
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 2.33MB 86 页 15积分
动式冷梁诱导比先增加后减小,一次风量变化时,诱导比均在射流倾角为 20°时
越大,一次风量的变化对诱导比的影响越不显著,喷嘴直径为 4mm5mm6mm
7mm 8mm 时,诱导比的变化范围分别是:2.95~3.482.56~2.642.13~2.20
1.85~1.86 1.62~1.65随着喷嘴入口角的增加,主动式冷梁诱导比逐渐减小,
嘴入口角从 0°增加至 20°时,喷嘴直径为 4mm 的诱导比从 3.28 减至 2.86随着
喷嘴间距的增加,主动式冷梁诱导比先增加后减小,喷嘴间距在 36mm~72mm
喷嘴间距、喷嘴入口角和回风面板开孔率 4个因素,采用正交设计法,共建立 9
方差分析法,探索 4种因素综合变化时,对诱导比和送风速度两种评价指标的影
明:喷嘴射流倾角为 20°,喷嘴间距为 36mm喷嘴入口角为 0°,回风面板开孔
率为 42%时,主动式冷梁诱导性能最好,喷嘴直径 4mm5mm 6mm 的诱导比
分别达到:3.522.78 2.30
关键词:主动式冷梁 射流理论 诱导性能 数值模拟 正交设计
Active chilled beam is a gas-water heat terminal equipment with fresh air induction.
the outdoor air (primary air) handled by the conditioning unit is sent into the inside of
chilled beam, the inside of chilled beam forms a partial vacuum through the nozzle high
speed jet , thereby inducing the indoor air (secondary air) into the chilled beam from the
panel, after the heat exchange with the coil, the secondary air mixing with the primary
air is sent into the room from the outlet of chilled beam. due to its remarkable energy
efficiency, good airflow distribution, comfortable air quality and low noise etc, active
chilled beam system has been defined a green air-conditioning system, it can help
LEED accreditation points and apply green logo of building energy.
Induction ration is a important indicator to measure the performance of active
chilled beam, which is defined the ratio of secondary air and primary air, it determines
the indoor temperature and air volume to meet the design requirements of air
conditioning system. Under the same conditions, the induction ratio is larger, the
primary air required active chilled beam is less, the energy consumption of air
conditioning unit is less, meanwhile, the tube size of primary air decreases and the
investment of air conditioning system is less. Due to the structure form of active chilled
beam has a greater impact on the performance of induction, therefore, the rational
structure is critical to improve indoor comfort, reduce energy consumption and
investment of system. The article analyzes the influence of the structural parameters to
the performance of induction, researches the law of performance of induction, and the
active chilled beam is optimized. The main work of this paper includes the following
(1) Study on the theories of the performance of induction of active chilled beam:
According to the theoretical foundation of jet, the jet structure of active chilled beam
was researched, the attenuate law of the axis velocity and the law of the flow variation
along the way were analyzed, there were some theoretical derivation and and analysis
for the performance of induction, the performance of induction was mainly relevant
with the nozzle diameter, the spacing of nozzle, the horizontal distance of the nozzle
center form the both sides of the channel and the length of air channel. According to the
simplified theoretical formula of gas jet, the induction ratio of multiple strands parallel
limited jet was calculated for active chilled beam, the range of induction ratio was
obtained for different diameters, it provided theoretical basis to further study the
correctness and rationality of the performance of induction.
(2) Numerical study on the performance of induction for active chilled beam:The
three-dimensional model was built by FLUENT software, using the theoretical and
experimental results to verify the correctness of the model, on this basis, the law of the
performance of induction was studied, when the individual factors of jet angle, nozzle
diameter, inlet angle of nozzle, spacing of nozzle and opening rate of return air panel
changes. The results showed: With the increasing of jet angle, the induction ratio
increased firstly and decreased, when the primary air was different, the induction ratio
got the maximum value in the jet angle 20°. With the increasing of nozzle diameter, the
induction ratio gradually decreased, and the bigger of the nozzle diameter, in the range
of primary air volume, the change of induction ratio was not more significant, the
nozzle diameter was 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm and 8mm, the variation range of induction
ratio were: 2.95~3.48, 2.56~2.64, 2.13~2.20, 1.85~1.86 and 1.62~1.65. With the
increasing of inlet angle of nozzle, the induction ratio gradually decreased, when the
inlet angle of nozzle increased from to 20°the induction ratio reduced from 3.28 to
2.86 for the nozzle diameter of 4mm. With the increasing of nozzle spacing, the
induction ratio increased firstly and decreased, when the nozzle spacing changed
between in 32mm~72mm, the induction ratio was maximum, and the more of primary
air volume, the smaller of nozzle spacing, the performance of induction was better. With
the increasing of opening rate, the induction ratio gradually increased, and when
primary air was smaller, the inpact that the variation of opening rate to induction ratio
was more significant.
(3) Study on optimization of active chilled beam: According to the above research
results, the jet angle, the spacing of nozzle, the inlet angle of nozzle and the opening
rate of return air panel were selected, according to the orthogonal design, 9
mathematical models were established, the induction ratio and velocity of active chilled
beam were calculated under different conditions, through the visual analysis and
analysis of variance, the degree of influence and the best design parameters that
different factors to induction ratio and velocity were explorated. The results showed:
when the jet angle was 20°, the spacing of nozzle was 36mm, the inlet angle of nozzle
was 0°, the opening rate of return air panel was 42%, the performance of induction of
active chilled beam was best. the induction ratio of nozzle diameter 4mm, 5mm and
6mm can reach 3.52, 2.78 and 2.30.
Keywords: active chilled beam, the theory of jet, the performance of
induction, numerical simulation, orthogonal design method
第一章 绪论 .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景 ................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 辐射空调系统分类 ................................................................................................ 2
1.3 主动式冷梁简介 .................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 主动式冷梁空气处理过程 ............................................................................ 5
1.3.2 主动式冷梁的性能参数 ................................................................................ 6
1.3.3 主动式冷梁系统的特点 ................................................................................ 7
1.4 主动式冷梁研究现状 ............................................................................................ 8
1.4.1 国外研究现状 ................................................................................................ 8
1.4.2 国内研究现状 ................................................................................................ 9
1.5 课题研究意义和内容 .......................................................................................... 10
1.5.1 课题研究的意义 .......................................................................................... 10
1.5.2 课题研究的内容 ........................................................................................... 11
第二章 主动式冷梁诱导性能的理论分析 .................................................................. 13
2.1 气体射流的基本理论 .......................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 射流的分类 .................................................................................................. 13
2.3.2 射流的结构 .................................................................................................. 14
2.3.3 射流微分方程 .............................................................................................. 15
2.2 有限空间射流理论 .............................................................................................. 16
2.2.1 有限空间射流结构 ...................................................................................... 16
2.2.2 有限空间射流动力特性 .............................................................................. 17
2.3 主动式冷梁射流诱导性能理论分析 .................................................................. 18
2.3.1 主动式冷梁射流结构及外边界方程 .......................................................... 19
2.3.2 主动式冷梁轴线流速衰减规律 .................................................................. 20
2.3.3 主动式冷梁流量沿程变化规律 .................................................................. 21
2.3.4 主动式冷梁诱导性能分析 .......................................................................... 23
2.3.5 主动式冷梁诱导比计算 .............................................................................. 26
2.4 本章小结 .............................................................................................................. 28


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:86 页 大小:2.33MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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