Along with the development of social economy and science, the radiant air-
conditioning system has been gradually paid attention with being more energy-efficient
than the conventional air conditioning system. Chilled beam is a new ventilation
terminal, and the chilled beam system belongs to the radiant air-conditioning system
according to its refrigeration principle. In the 1980 of the 20th century, the chilled beam
technology sprouted in Europe and got a rapid development in Europe and the United
States because of its features of uniform air distribution, beautiful appearance, compact
structure, energy saving and comfort. Internally, the chilled beam technology developed
late and is not yet common in practical applications with more experimental researches.
The proportion of air conditioning energy consumption in the total building energy
consumption and the energy issue is recognized worldwide as one of the four questions,
which requires us to change the traditional energy structure and improve the efficiency
of air conditioning for improving energy efficiency. The induction law(induction ratio)
and fin heat transfer coefficient are the basic characteristics of chilled beam system and
the important parameters influencing the entire air-conditioning system energy
consumption. Consequently, this paper mainly studies the induction law of the chilled
beam, and explores the secondary air flow state and heat transfer coefficient of the fin
under tiny wind speed.
This article adopts the method of CFD simulation combined with experiment in the
research of air distribution rule of active chilled beam. Firstly,we set first airflow
volume,than calculate the secondary air volume for different nozzle diameter by
simulation,so it can choose the best nozzle diameter in chilled beam.On the basis of
simplifying the fin heat exchanger fin structure reasonably,we set up infinitesimal model
structure,and theoreticaly analysis the secondary air flow condition and heat transfer
coefficient between the fin by Fluent software.In adition,we detailed drawing air
temperature field, stress field distribution of the equivalent figure and fin temperature
distribution in the contour,and obtained the heat transfer coefficient of finned heat
exchanger in laminar flow condition.
In the experiment,it is necessary to test temperature and wind speed of the secondary
air,it is difficult to test the small air velocity accurately.This paper puts forward a
method to calculate secondary air volume by measuring the heat in the water side.On
contrast to analysis and numerical simulation of convective heat transfer coefficient
between the fin,it is showed that in the laminar condition, heat transfer coefficient
between the fin is much smaller,about 20W/m2.K.With the secondary air speed
improving,heat transfer coefficient grows slowly.At the same time,the article tries to
find the relationship between heat transfer coefficient with freezing water flowing rate
and water temperature.We can draw a conclusion from the experiment, freezing water
temperature is the key factor that influences the convective heat transfer.
Key Word:Active chilled beams,Induction ratio,Heat exchanger,Heat
transfer coefficient, Numerical simulation