
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 2.49MB 63 页 15积分
究,构建了基于现实条件下的干扰管理模型,设计了改进的遗传算法,采用 matlab
关键词:城市生活垃圾 车辆调度 干扰管理 遗传算法 多目标优化
The collection of municipal domestic waste is one of the most realistic and
significant problems in the entire municipal domestic waste disposal system. It is not
only reflects the level of government public service, but also relates to the city's streets
environmental health. And it is closely related to people's life. Because the objective
environment of collection system is complex and changeable, there are many
uncertainty factors in the process of collection, such as variation in garbage volume,
transportation capacity loss, etc. The occurrence of these events is not predictable and
controllable, and likely to lead to collection condition change, which will lead to a
collection plan delay, even a collection interrupt. And then, it will lead to garbage
pickup not in time, which will make secondary pollution and other environmental
problems. It has a negative impact to the government and enterprises. Therefore, how to
deal with the disruption of the impact quickly, help the proposed task of sanitation
department and the enterprise have scheduled not affected, minimize disruption events
influence and guarantee the collection task performed smoothly in time. It is the key
issue that the sanitation department and the enterprise must study.
Based on the municipal domestic waste collection problem, this paper discussed
two of the most representative event. According to disruption management theory,
proposes two disturbance identification rules respectively, and puts forward two
indicators of measurement method based on the initial plan deviation and transport costs.
Then, two different problems have been put forward. One is single yard, and the other
one is more than one yard. Based on these researches background, this paper built
disruption management models. The model and algorithm is verified feasibility and
superiority by simulation examples. Finally, based on the research of the Yangpu district
Jiangpu street, consider of reality, constructed disruption management model, and
designed the improved genetic algorithm. Using Matlab to realize real-time generate
disruption recovery strategy and minimize disturbance degree, improve the quality of
public service and satisfaction, accepted reduce transportation cost, reduce the pollution
of the environment. Through compared disruption management with the traditional
method, analysis the results of the experiment, the model and algorithm of this paper is
verified the effectiveness.
This article is the successful application of disruption management in the field of
municipal domestic waste, which is carried on the beneficial exploration of reality to
solve the disruption management difficult problem in the field.
Key Words: Municipal Domestic Waste, Vehicle Routing Problem,
Disruption Management, Genetic Algorithm, Multi-Objective Integer
Programming Model
第一章 ...................................................... 1
1.1 问题的提出与研究意义 ....................................... 1
1.1.1 问题的提出 ............................................ 1
1.1.2 研究意义 .............................................. 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 ............................................. 2
1.2.1 垃圾收运车辆路径问题研究现状 .......................... 2
1.2.2 干扰管理研究现状 ...................................... 3
1.3 主要内容与研究方法 .......................................... 4
1.3.1 主要研究内容 .......................................... 4
1.3.2 技术路线 .............................................. 5
1.3.3 研究方法 .............................................. 5
第二章 相关理论综述 ................................................ 7
2.1 城市生活垃圾收运理论概述 ................................... 7
2.1.1 城市生活垃圾收运系统 .................................. 7
2.1.2 垃圾收运车辆路径问题 .................................. 8
2.1.3 垃圾收运车辆路径问题模型 .............................. 9
2.1.4 垃圾收运车辆路径问题算法 ............................. 11
2.2 干扰管理理论概述 .......................................... 12
2.2.1 干扰管理形成与发展 ................................... 12
2.2.2 干扰管理模型 ......................................... 13
2.2.3 干扰管理算法 ......................................... 15
2.2.4 干扰管理与其他不确定性决策方法比较 ................... 16
§2.3 相关算法简介 ............................................. 17
2.3.1 遗传算法 ............................................. 17
2.3.2 自适应遗传算法 ....................................... 18
第三章 收运设备故障的干扰管理模型研究 ............................. 20
3.1 引言 ....................................................... 20
3.2 收运设备故障的干扰管理模型 ................................ 20
3.2.1 问题的描述及假设 ..................................... 20
3.2.2 扰动辨识与救援策略 ................................... 20
3.2.3 扰动度量 ............................................. 21
3.2.4 构造虚拟收集点 ....................................... 22
3.2.5 干扰管理模型 ......................................... 22
3.3 模型算法设计 ............................................... 24
3.4 算例分析 .................................................. 24
3.5 本章小结 .................................................. 28
第四章 垃圾量变动的干扰管理模型研究 ............................... 29
4.1 引言 ....................................................... 29
4.2 干扰管理模型的建立 ........................................ 29
4.2.1 问题描述 ............................................. 29
4.2.2 扰动辨识及救援策略 ................................... 29
4.2.3 扰动度量 ............................................. 30
4.2.4 引入虚拟收集点 ....................................... 31
4.2.5 干扰管理模型 ......................................... 31
4.3 改进遗传算法设计 ........................................... 32
4.3.1 染色体的构造 ......................................... 32
4.3.2 初始种群的确定 ....................................... 33
4.3.3 适应度函数 ........................................... 33
4.3.4 精英选择 ............................................. 33
4.3.5 交叉、变异操作 ....................................... 33
4.4 算例分析 ................................................... 34
4.4.1 具体问题描述 ......................................... 34
4.4.2 干扰仿真结果分析 ..................................... 35
4.5 本章小结 .................................................. 39
第五章 杨浦区江浦街道实例应用 ..................................... 40
5.1 江浦街道收运背景 .......................................... 40
5.1.1 辖区垃圾收运现状 ..................................... 40
5.1.2 垃圾数据收集与整合 ................................... 40
5.2 初始最优方案 .............................................. 43
5.3 干扰管理方案 ............................................... 44
5.3.1 实时处理方法 ......................................... 44
5.3.2 扰动辨识与救援策略 ................................... 44
5.3.3 干扰管理模型 ......................................... 44
5.4 改进遗传算法设计 ........................................... 46
5.4.1 染色体编码与解码 ..................................... 46
5.4.2 初始种群的确定 ....................................... 47
5.4.3 适应度函数 ........................................... 47
5.5 实例问题与实验结果及评价 ................................... 47
5.5.1 实例问题描述 ......................................... 47
5.5.2 实验结果 ............................................. 48
5.5.3 实验结果评价 ......................................... 49
5.6 本章小结 .................................................. 49
第六章 总结与展望 ................................................. 51
参考文献 .......................................................... 53
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 .................... 58
致谢 .............................................................. 59


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:63 页 大小:2.49MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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