垂直有序CNTs 聚苯胺纳米复合膜的抽滤-电场法制备及性能研究

3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 7.26MB 72 页 15积分
CNTs CNTs/聚合物复合膜不仅具备 CNTs 的诸多优势,聚合物填充
CNTs 中不仅能起到支撑作用,并且使得复合膜拥有聚合物所具备的特点,近
年来已被广泛研究。其中,垂直有序 CNTs/聚合物复合膜在力学、电学、选择性
稳定性高等优点。此外,PANi 纳米纤维是一种特殊的光致发热材料,在一定强
度闪光照射下,PANi 纳米纤维将光源转化成热源,即具有闪焊效应而将 PANi
米纤维熔连成致密的薄膜。本论文鉴于 CNTsPANi 纳米纤维的优势,以及
PANi 能够与 CNTs 较好地分散在溶剂中的特点,制备了 PANi 均匀填充的
CNTs/PANi 复合膜。
本论文首先采用化学氧化聚合法合成了尺寸均匀的 PANi 使
抽滤法制备了 PANi 纳米纤维膜。闪焊实验表明,闪光强度增加、膜厚减小及
焊距离减小时,PANi 纳米纤维膜表面熔融程度越大,表面变得致密光滑。TG
析也表明,闪焊能够提高 PANi 纳米纤维膜的热稳定性。采用抽滤法制备了
CNTs/PANi 复合膜,抽滤过程CNTs 能够在溶剂流形成的剪切力作用下沿着力
的方向排列,并与 PANi 纳米纤维沉积在滤纸上成膜,但抽滤法制备出的复合膜
CNTs 的有序度不高。通过闪焊效应制备获得的 CNTs/PANi 复合膜表面,随着
CNTs/PANi 复合膜的新方法,并设计制造了相关的抽滤/电场装置。在抽滤作用的
同时,将 CNTs PANi 的纳米分散液置于与抽滤剪切方向一致的交流电场中,
CNTs 除了在抽滤形成的剪切力作用下沿着溶剂流方向有序排列,还由于 CNTs
介电泳效应使其沿着电场的方向定向排列,最终在滤纸上形成 CNTs 垂直有序排
列的 CNTs/PANi 复合膜。同法合了电场法能备出有序高的 CNTs
CNTs/PANi 复合膜。本论文研究了抽滤/电场协同作用时间、电极
间距及电压大小对复合膜中 CNTs 有序度的影响。利SEM 观察不同工艺参数下
CNTs 的有序度越高。通过偏振拉曼定量检测发现,当电压为 250 V、电极间
距为 16 mm、电极作用时间为 24 h 时,表明复合膜中 SWNTs 取向程度的 IP/IV
8.586,是纯抽滤法(即电压为 0 V)制备的复合IP/IV值的 3
制备的 CNTs/PANi 复合膜进行闪焊,复合膜表面变得更加致密光滑,其水接触角
值由未闪焊的 52°上升到闪焊强度 100%66.4°。但是,当闪焊强度过大时,
CNTs 有序度有所降低。
本论文还进一步探究PANi 包覆 CNTs 分散液及 CNTs PANi 混分散液
对协同法制备的 CNTs/PANi 复合膜形貌的影响。实验发现CNTs PANi
管 聚维 垂序 抽滤法 静法 闪
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) possess excellent electrical, mechanical, thermal,
magnetic and gas adsorption property. Recently, CNTs/polymer composite membranes
which not only have the advantages of CNTs but also possess the characteristics of
polymer have been widely researched. Meanwhile the polymer filled in the CNTs can
play a supporting role. Vertical aligned CNTs/polymer composite membranes can
exhibit anisotropy in mechanical, electrical, thermal, selective permeability aspects, and
it can be directly processed into multifunctional devices such as capacitors, the heat
conducting film, selective separation membrane, thus making vertical aligned
CNTs/polymer composite membranes have good prospects for research and application.
Polyaniline (PANi) nanofibers stand out in its low-cost, facile synthesis, high
electrical conductivity, extraordinary chemical and environmental stability. Furthermore,
PANi nanofiber is a special kind of light-induced heating material. At a certain intensity
of the flash, PANi nanofibers convert light source to thermal energy to make them
molten. PANi nanofibers have great water dispersibility so that they can be filled into
CNTs solutions uniformly. According to the advantages of CNTs and PANi nanofibers,
this paper prepare CNTs/PANi composite membranes filled with PANi uniformly.
In this paper, PANi nanofibers with the uniform size were prepared by chemical
polymerization, and the PANi nanofibers membranes were produced by the filtration
method. According to the flash process, when the flash intensity increased, or the film
thickness or flash welding distance reduced, the surface of PANi nanofibers membrane
exhibited greater degree of melting with denser and smoother surface. And TG analysis
showed that flash welding can improve the thermostability of PANi nanofibers
membranes. CNTs/PANi composite membranes were prepared by filtration method.
Shear force produced by solvent stream made the CNTs align, and then they deposited
together with the PANi nanofibers on the filter; while the vertical order degree of CNTs
in the composite membrane was not very high. Denser and smoother CNTs/PANi
composite membraned could be acquired after flash welding. Water contact angle
values of the composite membranes were improved by different times of flash welding.
Based on filtration method, this paper proposes a filtration/electric synergy method
for producing vertical aligned CNTs/PANi composite membrane, and the
filtration/electric device is designed and fit. Except for filtration, the CNTs and the
PANi nanofibers dispersions were placed in an alternating electric field with the same
direction of the filtration force. CNTs can not only be aligned under the shear force
formed by filtration, but also be ordered in the direction of electric field due to the
dielectrophoresis effect of CNTs. Filtration/electric field method can get vertical aligned
CNTs/PANi composite membrane in one step by combining the advantages of electric
field method which can obtain high vertical aligned CNTs, and the filtration method
which can obtain composite membrane simply by filtrating the dispersion liquid. This
paper researches the effect of acting time, electrode spacing and voltage on the vertical
order degree of CNTs in composite membrane. The morphology of the composite
membrane’s cross section shows that longer acting time, smaller electrode spacing and
higher voltage will improve the vertical order degree of CNTs. Polarization Raman
analysis presents that the value of IP/IV(8.586) in composite membrane prepared by 250
V of voltage is 3 times higher than composite membrane prepared by 0 V (i.e. prepared
by filtration method) with 16 mm of electrode spacing and 24 h of acting time. The
surface of composite membrane becomes denser and smoother after flash in different
intensity. Compared to the raw composite membrane, the value of water contact angle
increases from 52oto 66.4oafter flash in 100% intensity. However, SEM pictures reveal
that the ordered degree decreases with an intense flash welding.
This paper also researches the difference between the composite membranes
prepared by two kinds of CNT/PANi dispersion liquid. One is CNTs coated with PANi
aqueous dispersion, the other is the mixing aqueous dispersion of CNTs and PANi
nanofibers. Experiments have showed that the vertical ordered degree of CNTs in
composite membrane prepared by the mixing aqueous dispersion is higher and the
melting degree of surface becomes more obvious after flash.
Key word: carbon nanotube, polyaniline nanofiber, vertical aligned,
filtration, electric field, flash welding
目 录
第一章 绪论...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 引言......................................................................................................................1
1.2 CNTs 巴基纸....................................................................................................... 1
1.3 CNTs/聚合物复合膜及研究进展....................................................................... 3
1.3.1 CNTs/聚合物复合膜.................................................................................3
1.3.2 垂直有序 CNTs/聚合物复合膜及制备方法............................................3
1.3.3 PANi 纳米纤维..........................................................................................8
1.4 研究意义、研究内容及创新点........................................................................10
第二章 实验部分............................................................................................................ 12
2.1 实验原料与仪器设备........................................................................................12
2.2 实验步骤............................................................................................................13
2.2.1 CNTs 酸化处理....................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 PANi 纳米纤维制备................................................................................14
2.2.3 抽滤分散液的制备................................................................................. 14
2.2.4 抽滤法制备 PANi 纳米纤维膜及 CNTs/PANi 复合膜......................... 15
2.2.5 抽滤/电场协同法制备垂直有序 CNTs/PANi 复合膜...........................16
2.3 实验分析测试....................................................................................................17
第三章 结果与讨论........................................................................................................ 19
3.1 CNTs 酸化处理................................................................................................. 19
3.2 PANi 纳米纤维..................................................................................................24
3.3 抽滤法制备的 PANi 纳米纤维膜及闪焊性能.................................................25
3.4 抽滤法制备 CNTs/PANi 复合膜...................................................................... 31
3.4.1 抽滤法制备的 MWNTs/PANi 复合膜的结构及形貌........................... 31
3.4.2 闪焊对抽滤法制备的 MWNTs/PANi 复合膜的影响........................... 32
3.4.3 抽滤法制备的 SWNTs/PANi 复合膜的形貌.........................................34
3.4.4 小结......................................................................................................... 35
3.5 抽滤/电场协同法制备垂直有序 CNTs/PANi 复合膜..................................... 35
3.5.1 抽滤/电场协同法装置............................................................................ 35
3.5.2 抽滤分散液制备方法对协同法制备的复合膜的影响......................... 38
3.5.3 抽滤/电场协同法制备的复合膜断面形貌............................................ 46
3.5.4 协同法制备复合膜的影响因素..............................................................47
3.5.5 偏振拉曼定量表征复合膜有序度......................................................... 52
3.5.6 闪焊对复合膜的影响..............................................................................54
3.5.7 小结......................................................................................................... 57
第四章 结论与展望........................................................................................................ 59
4.1 结论....................................................................................................................59
4.2 展望....................................................................................................................60
参考文献......................................................................................................................... 61
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果............................................. 67
致谢................................................................................................................................. 68


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垂直有序CNTs 聚苯胺纳米复合膜的抽滤-电场法制备及性能研究.pdf


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:72 页 大小:7.26MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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