
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 1.76MB 109 页 15积分
通过等温吸放湿曲线测试实验的结果表明,三种材料在相对湿度 97.42%时,
平均平衡含湿量达到最大,分别为 0.135kg/kg0.236kg/kg0.276kg/kg在相对湿
22.75%时,平均平衡含湿量最小,分别为 0.028kg/kg0.054kg/kg0.019kg/kg
通过水蒸气渗透系数测试实验可知,三种调湿板材水蒸气渗透系数在 RH0~80%
内的积分平均值分别为 4.1×10-5 g/(m·Pa)3.09×10-5 g/(m·Pa)2.46×10-5
g/(m·Pa);在 RH80~100%内,积分平均值分别为 7.14×10-5 g/(m·Pa)6.21×10-5
g/(m·Pa)4.28×10-5 g/(m·Pa)三种典型的调湿材料的水蒸气渗透系数之间的大
小关系为 WVP 硅藻泥>WVP 纸面石膏>WVP 玻镁板与其他常见建筑材料相比,调湿材料的
内的平均最大相对湿度为 62.6%,纸面石膏板实验箱内的平均最大相对湿度为
64.4%,玻镁板实验箱内的平均最大相对湿度为 56.7%,对比实验箱内的平均最大
相对湿度为 70.9%。调湿板材对室内相对湿度控制能力依次为:玻镁板>硅藻泥抹
最后,通过 WUFI@plus 模拟发现虽然调湿围护结构起到了一定的调湿效果,
关键词:调湿围护结构 吸放湿特性 水蒸气渗透系数
Building materials can control the relative humidity of indoor air more or less
because of their moisture absorption and desorption characteristic. Recently, more and
more building humidity controlling materials are in the market, which the humidity
control performance of are better than the traditional building materials.The humidity
controlling building envelope can not only control the indoor humidity but also ensure
the working life and the thermal performance of the building envelope. However, the
majority of researches concentrated on the development and the moisture absorption
and desorption characteristic of the building humidity controlling materials, but the
researches for the actual factor influence to the moisture absorption and desorption
characteristic of the humidity controlling materials are few. Therefore, its necessary to
study on the moisture absorption and desorption characteristic and rule of humidity
controlling building envelope.
Firstly, the majority of building envelope materials is porous medium materials.
Therefore, the fundamentals of the moisture transfer in the building humidity
controlling envelope have been analyzed and the basic equations have been listed which
are based on the properties of the porous medium materials.
Secondly, the isothermal moisture absorption and desorption characteristic and the
water vapor permeability are the important parameters of the materials. In this paper, the
experiment of the isothermal moisture absorption and desorption characteristic and the
water vapor permeability for MgO boards, diatom plastered boards and gypsum boards
were finished.
According to the results of the isothermal moisture absorption and desorption
characteristic experiment, the average EMC of the three materials are 0.135kg/kg,
0.236kg/kg, 0.276kg/kg respectively which are maximum in 97.42% RH. The average
EMC of three materials are 0.028kg/kg, 0.054kg/kg, 0.019kg/kg respectively which are
minimum in 22.75% RH. The moisture absorption and desorption characteristic of the
MgO board is more outstanding than the other two materials.
According to the results of the experiment, the integral average water vapor
permeability of the three materials are 4.1×10-5 g/(m·Pa), 3.09×10-5 g/(m·Pa),
2.46×10-5 g/(m·Pa) respectively in the range from 0 to 80%RH. The integral average
water vapor permeability of the three materials are 7.14×10-5 g/(m·Pa), 6.21×10-5
g/(m·Pa), 4.28×10-5 g/(m·Pa) respectively in the range from 80% to 100%RH. The
water vapor permeability of diatom plastered boards is higher than the water vapor
permeability of gypsum boards, and the water vapor permeability of MgO boards is the
lowest in three materials. Compared with other common building materials, the water
vapor permeability of the humidity controlling materials is in a low level.
Thirdly, in this paper, a humidity controlling board experiment box was designed.
It explored the effects of humidity controlling building envelope in the actual
application, and which obtained the rule of the varied relative humidity in the small box
under different conditions, and it also made an analysis of the various factors that
influenced the humidifying effect of experimental envelope. According to the results of
the experiment, the humidity controlling capacity of the materials to the indoor relative
humidity were MgO board, diatom plastered board and gypsum board; the humidity
control board on the indoor relative humidity is adjusted by the following factors which
are the intermittent wet source, the intermittent ventilation, the area of the water and the
area of the humidity controlling materials. It is meaningful to the humidity controlling
materials widely applied in the envelope. This research has a guiding significance in the
humidity controlling building envelope influence on the indoor relative humidity.
Finally, according to the results of the simulation which was done with the
software WUFI@plus, the humidity controlling building envelope could control the
relative humidity of the indoor air indeed, but it sill needed to be equipped some
machines in rooms to adjust the relative humidity of the indoor air in Shanghai and
Beijing. Therefore, humidity controlling building envelope contributed much to
controlling the relative humidity of the indoor air, reducing the indoor humidity load
and saving energy.
Key Word: Humidity controlling building envelope Moisture
absorption and desorption characteristicWater vapor permeability
Effect factorsIndoor humidity
第一章 ........................................................ 1
1.1 研究背景 ..................................................... 1
1.1.1 围护结构内湿积累对其性能的影响 ........................ 3
1.1.2 围护结构对室内湿环境的影响 ............................ 3
1.2 国内外研究现状 ............................................... 4
1.2.1 调湿材料的研究现状 .................................... 4
1.2.2 围护结构吸放湿特性对室内湿环境的影响研究现状 .......... 6
1.3 本课题研究路线 ............................................... 7
1.4 本文研究的内容 ............................................... 8
第二章 建筑调湿围护结构湿传递基本原理及方程 ........................ 10
2.1 调湿围护结构湿传递的基本原理 ................................ 10
2.1.1 围护结构传湿机理 ..................................... 10
2.1.2 调湿材料的调湿机理 ................................... 11
2.2 调湿围护结构与室内空气湿传递分析 ............................ 12
2.2.1 调湿围护结构室内空气湿平衡方程 ....................... 13
2.2.2 调湿围护结构内表面吸放湿量计算 ....................... 14
2.3 围护结构内热湿传递基本方程 .................................. 15
2.4 本章小结 .................................................... 16
第三章 调湿材料等温吸放湿曲线测试的实验研究 ........................ 17
3.1 实验材料及主要仪器 .......................................... 17
3.1.1 实验材料 ............................................. 17
3.1.2 实验试样的制备 ....................................... 18
3.1.3 主要实验仪器 ......................................... 20
3.2 实验标准及方法 .............................................. 21
3.2.1 实验标准 ............................................. 21
3.2.2 实验方法 ............................................. 21
3.3.3 温度及相对湿度环境的控制 ............................. 22
3.3 实验数据整理与实验结果分析 .................................. 23
3.3.1 实验数据整理分析 ..................................... 23
3.3.2 实验误差分析 ......................................... 27
3.3.3 等温吸放湿曲线的对比分析 ............................. 29
3.3.4 等温吸湿曲线的拟合分析 ............................... 32
3.4 本章小结 .................................................... 34
第四章 调湿材料水蒸气渗透系数测试的实验研究 ........................ 36
4.1 实验材料及主要仪器 .......................................... 36
4.1.1 实验材料 ............................................. 36
4.1.2 实验试样的制备 ....................................... 36
4.1.3 主要实验仪器 ......................................... 38
4.2 实验标准及方法 .............................................. 38
4.2.1 实验标准 ............................................. 38
4.2.2 实验方法 ............................................. 39
4.2.3 温度及相对湿度环境的控制 ............................. 41
4.3 实验数据整理与实验结果分析 .................................. 41
4.3.1 实验数据整理分析 ..................................... 41
4.3.2 实验误差分析 ......................................... 44
4.3.3 水蒸气渗透系数的曲线拟合及对比分析 ................... 46
4.3.4 建筑材料水蒸气渗透系数的比较 ......................... 49
4.4 本章小结 .................................................... 50
第五章 调湿板调湿性能的实验研究 .................................... 51
5.1 实验材料及仪器 .............................................. 51
5.1.1 实验材料 ............................................. 51
5.1.2 主要仪器 ............................................. 51
5.2 实验方案 .................................................... 52
5.2.1 调湿板调湿性能测试实验箱设计 ......................... 52
5.2.2 实验工况设计 ......................................... 53
5.3 实验数据整理与结果分析 ...................................... 54
5.3.1 实验箱内相对湿度的变化分析 ........................... 54
5.3.2 实验箱内湿源散湿量分析 ............................... 71
5.3.3 实验工况对比分析 ..................................... 72
5.3.4 不同因素对调湿效果的影响 ............................. 82
5.4 本章小结 .................................................... 83
第六章 调湿围护结构对室内相对湿度影响的 WUFI®plus 模拟 ............. 85
6.1 WUFI®plus 软件介绍 ......................................... 85


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:109 页 大小:1.76MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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