
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 1.36MB 69 页 15积分
摘 要
关键词:个人所得税 家庭课税制 公平税负 税制改革
In the two sessions of this year, quite a few representatives expressed that the next
step of the reform of personal income tax system shall gradually transfer to
comprehensive income tax system, especially considering imposing personal income
tax on the basis of taking a family as a whole. From the present expectation on the
reform of tax system of the public, the present reform of tax system could not
demonstrate the principle of fair taxation efficiently and could not show the differences
of economical burden and the actual tax burden of taxpayers. Therefore, implementing
family contributory tax system is the main direction of the reform of personal income
tax system.
At present stage, the scholars in our country research a lot on the reform of
personal income tax system, but their study on family contributory tax system is only at
the theoretical level. Many scholars just consider it as a taxation unit and have not made
a deep exploration and analysis from the level of tax reform.
The thesis takes the construction of the reform of tax system from personal income
to family income as the main research content and makes a tentative exploration on the
reform of personal income tax system through the study methods of comparative
analysis, questionnaire, document literature, interviewing method, etc.
The thesis consists of 5 chapters. The first chapter combs the research results of
domestic and overseas experts on the reform of personal income tax as well as the
overview of several different opinions. The second chapter describes the theories of tax
fairness and optimal taxation system, which lays the theoretical foundation for this
thesis. It makes a comparison with the present personal income tax system to form the
theoretical foundation for family contributory tax system and it also discusses necessity
and feasibility to implement family contributory tax system. The third chapter explains
the development process and the present condition of the reform of personal income tax
system in our country. Besides, on the basis of comparing tax fairness from horizontal
analysis, it summarizes the main problem of the present personal income tax system that
the present tax system is not efficient on adjusting personal income differences, which
makes the tax burden of taxpayers unfair. The fourth chapter is the focus of the thesis. It
adopts the successful experience of the reform of family contributory tax system in
America, France, Japan and Hong Kong, analyzes the basic conditions of implementing
family contributory tax system and puts forwards creative ideas. The fifth chapter is the
core of the thesis. On the above comprehensive analysis, it raises the blue print of the
reform of family contributory tax system, including clarifying family application unit,
the standards of expense reduction and tax breaks, which brings forward solutions for
the reform of the comprehensive tax system of personal income which takes a family as
a whole.
Through the research, the thesis comes the conclusions as the following: (1) The
reform of personal income tax system concerns the equitable distribution and social
stability and the transfer of the tax system could display tax fairness in a better way. (2)
The reform of personal income tax system shall demonstrate the person-centered
principle and take the income differences of every family, income distribution and tax
burden into consideration to gradually realize a tax system which takes a family as a
unit to impose the tax and conducts the mode of reduction differentiation. (3) The basic
conditions of taking a family as a unit to impose the tax are basically ready and thus it is
feasible to implement it. The new system is beneficial to the realization of fairness and
form fair taxation environment. (4) The construction of family contributory tax system
could be explored from four aspects, taxation unit, expense reduction, declaration
system and tax levy level.
Key WordsIndividual income tax, the Family individual income tax,
Fair taxation, Tax reform
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ....................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景、目的与意义 ....................................... 1
1.1.1 研究背景 .............................................. 1
1.1.2 研究目的 .............................................. 2
1.1.3 研究意义 .............................................. 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 .............................................. 3
1.2.1 国外研究现状 .......................................... 3
1.2.2 国内研究现状 .......................................... 5
1.2.3 研究评述 .............................................. 8
1.3 研究思路、方法和可能的创新点 ................................ 9
1.3.1 研究思路 .............................................. 9
1.3.2 研究方法 ............................................. 11
1.3.3 可能的创新点 ......................................... 11
第二章 公平视角下个人所得税改革的理论基础 ........................ 13
2.1 税收公平理论 ............................................... 13
2.1.1 税收公平理论的本质 ................................... 13
2.1.2 税收横向公平与税收纵向公平 ........................... 14
2.1.3 公平税负对税制改革的作用 ............................. 14
2.2 最优税制理论 ............................................... 15
2.2.1 最优税制理论的前提假设 ............................... 15
2.2.2 最优税制理论的基本形式 ............................... 16
2.2.3 最优税制理论的理论实践 ............................... 17
2.3 家庭课税制与个人课税制的比较分析 ........................... 18
2.3.1 家庭课税制概念的界定与基本特征 ....................... 18
2.3.2 家庭课税制与个人课税制的比较 ......................... 19
2.3.3 家庭课税制改革在我国实施的必要性和可行性 ............. 19
2.4 本章小结 ................................................... 23
第三章 现行个人所得税制改革路径与存在的问题 ....................... 24
3.1 个人所得税制改革路径 ....................................... 24
3.1.1 个人所得税概况 ....................................... 24
3.1.2 个人所得税法的演变历程 ............................... 24
3.1.3 个人所得税制改革的路径选择 ........................... 26
3.2 现行个人所得税制课税现状 ................................... 27
3.2.1 法律制度现状 ......................................... 27
3.2.2 经济征收现状 ......................................... 28
3.3 现行个人所得税制横向公平税负分析 ........................... 29
3.3.1 所得数额相同而税负不同 ............................... 29
3.3.2 收入发放方式不同形成税负不同 ......................... 31
3.4 现行个人所得税制存在的主要问题 ............................. 32
3.4.1 未能完全实现税收公平 ................................. 32
3.4.2 未能有效发挥收入调节功能 ............................. 32
3.4.3 忽视了不同家庭收入和负担构成的差异 ................... 32
3.4.4 未能与税收征管机制有效结合 ........................... 33
3.5 本章小结 ................................................... 33
第四章 家庭课税制改革的经验借鉴与基础条件分析 ..................... 34
4.1 美国家庭课税制模式 ......................................... 34
4.1.1 美国个人所得税制度概况 ............................... 34
4.1.2 美国个人所得税制度适用分析 ........................... 36
4.2 法国家庭课税制模式 ......................................... 37
4.2.1 法国个人所得税制度概况 ............................... 37
4.2.2 法国个人所得税制度适用分析 ........................... 38
4.3 日本个人所得税模式 ......................................... 39
4.3.1 日本个人所得税制度概况 ............................... 39
4.3.2 日本个人所得税制度适用分析 ........................... 40
4.4 中国香港个人所得税模式 ..................................... 40
4.4.1 中国香港个人所得税制度概况 ........................... 40
4.4.2 中国香港个人所得税制度适用分析 ....................... 41
4.5 不同模式的经验借鉴及启示 ................................... 41
4.5.1 经验借鉴 ............................................. 42
4.5.2 经验启示 ............................................. 42
4.6 实施家庭课税制模式的基础条件分析 ........................... 43
4.6.1 实施家庭课税制模式的基本原则 ......................... 43
4.6.2 实施家庭课税制模式的法律法规体系 ..................... 43
4.6.3 构建稳定的纳税家庭结构 ............................... 44
4.6.4 健全有效的税收征管体系 ............................... 44
4.7 本章小结 ................................................... 45
第五章 我国实施家庭课税制改革的方案设想 ........................... 46
5.1 家庭课税制改革方案的总体设计 .............................. 46
5.2 家庭课税制改革方案的基本内容 .............................. 46
5.2.1 明确家庭纳税人的范围 ................................. 47
5.2.2 适用家庭课税制的税前扣除基数确立 ..................... 48
5.2.3 以家庭为单位应纳税所得额和应纳税额的计算 ............. 50
5.2.4 科学合理规划税率结构 ................................. 51
5.3 家庭课税制改革方案分析 ..................................... 51
5.3.1 现行个人课税制与家庭课税制比较 ....................... 51
5.3.2 家庭课税制模式对中高收入家庭的税负分析 ............... 52
5.4 个人所得税制配套改革建议 ................................... 54
5.4.1 个体家庭的税收负担应纳入税制改革考量 ................. 54
5.4.2 税制改革也应以“人”为本 ............................. 54
5.4.3 建立家庭综合收入核算体系 ............................. 55
5.4.4 提高家庭纳税申报意识 ................................. 55
5.4.5 建立健全社会化税收监控体系 ........................... 56
5.5 本章小结 ................................................... 56
第六章 结论与展望 ................................................. 57
6.1 研究结论 ................................................... 57
6.2 研究展望 ................................................... 58
附录 .............................................................. 59
参考文献 .......................................................... 61
在读期间公开发表论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 64
致谢 .............................................................. 65


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:69 页 大小:1.36MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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