
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 805.64KB 66 页 15积分
摘 要
SK 房地产公司税收筹划的现状进行了详细分析,阐述了 SK 房地产公司所涉及
到的全部税种,分析了 SK 房地产公司目前税收筹划工作中存在公司高级管理层缺
段、开发阶段、销售阶段三个阶段对 SK 房地产公司的税收筹划思路进行了设计,
结论;同时还针对 SK 公司税收筹划的现状提出了公司高层应提高税收筹划意识,
关键词:房地产公司 税收筹划 税收政策 财务管理
Real estate enterprise facing a more complex tax system together with the diversity
and complexity of their business operation, if enterprises want to maintain their edge in
the most competitive market and achieve sustainable development, comprehensive plan
as a whole is indispensable. Scientific and effective tax planning can reduce the
enterprise tax cost and realize the profit maximization; it can also be converted into the
competitiveness of the enterprise for providing effective support for enterprise to win
competition. So studying the real estate enterprises’ tax planning is very necessary in
this paper with having the strong reality. Research meaning is to help countries
strengthen execution of tax laws and regulations, promote enterprises to reduce costs,
establish scientific financial control system and improve the level of real estate
enterprises tax planning theory and practice ability.
Based on the study on the theory of tax planning both at home and abroad and
related planning theory, this paper has a detailed analysis on the current situation of SK
real estate enterprise’s tax planning, expounds all taxes involved in SK real estate
enterprise and analyzed people in senior management lacking the consciousness of tax
planning in SK real estate enterprise, financial staff lacking the necessary tax planning
service quality; tax planning isn’t strong and tax planning lacks of coordination and
cooperation between various departments. Tax planning is designed from development
preparing stage, development stage and sales stage. Deed tax planning is proposed in
the development preparing stage; development stage expounds tax planning of business
tax, urban land use tax and stamp duty tax; sales stage focuses on the tax planning of
business tax, land value-added tax, enterprise income tax and estate tax together with
individual income tax.
This paper draws the following conclusions through case studies that tax planning
is taxpayers complying with laws and regulations take full advantage of various policies;
have a reasonable arrangement of daily activities of enterprise and reasonable planning
of projects related to tax for realizing the tax reduction and increasing profit. The author
propose several suggestions aimed at the current situation of SK real estate enterprise as
follows: people in senior management should raise awareness of tax planning;
strengthen the planning theory research; improve the level of financial management and
improve the quality of the financial staff and so on.
Keywords: Real estate enterpriseTax planningTax policy
Financial management
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ......................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 ............................................... 1
1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1
1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 2
1.2 国内外相关研究现状 ........................................... 2
1.2.1 国外相关研究现状 ........................................ 3
1.2.2 国内相关研究现状 ........................................ 4
1.3 主要研究内容与框架 ........................................... 8
1.4 研究目的和方法 ............................................... 9
1.4.1 研究目的 ................................................ 9
1.4.2 研究方法 ............................................... 10
第二章 税收筹划的理论基础 ........................................... 11
2.1 税收筹划概念 ................................................ 11
2.2 税收筹划意义 ................................................ 12
2.2.1 帮助企业享受更多优惠 ................................... 12
2.2.2 增加国家财政收入 ....................................... 12
2.2.3 增强依法纳税意识 ....................................... 13
2.3 相关理论 .................................................... 13
2.3.1 税收价格理论 ........................................... 13
2.3.2 税收契约理论 ........................................... 14
2.3.3 税收法治理论 ........................................... 14
2.4 税收筹划原则 ................................................ 15
2.4.1 合法性原则 ............................................. 15
2.4.2 成本收益原则 ........................................... 16
2.4.3 整体性原则 ............................................. 16
2.4.4 时效性原则 ............................................. 16
2.4.5 谨慎性原则 ............................................. 16
2.5 税收筹划方法 ................................................ 17
2.5.1 计税基数筹划 ........................................... 17
2.5.2 适用税率筹划 ........................................... 17
2.5.3 优惠政策筹划 ........................................... 18
2.5.4 适用税种筹划 ........................................... 18
2.5.5 纳税主体筹划 ........................................... 18
第三章 SK 房地产公司税收筹划的现状分析 .............................. 20
3.1 山西省 SK 房地产开发有限公司简介 ............................. 20
3.2 与 SK 房地产公司有关税种 ..................................... 25
3.2.1 开发准备阶段税种 ....................................... 27
3.2.2 开发阶段税种 ........................................... 28
3.2.3 销售阶段税种 ........................................... 29
3.3 SK 房地产公司目前税收筹划工作重要性和可行性 .................. 32
3.3.1 重要性 ................................................. 32
3.3.2 可行性 ................................................. 32
3.4 SK 房地产公司税收筹划存在问题分析 ............................ 33
3.4.1 公司高级管理层缺乏税收筹划意识 ......................... 33
3.4.2 财务工作人员缺乏税收筹划业务素质 ....................... 34
3.4.3 公司开展税收筹划缺乏必要计划性 ......................... 34
3.4.4 税收筹划缺乏各部门间协调和配合 ......................... 34
3.4.5 专业税收代理机构资源相对缺乏 ........................... 35
第四章 SK 房地产公司税收筹划方案设计 ................................ 36
4.1 开发准备阶段筹划方案设计 .................................... 36
4.2 开发阶段筹划方案设计 ........................................ 38
4.2.1 营业税筹划 ............................................. 38
4.2.2 城镇土地使用税筹划 ..................................... 41
4.2.3 印花税筹划 ............................................. 41
4.3 销售阶段筹划方案设计 ........................................ 43
4.3.1 营业税筹划 ............................................. 43
4.3.2 土地增值税筹划 ......................................... 45
4.3.3 企业所得税筹划 ......................................... 48
4.3.4 房产税筹划 ............................................. 49
4.4 个人所得税筹划 .............................................. 50
4.4.1 筹划方法 ............................................... 50
4.4.2 筹划方案 ............................................... 51
第五章 SK 公司实施税收筹划的对策与建议 .............................. 53
5.1 公司高层应提高税收筹划意识 .................................. 53
5.2 财务人员应提高整体业务素质 .................................. 53
5.3 加强税收筹划计划性和规范性 .................................. 54
5.4 税收筹划需各部门间密切配合 .................................. 54
5.5 进一步提高企业财务管理水平 .................................. 55
5.6 促进税务代理机构健康发展 .................................... 55
第六章 结论与展望 ................................................... 56
6.1 结论 ........................................................ 56
6.2 展望 ........................................................ 56
参考文献 ............................................................ 58
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 61
.............................................................. 62


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:66 页 大小:805.64KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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