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摘 要
本文以高校大学生校园创业环境为研究对象,通过对 4所不同学科背景的上
海高校近 400 份调查问卷的分析、50 人次的访谈以及大量实证案例中分析出校
关键词: 大学生 校园创业 环境优化 实施对策
Third Plenary Session of the eighth to deepen the comprehensive reform of higher
education put forward new requirements for the " sound institutional mechanisms to
promote employment and entrepreneurship ," made  a special deployment , pointed
out a clear direction . One for personnel training mechanism innovation universities
specifically pointed out that we must focus on exploring and establishing social needs ,
new research disciplines reflect progress in the overall development of the new needs of
people , overall quality educational resources , focusing on exploration -school , school
and business school and research institutes, schools and places of effective mechanisms
and joint personnel training schools and colleges of the internationally renowned ;
efforts to explore the establishment to focus on exploring the establishment of
community -based technology assessment , evaluation of long-term mechanism ,
supplemented by diverse personnel training quality evaluation . The new central
government for the development needs of the new era of the country , combined with
the global economic trends , developed for higher education from general policy to
focus on expansion -type epitaxial development to enhance the quality of content
development change , from the top design height macro work arrangements, which
highlighted the young students , especially college students in a prominent position in
innovation and entrepreneurship , and promote the whole society attention and support
young students a good atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship .
In this paper, college students on campus entrepreneurial environment for the study,
by four different disciplines of Shanghai Universities nearly 400 copies of the
questionnaire analysis , interviews with nearly 50 people and a large empirical case to
analyze the deep-seated problems in the existing campus entrepreneurial environment ,
combined with entrepreneurial inspiration campus environment in developed countries ,
and thus from the development of environmental protection mechanisms - organization
and implementation - evaluation and incentive - to optimize recycling point of view put
forward suggestions . To enhance the college innovation, entrepreneurship awareness
and ability to focus , in order to deepen the college -oriented business practices , focus
on research campus entrepreneurial environment protection mechanism as the starting
point to the campus entrepreneurial practice platform for carriers that will inspire
entrepreneurship and promoting employment combine Students start to build integrated
resource services employment protection mechanism ; entrepreneurship practice and
Rucker tree people combine to create enhanced college students' social responsibility,
innovation, practice enabling environment for innovation and entrepreneurship support
system and practice platform . In order to promote employment and entrepreneurship
education to become universities, promote entrepreneurship Students practice effective
measure , guide and help students to change their concept of employment , cultivate
awareness of innovation, enhance entrepreneurship is important and positive role.
Key Words: The college students, Campus Entrepreneurship,
Environment Optimization, Implementation Strategies
摘 要
第一章 绪 论 ....................................................... 1
1.1 选题的背景和意义 ............................................ 1
1.1.1 选题的背景 ............................................. 1
1.1.2 选题的意义 ............................................. 3
1.1.3 研究目的和思路 ......................................... 3
1.2 国内外研究现状分析 .......................................... 4
1.2.1 国外研究现状: ......................................... 4
1.2.2 国内研究现状 ........................................... 5
1.2.3 研究评述 ............................................... 7
1.3 研究方法和创新点 ............................................ 7
1.3.1 研究方法 ............................................... 7
1.3.2 拟解决的关键问题 ....................................... 8
1.3.3 研究的创新点 ........................................... 8
第二章 校园创业环境的重要性分析 .................................... 10
2.1 高校大学生校园创业环境的概念界定 ........................... 10
2.1.1 高校大学生校园创业环境的涵义 .......................... 10
2.1.2 高校大学生校园创业环境的研究界定 ...................... 12
2.2 高校大学生校园创业环境的必要性分析 ......................... 12
2.2.1 校园创业环境具有引领示范效应 .......................... 12
2.2.2 校园创业环境助推创业成功率 ............................ 13
2.2.3 校园创业具有较强的环境导向性 .......................... 13
2.2.4 校园创业的环境依赖性 .................................. 14
2.2.5 校园创业环境有效促进就业和毕业创业 .................... 14
2.3 高校大学生校园创业环境的可行性分析 ......................... 15
2.3.1 社会可行性 ............................................ 15
2.3.2 组织可行性 ............................................ 16
2.3.3 经济可行性 ............................................ 16
第三章 高校大学生校园创业环境现状及案例分析 ........................ 17
3.1 目前高校大学生校园创业环境现状 ............................. 17
3.1.1 大学创业教育已成为 2 学分必修课 ........................ 17
3.1.2 巨额资金投入保障创新创业活动开展 ...................... 18
3.1.3 各级各类的创业赛事日趋丰富 ............................ 18
3.1.4 创业促进形式方式日趋多样 .............................. 19
3.2 对目前校园创业及其环境的调查分析 ........................... 19
3.2.1 对在校期间是否考虑创业的意愿调查 ...................... 20
3.2.2 对在校期间创业困难方面的认识调查 ...................... 20
3.2.3 对在校期间创业环境保障方面的认识调查 .................. 23
3.2.4 对环境保障及创业实践的调查 ............................ 24
3.3 以高校校园快递管理为例进行案例分析 ......................... 26
3.3.1 案例一:学校搭台学生唱戏的协议共管模式 ................ 26
3.3.2 案例二:学校支持,学生校园自主创业模式 ................ 27
3.3.3 案例三:学生自发式校园创业模式 ........................ 27
3.3.4 案例综述分析及问题应对 ................................ 28
3.4 目前校园创业环境存在问题及原因 ............................. 29
3.4.1 保障机制缺乏相关的法律法规保障 ........................ 29
3.4.2 创业促进机制缺乏系统性 ................................ 29
3.4.3 创业促进的组织实施缺乏统筹协调 ........................ 30
3.4.4 促进机制的实施过程缺乏监督和评价激励 .................. 30
3.4.5 受教育行政化影响严重 .................................. 31
第四章 主要发达国家校园创业环境的经验借鉴 .......................... 33
4.1 主要发达国家校园创业环境的主要特点 ......................... 33
4.1.1 美国大学生校园创业环境的主要特点 ...................... 33
4.1.2 英国大学生校园创业环境的主要特点 ...................... 35
4.1.3 法国大学生校园创业环境的主要特点 ...................... 37
4.1.4 日本大学生校园创业环境的主要特点 ...................... 38
4.2 主要发达国家校园创业环境的启示 ............................. 39
4.2.1 注重从法律层面保障校园创业环境的重要地位 .............. 39
4.2.2 注重明确创业促进的目标导向 ............................ 40
4.2.3 注重培养良好的创业氛围 ................................ 40
4.2.4 注重创业教育的系统性和实用性 .......................... 40
4.2.5 注重创业实践 .......................................... 40
第五章 优化高校大学生校园创业环境的对策 ............................. 42
5.1 突出政府和高校的实施主体功能 ............................... 42
5.1.1 政府从立法的高度给予法律支持 .......................... 42
5.1.2 高校要切实注重人才培养观念的转变 ...................... 42
5.1.3 高校管理者要着力推进创业促进 .......................... 42
5.1.4 高校管理者要争取扩大现有政策受益面 .................... 43
5.2 注重校园创业环境的影响因素 ................................. 44
5.2.1 完善的创业促进体系 .................................... 44
5.2.2 系统的创业教育支撑 .................................... 44
5.2.3 充沛的创业融资储备 .................................... 46
5.2.4 灵活的创业支持机制 .................................... 47
5.2.5 营造良好的校园创业文化 ................................ 47
5.2.6 注重目标群体特殊性 .................................... 47
5.3 注重校园创业环境保障的组织实施体系建设 ..................... 48
5.3.1 完善校园创业环境保障的组织实施体系 .................... 48
5.3.2 激发高校内部创业环境保障组织的活力 .................... 49
5.3.3 健全校园创业环境保障效果的评价激励体系 ................ 49
5.4 完善校园环境下的创业实践路径 ............................... 49
5.4.1 丰富创业实践的形式 .................................... 49
5.4.2 依托实体实践园区 ...................................... 49
5.4.3 深化校企、校地、校产合作 .............................. 50
5.5 搭建校园环境下的创业实践平台 ............................... 51
5.5.1 以勤工俭学为模式的实践平台 ............................ 52
5.5.2 以共建共管为模式的实践平台 ............................ 52
5.5.3 以校内公共事务管理为模式的实践平台 .................... 52


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:63 页 大小:898.75KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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