3
1.2.1 .......................................... 3
1.2.2 .......................................... 4
1.2.3 研 ...............................................6
1.3 点 .............................. 7
1.3.1 研 ...............................................7
1.3.2 研 ...............................................7
1.3.3 创 ...............................................8
础 ..............................9
2.1 ............................................ 9
2.1.1 ............................................ 9
2.1.2 ....................................... 11
2.2 论 ............................................ 12
2.2.1 绩 .................................12
2.2.2 绩 .................................14
.................. 16
3.1 .............................. 16
3.1.1 ...................... 16
3.1.2 ...................... 17
3.2 .............................. 17
3.3 ............................ 18
求 ..............21
4.1 .................... 21
4.2 .................... 21
Y 公 .......................24
5.1 Y 公 .........................24
5.1.1 Y 医 ........................................24
5.1.2 Y 医 ................................... 24
5.2 Y 公 ...................... 26
Y 公 ................ 30
6.1 Y 公 ................ 30
6.2 ....................... 31
调 查 表 ...................................................................................................................35
参考文献 ....................................................................................................................... 36
研究成果 ....................................................................................................................... 38


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医改政策下县级公立医院绩效管理研究— 以江苏省Y县级公立医院为例.pdf


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:43 页 大小:440.83KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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