
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 5.66MB 142 页 15积分
1. 在随机孔模型的基础上,考虑了内、外扩散对气化反应速率的影响,建立
了经过修正的气化反应动力学模型。在经过改造的 Thermax 500 加压热重分析仪
上,选取我国典型高灰熔点煤种-淮南精煤,在气化温度为 850950℃、压力在
0.12Mpa 的工况范围内采用等温热重法考察了温度、分压、总压对高灰熔点煤
应速率表达式 ,外扩散
速率表达式为 。
2. 选取典型高灰熔点煤种淮南精煤,通过在柱塞流中实验的方法,对其进行
气化特性研究,分析了 O/C 摩尔比和气化温度对气化特性的影响,并根据实验气
一维柱塞流气化炉小室模型。结果表明:在相同反应温度下,随 O/C 摩尔比的增
加,CO2含量率增加,CO H2的含,结合碳率与
分两个因素,本实验条件下,最佳的氧碳摩尔比为 0.9~1.1;温度是影响高灰熔点
性的 CO H2
化相比,水煤浆气化的出口合成气有效组分降低 7%,但是碳转化率增加 4~5%
煤浆浓度提高 10%,碳转化率高 1~2%H2含量降低 2%CO 含量升高 2%
3.以某厂 500T/D 耗煤量的气化炉为原型,搭建新型两段供氧气流床气化炉冷
模实验台进行冷态实验,使Fluent 软件对其冷态流场进行模拟,将实验结果
4. 750T/D 的水煤浆加压,采用一维的动力学模
快,O20.2 即消完毕;气化炉内温度的最大O2完毕的同时
传统气流床气化炉达到 2200K;氧碳比对气化炉内工性的
H2OO2氧碳比为 0.8H2O80%O220%
高灰熔点 气流床气化炉 气化反应动力
态流场 一维模型
This paper takes the new dry-slagging gasification technology as the research
object ,using experimental and simulation methods to study the gasification
characteristics of coal with high ash fusion temperature and cold flow field inside the
new gasifier, and creats a one-dimensional kinetics model of it, investigates the
relationship between temperature, gas concentration, carbon conversion rate and the
residence time under different conditions.Specific summarizes as follows:
On the basis of the random pore model, considering the impact of internal and
external diffusion on the gasification reaction rate, establishes a revised gasification
kinetics model. Takes the Chinese typical coal with high ash fusion temperature -
Huainan Coal as the object to do the experiment on the condition of 850 ~ 950 ℃,0.1
~ 2Mpa by using the Thermax 500 pressurized thermal gravimetric analyzer, studies
The effects of temperature, partial pressure, total pressure on the gasification reaction
rate between the coal with high ash fusion temperature and water vapor. According to
the experimental results, calculates thes Kinetic parameters of coal with high ash
fusion temperature, at last simulates and analyzes the reaction rate of coal gasification
at high temperature and pressure by using the established dynamic model. The results
show that, the desired gas flow to reduce the impact of external diffusion is different
in different conditions, the higher pressure, the greater required gas flow; The higher
temperature, the faster reaction rate of gasification under pressure; in the case of a
certain concentration of the reaction gas, gasification reaction rate first increases and
then remains steady with the increase of the total pressure. Coal with high activity
enters external diffusion control quicker than the coal with low activity. On the basis
of the model, comprehensive study the impact of pressure, temperature, then we can
got reaction rate of Huainan coal and steam coal gasification can be expressed as
, the rate of out-diffusion of
expression is . At last, calculates the influence of temperature and
pressure on the rate of reaction.
Study on gasification characteristics of coal with high ash fusion temperature is
carried out during pulg flow. A corresponding gasification model which is based on
the kinetic model which was built in the second chapter, has been built, in accordance
with the boundary conditions of the experimental gasifier to calculate the influence of
O/C and temperature on the characteristics of gasification. The results show that, the
higher O/C, the higher content of CO2 and carbon conversion, the lower content of H2
and CO at the same temperature, considering the two factors of syngas components
and carbon conversion, identifies the best O/C is 0.9~1.1 in this experiment.
Temperature is the most important factor to impact the characteristice of coal, the
higher temperature, the higher content of CO and H2, the lower content of CO2 and
CH4, the carbon conversion will rise too. Calculates the gasification characteristics of
coal water slurry during pulg flow by using the established model, the results show
that the sysgas component decreases 7%, but carbon conversion rises 4~5% compared
with dry pulverized coal. The concertration of coal water slurry increases 10%, the
carbon conversion will increase 1~2%, the content of CO will rise 2%, and the content
of H2 will decrease 2%.
Does a cold state experiment to study cold flow field on a test-bed of two-stage
dry slagging gasifier which is built as an entrained flow gasifier of 500 tons daily coal
consumption in a factory, And campares with the calculated results which is simulated
by the sofyware fluent. The results show that, the cold flow field in the gasifier is not
a simple pulg flow, because of the high speed of the main flow, a large backflow field
formed around the main flow. Some particles just leave the gasifier with part of main
flow, and other particles back to the upper part of the furnace with the back flow.
With the decrease of the height of the second nozzles, a new backflow field forms on
top of the second flow from the second nozzles, the lower height, the bigger backflow
field. At the same time, some particles which is back to the top of the furnace will
move in the new backflow field, these mean that the residence time of the particles
will increase. It is good for the gasification.
To study the differences between the Texaco gasifier and the new two-stage
gasifier, calculates the working process of coal with high ash fusion temperature in
them with a 750t/d entrain flow gasifier in the background by using the model which
is built in chapter 3. The results show that, the calculated results are close to the actual
results. The pyrolysis and combustion of coal are very fast, O2 is consumed in 2s.
When the O2 is burn out, the highest temperature appears, in the Texcao gasifier, it
could be more than 2000k.O/C determines the working process of gasification
furnace. Influence of load is very small, can be neglected. The condition of
gasification must change if the coal changes. When the O/C is 0.8, the second nozzles
give 80% H2O and 20% O2 could ensure the highest temperature in the gasifier is
lower than the ash fusion temperature. Because the temperature is lower, the carbon
conversion is only 75%, measures should be taken to increase the gasification
Key Word: Coal with high temperature, entrained flow gasifier,
gasification reaction kinetics, cold flow field, one-dimensional model
§1.1 课题研究背景...........................................................................................................1
§1.2 国内外煤气化技术研究发展现状与分析...............................................................2
§1.3 煤气化理论与气化特性研究现状...........................................................................6
§1.3.1 煤气化理论的研究现状........................................................................................6
§1.3.2 煤气化反应动力学的研究现状..........................................................................10
§1.3.3 煤气化特性的研究现状......................................................................................11
§1.3.4 高灰熔点煤的气化用研究现状......................................................................11
§1.4 气流床气化炉数模拟研究现状.........................................................................13
§1.4.1 气流床气化炉内冷态流场研究现状..................................................................13
§1.4.2 气流床气化炉内气化过研究现状..................................................................14
§1.5 课题主要研究内意义.................................................................................18
§1.6 小结.................................................................................................................19
§2.1 .........................................................................................................................20
§2.2 加压高灰熔点煤焦气化模型的建立.....................................................................21
§2.2.1 反应控制区..........................................................................................21
§2.2.2 动力扩散的动力学方......................................................................................21
§2.2.3 内扩散的动力学方..........................................................................................22
§2.2.4 外扩散的动力学方..........................................................................................23
§2.2.5 高温下气化模型的分析讨论..............................................................................24
§2.3 高灰熔点煤焦气化反应实验工况.........................................................................26
§2.3.1 高灰熔点煤制焦实验系统..................................................................................26
§2.3.2 高灰熔点煤焦加压热重实验系统......................................................................28
§2.3.3 高灰熔点煤特性及气化实验工况..................................................................31
§2.4 结果与分析.............................................................................................................32
§2.4.1 加压条件下高灰熔点煤焦气化反应实验结果分析与模型验......................32
§2.4.2 高温条件下高灰熔点煤焦气化反应动力学模型验......................................37
§2.4.3 高温加压条件下煤焦气化动力学模型预报......................................................38
§2.5 小结.................................................................................................................41
§3.1 .........................................................................................................................43
§3.2 煤气化柱塞流反应实验系统、测试方法及实验工况.........................................43
§3.2.1 煤气化柱塞流反应实验系统及测试方法..........................................................44
§3.2.2 煤气化柱塞流反应实验工况..............................................................................45
§3.3 柱塞流反应中的气化过及模型的建立.............................................................46
§3.3.1 柱塞流反应中的气化过..................................................................................46
§3.3.2 柱塞流煤气化反应模型的建立..........................................................................48
§3.4 气化实验数据处理.................................................................................................54
§3.5 结果与分析.............................................................................................................55
§3.5.1 柱塞流煤气化实验结果分析与模型验..........................................................55
§3.5.2 柱塞流煤气化模型计算预报..............................................................................60
§3.6 小结.................................................................................................................63
第四章 500T/D 段供氧气流床气化炉冷态流动实验与数模拟...........................65
§4.1 .........................................................................................................................65
§4.2 段供氧气流床气化炉实验工况的.............................................................66
§4.2.1 段供氧气流床气化炉系统冷态模型结构......................................................66


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:142 页 大小:5.66MB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-19


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