
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 2.7MB 58 页 15积分
接蓝 2B 作为模拟染料废水对象,因为其化学结构中含有两个偶氮基团。零价铁还
(1) 利用单辊甩带法制备 Fe78Si9B13 非晶条带,并用球磨法将条带破碎,制得
铁基 Fe78Si9B13 非晶合金粉,用筛网将非晶粉分为 160μm80μm30μm 三种规格。
利用紫外可见分光光度计分析了非晶粉降解直接蓝 2B 的性能,结果表明在 60℃、
静止条件下非晶可以在 30 min 内完全降解直接蓝 2B,气相色谱/质谱联用分析显
示直接蓝 2B 降解产物中含有联苯胺。对比了不同粒度粉末降解效果,结果显示随
偶氮染料的效果,结果显示 Fe78Si9B13 非晶粉降解速率最快,非晶粉的吸附作用是
粉降解偶氮染料实验表明,非晶粉降解直接蓝 2B 的活化能
E=59.5 kJ/mol
(2) 利用亥姆霍兹线圈外加磁场,研究了不同磁场对 Fe78Si9B13 非晶粉对偶氮
染料脱色性能的影响。系统研究非晶粉投加量、初始偶氮染料浓度、溶液 pH 等各
Oe 时速率最大,洛仑兹力 FL促进了电解质的对流;随着非晶粉投加量的增加,弱
磁场对脱色速率促进作用稍稍增大后变平稳,最大脱色速率是无磁场时的 1.9 倍;
蚀程度更大且集中在粉末的边缘,说明磁场下非晶粉的感生磁场存在梯度力 FB
在梯度力作用下顺磁性的 Fe 离子被吸引到磁场强度更大的边缘区域,加速了非晶
粉的腐蚀。28-55℃下比较有、无外加磁场时非晶粉降解直接蓝 2B 的反应活化
关键词:铁基非晶合金 偶氮染料 降解 弱磁场
The azo dye wastewaters are characterized by intricacy of component, high of
concentration, deficit of biochemistry, so directly discharge of them will cause serious
pollution to the environment. Some of the degradation products, e.g., Benzidine, are
carcinogenic and mutagenic. Azo dye Direct Blue 2B (DB2B) was used as the object of
the research since it contains two azo bond in its chemical structure. Zero-valent iron is
a promising pre-treatment method of wastewaters for its effectiveness, simplicity of
operation and environmental friendliness. In recent years, Fe-based metallic glass (MG)
as a kind of amorphous zero-valent iron are becoming a research focus, for it is more
effective in azo dye degradation and more active than its crystalline counterpart. In this
research, we use Fe-based metallic glass powders as reducing agent to investigate the
application in azo dye degradation.
The body of this thesis consists of two chapters as follows:
(1) Fe78Si9B13 glassy ribbons were prepared through single roller melt-spinning
technique. Fe78Si9B13 metallic glass powders were made by ball-milling the glassy
ribbons and categorized by selecting powders through sieves into 160 μm, 80 μm and 30
μm 3 kinds of particle sizes. Though the analysis of UV-vis, we tested the capability in
degrading azo dye for MG powders. It was shown that in static conditions the azo dye
DB2B was completely decomposed within 30 min when T=60. We compare the azo
dye degradation efficiency using those 3 kinds of MG powders with different particle
sizes. The results showed that with decreasing particle sizes, the degradation rate
increased. We also compare the azo dye degradation rate using MG powders, its
crystalline counterpartCA(Crystalline Alloy) powders, and Iron powders with
average particle size of 10 μm. MG powders have the fastest efficiency, because its
adsorption capability plays an important role in the degradation mechanism. By the
analysis of SEM, XPS, BET, ICP-AES and N/O element testing, it was found that MG
powders were prone to form a porous structure in acidic azo dye solution, which
resulted in the increase of the surface area, and as a result the absorption property of the
MG for azo dye was enhance tremendously. With the degradation experiments under
25-55 , the activation energy
E for MG powders was calculated to be 59.5 kJ/mol.
(2) By using Helmholtz coils, we applied different external magnetic field in the
degradation process to investigate the impact of magnetic field (WMF) on the azo dye
degradation with Fe78Si9B13 MG powders. The factors influencing the MGs efficiency
in azo dye degradation under WMF, e.g., the MG dosage, the initial azo dye
concentration, the pH of the dye solution were looked into systematically. The results
showed that with the present of WMF, the decolorization rate of azo dye were increased:
in certain ranges, with the increase of magnetic field, the decolorization rate was
increased. At H=50 Oe the rate was the fastest, the Lorentz force FL enhances the
macroscopic convection of the electrolyte. With the increase of MG dosage, the positive
impact of the WMF on the decolorization rate was first improved and then stabilized.
The fastest decolorization rate was 1.9 times of that of the rate without WFM. With the
increase of the initial azo dye concentration, the positive impact of the WMF was
weakened gradually. In acidic conditions the WFM has a more positive impact than it
has in basic conditions. By SEM we found that the rim region of the MG powders were
corroded more severely, indicating that the WMF introduces gradient force FB that pulls
the Fe ions to the rim region, accelerating the corrosion. Through comparison between
the activation energies of MGs reactions with DB2B both under WFM and not under
WFM in temperatures between 28-55, we found that the presence of WFM decreased
the activation energy.
Key Word: Fe-based metallic glass, azo dye, degradation, weak
magnetic field
第一章 .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 偶氮染料简介 ...................................................................................................... 1
1.2 偶氮染料的危害 ................................................................................................... 1
1.3 偶氮染料废水处理技术 ...................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 物理法 ........................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2 生物法 ............................................................................................................ 2
1.3.3 化学法 ............................................................................................................ 3
1.4 铁基非晶合金简介 ............................................................................................... 5
1.5 铁基非晶合金在污水处理中的应用进展 .......................................................... 6
1.6 磁场在废水处理中的应用 .................................................................................. 8
1.7 课题的提出 ........................................................................................................... 8
1.7.1 课题意义 ........................................................................................................ 8
1.7.2 研究内容 ........................................................................................................ 9
第二章 实验部分 .......................................................................................................... 10
2.1 实验原料 ............................................................................................................. 10
2.2 实验设备 ............................................................................................................. 10
2.3 铁基非晶粉的制备 ............................................................................................ 10
2.4 性能表征及测试方法 ......................................................................................... 11
2.4.1 微结构表征 .................................................................................................. 11
2.4.2 性能表征 ...................................................................................................... 12
2.4.3 降解偶氮染料废水性能测试 ...................................................................... 12
第三章 铁基非晶粉降解偶氮染料废水性能研究 ...................................................... 14
3.1 引言 .................................................................................................................... 14
3.2 实验方法 ............................................................................................................ 14
3.3 结果与讨论 ........................................................................................................ 15
3.3.1 Fe78Si9B13 非晶粉对偶氮染料的脱色效应 ................................................. 15
3.3.2 粒度对降解偶氮染料性能的影响 .............................................................. 17
3.3.3 材料微结构对降解偶氮染料性能的影响 ................................................. 20
3.3.4 温度对非晶粉降解偶氮染料效率的影响 ................................................. 30
3.4 本章小结 ............................................................................................................. 32
第四章 弱磁场对铁基非晶合金粉降解偶氮染料废水性能影响研究 ...................... 33
4.1 引言 .................................................................................................................... 33
4.2 实验方法 ............................................................................................................ 33
4.3 实验结果 ............................................................................................................ 34
4.3.1 不同磁场下偶氮染料脱色效果 .................................................................. 34
4.3.2 不同粉末投加量下的脱色效果 .................................................................. 36
4.3.2 不同偶氮染料初始浓度下的脱色效果 ...................................................... 37
4.3.3 不同 pH 值下的脱色效果 ............................................................................ 38
4.3.4 磁场影响非晶粉偶氮染料脱色反应机制讨论 ......................................... 40
4.4 本章小结 ............................................................................................................. 43
第五章 结论与展望 ...................................................................................................... 45
5.1 课题结论 ............................................................................................................. 45
5.2 课题展望 ............................................................................................................. 46
参考文献 ........................................................................................................................ 47
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ............................................ 54
............................................................................................................................ 55
1.1 偶氮染料简介
人类有悠久的使用染料的历史,早在 4000 年前人类就已经使用草和木的液汁
宰染料工业市场。直到 1856 年,合成染料才开始商业化。染料主要的应用领域是
1856 年英国化学家 Henry Perkin 发现第一种合成染料苯胺紫以来,合成
染料工业已经走过了 160年的发展历史。目前,人工合成染料的品种已经超过 30000
种。在我国,染料的年产量达到 89.5 万吨,占世界染料总产量的 60%左右[2]。人
三类染料。其中,偶氮染料又是其中用量最大的一种,约占全部染料的 70%[3],包
偶氮染料(azo dye)是一种分子中有偶氮键(-N=N-)的染料,根据其所含偶氮键
偶氮染料废水具有成分复杂,化学性质稳定(偶氮和苯环的 π-π共轭结构)等特点,
1.2 偶氮染料的危害
据报道,在生产过程中 15% 左右的染料未经处理随工业废水被直接排放到环
境中去[4]2014 9发生在腾格里沙漠的偷排污水事件甘肃武威荣华工贸公
司私设暗管向沙漠排污,累计排放污水 271654 吨,污染面积 266 影响极其恶
而染料化工行业是 2014 年少数盈利水平较好的化工细分行业。近些年来,有关芳


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:58 页 大小:2.7MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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