
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 1.48MB 84 页 15积分
水。采用高分子聚丙烯腈制备纺丝溶液分别负载 Fe2+于纤维上制备 Fe/PAN
附还原六价铬负载铁纳米二氧化钛于纤维上制备 Fe-TiO2/PAN 合纳米纤
光催化降解染料 RG19 MG
1 Fe/PAN 复合纳纤维
1研究通过胶凝胶法Fe/PAN 溶液后成功利用静电纺丝技术制
Fe/PAN 合纳纤维材料。纤维比表面13.8m2 g-1,并具有
稳定纤维态结构均匀为纳米孔结通过 XRD
2、作的铬分利用修饰 Fe2+还原特性纤维表面
PANFe(Π) (OH)+能与 Cr()生氧化还原应,氧化Fe(),而
Cr()还原为 Cr()或形成 PANFe1-xCrx(OH)x 构形式提高
3在研究实验参附处理效影响中,1.4%Fe 含量的复合纳米纤维对
去除高;研究发处于 pH 5弱酸环境,复合纳
4研究吸附等温线动力学可以Langmuir 模型动力更适
-72.63KJ mol-1 研究实验热的化学过程吉布斯自由
2Fe-TiO2/PAN 复合纤维
1研究通过胶凝胶法Fe-TiO2/PAN 纺丝溶液后成功利用静电纺丝技
术制备Fe-TiO2/PAN 合纳米纤维Fe-TiO2很好镶嵌在复合纳米纤
2在研究光催化降解种不质染料RG19 MG 实验中,通过
实验参对光催化降解影响,发RG19 条件催化果更
,而 MG 条件理效果更1.4%Fe 含量的复合纳纤维表
3、研究pH 条件,同时合处染料,互相竞争影响
TBA 染料的更显实验自由基在光催化降解
4根据Julson-Ollis 模型光降解染料经一降解中间
分解为色物质,Julson-Ollis 模型研究实验值与论值很好
关键:静电纺丝 聚丙烯腈 二氧化钛 复合纳米纤维 染料
With the rapid development of industry, environment pollution has been
increasingly brought to the attention of the society and people. In the field of
environmental governance, heavy metals and dyes wastewater treatment has been the
focus and hotspot in the research of the scientific research worker. As is known to all,
hexavalent chromium easily absorbed and accumulated in the body, which has induced
gene mutations and cancer. At the same time, most of the dyes and dye intermediates
have carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic effects, and because the dye wastewater
treatment has complex water quality, high chromaticity, high toxicity, poor biochemical
degradability, has always been the difficulty of wastewater treatment on the ecological
environment and human health hazard is very large. Therefore, for heavy metal
hexavalent chromium and dye wastewater management is imminent.
Nanometer fiber has a unique and novel physical and chemical properties, which
widely used in environmental governance, and other fields. This study is nanofibers as
base material, combined with the electrostatic spinning technology, preparation with
large specific surface area, porosity and surface modification of nanometer fiber
composite materials, which used to deal with the adsorption of hexavalent chromium
and light catalytic degradation of dye wastewater. Research in this paper, a polymer
preparation polyacrylonitrile spinning solution load Fe2+ on the fiber, the preparation of
Fe/PAN composite nanofibers, both using nanofibers large specific surface area and
porosity and using bivalent iron reduction properties, adsorption reduction hexavalent
chromium; Loaded with iron and nanometer titanium dioxide fiber, the preparation of
Fe-TiO2/PAN composite nanofibers, modification of TiO2 effectively extend its use
efficiency of sunlight, improving the performance of photocatalytic oxidation RG19 and
MG closing to the visible light.
And test conclusions are as follows:
1Fe/PAN composite nanofibers
1Preparation of the composite nanofiber morphological structure and specific surface
area is about 13.8 m2 g-1 and the existence of the nanoporous structure. The success
of Fe2+ introduction can be obtained by FTIR characteristics analysis; The XRD
analysis, this study the preparation of composite nanofiber has the characteristics of
amorphous structure.
2As a new type of chromium ion adsorbent, making full use of the modified reduction
characteristics of Fe2+. On the surface of the fiber PANFe(Π) (OH)+ with Cr ()
reaction, ferrous ion is oxidized to Fe(), and Cr() is reduced to Cr(), or form
the structure of PAN Fe1-xCrx(OH)x. The composite fiber has excellent
performance of removing Cr6+, than the previous studies of the report has a faster
removal rate.
3In the study the influence of different experimental parameters on the adsorption
process efficiency, 1.4% Fe content in the composite nanofibers of chromium ion
removal efficiency is highest; At the same time, the chromium removal efficiency
with the loss of the pollutant concentration and composite nanofibers dosing
quantity increases; And, the study found that when in weak acidic conditions, pH of
5 composite nanofibers on chromium ion removal effect is most obvious.
4The adsorption isotherm and reaction kinetics can be found that Langmuir model and
fake secondary dynamics more comfortable. Composite nanofibers of chromium ion
adsorption for monolayer adsorption mode, maximum adsorption capacity for 108
5This study also used the transient dynamics model of chromium ion adsorption -
fitting behavior of stripping, found that the theory have good fitting, numerical and
experimental data prove the feasibility of the experiment; Thermodynamic analysis
can see, enthalpy change value is 72.63 KJ mol-1 in this study for exothermic
chemical adsorption experiments reaction process; The gibbs free energy values
with the increase of temperature from negative to positive, reaction by spontaneous
tendency in the spontaneous.
2Fe-TiO2/PAN composite nanofibers
1SEM analysis suggested that Fe-TiO2 good dispersion and embedded in composite
nanofiber surface, fiber diameter of about 100 nm. And has good thermal stability
and to visible light absorption performance.
2In the research of photocatalytic degradation of two dyes with different properties
experiments, RG19 acidic and alkaline MG. By comparing the influence of different
experimental parameters light catalytic degradation, found that under acid condition
RG19 photocatalytic effect is better, and MG in alkaline conditions better treatment
effect; 1.4% of Fe content in the composite nanofibers showed the highest dye
degradation efficiency; And photocatalytic degradation efficiency of the dye with
the loss of the pollutant concentration and composite nanofiber increased with the
increasing of the dosing quantity.
3Research under the condition of different pH value, at the same time, mixed with two
kinds of dyes, because of the influence of competing with each other, photocatalytic
effect of two kinds of dyes are significantly reduced. According to the electronic -
hole with free radical inhibitor added research, found that associates to the
inhibitory effect of two kinds of dye is more significant, namely the experiment of
free radicals in the photocatalytic degradation of dye plays more important role.
4From the model of Julson - Ollis, the light degradation of dye degradation by the step
to intermediate, and then was decomposed into colorless substance, Julson - Ollis
model data suggest that this study has a good fitting experimental value with the
theoretical and feasibility.
Key wordelectrospinning, PAN, Fe, TiO2, composite nanofibers, Cr,
.................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 纳米材 ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 纳米材简介 ........................................................................................ 1
1.1.2 纳米材料的特性 .................................................................................... 2
1.1.3 纳米纤维简介 ........................................................................................ 3
1.2 静电纺丝技术 ................................................................................................... 6
1.2.1 静电纺丝简介 ........................................................................................ 6
1.2.2 静电纺丝装置 ........................................................................................ 7
1.2.3 静电纺丝原 ........................................................................................ 8
1.2.4 静电纺丝 ........................................................................................ 9
1.3 聚丙烯腈纳米纤维 .......................................................................................... 11
1.3.1 聚丙烯腈纳米纤维简介 ....................................................................... 11
1.3.2 聚丙烯腈纳米纤维改性 .................................................................. 12
1.3.3 聚丙烯腈纳米纤维的应 .................................................................. 12
1.4 研究意义、内容和实验方案 ......................................................................... 13
1.4.1 研究据与意义 .................................................................................. 13
1.4.2 研究内容 .............................................................................................. 14
1.4.3 实验方案路线 .................................................................................. 15
实验内容 .......................................................................................................... 16
2.1 实验仪器 ............................................................................................. 16
2.1.1 实验 ...................................................................................... 16
2.1.2 实验 ...................................................................................... 17
2.2 实验 ......................................................................................................... 18
2.2.1 Fe/PAN 合纳纤维制备 ............................................................. 18
2.2.2 Fe-TiO2/PAN 合纳米纤维制备 .................................................... 19
2.3 ................................................................................................. 20
2.4 污染检测方 ............................................................................................. 21
2.4.1 水中残留重金属 Cr()理及 ...................................... 21
2.4.2 水中残余染料的理及 ...................................................... 22


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:84 页 大小:1.48MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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