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第一章 绪论
摘 要
本文通过将 ADAN-(氨基甲酰甲基)亚氨基二乙酸)基团接枝到纤维素上
制备了具有氨基、羧基等配位体的 DA 螯合纤维素。考察了反应温度、反应时间、
响实验来进行研究,得到其最优的合成条件:反应温度 343 KADA 与纤维素
的质量1:1,使用的碱浓度为 12%,反应时间 4.0 h。此时 ADA 螯合纤维素含
氮量为 1.29 w%,平均 1g ADA 螯合纤维中中含有 0.46 mmol ADA 基团。
用溴化钾压片法对 ADA 螯合纤维素进行红外光谱分析 ADA 螯合纤维素
,由-N-H 伸缩振动使3200-3500 cm- 1 处的收峰明显
1650-1545cm-1 1420-1300cm-1
ADA 螯合纤维素进行电镜扫描分析,实验结果表明改性前纤维素呈筒状,表面
较光滑饱满;改性后的 ADA 螯合纤维素则总体上形状更加卷曲,更多褶皱,
研究了 ADA 螯合纤维素吸附 Cu2+Cd2+Ni2+的吸附过程,溶液酸度对其吸附
容量影响较大,pH 4-5 弱酸性溶液中 ADA 螯合纤维素对重金属吸附效果较
拟合 ADA 螯合纤维素对上述污染物的吸附;其平衡吸附量和吸附速率均随着温
度的升高而增大; ADA 螯合纤维素对 Cu2+Cd2+Ni2+的平衡吸附容量在 318 K
时,分别为 44.61mg/g 28.45 mg/g 31.12 mg/g;对上述三种污染物的吸附
活化能分12.6 kJ/mol21.7 kJ/mol 15.1 kJ/molADA 螯合维素的等
温吸附模型用 Langmuir 模型能够更好的拟合。研究对上述三种污染物的吸附热
ADA 螯合纤维素的合成与吸附性能研究
力 学 结 果 表 明 : 当 温度 在 288 K-318 K 范 围 内 变 化 时 , 298K 20 kJ/mol
<H<418 kJ/mol,吸附是一个吸热过程,升高温度对吸附有利;△S>0 表明吸
的。ADA 螯合纤维素对重金属子的吸附是一个化学吸附的过程吸附反应
ADA 螯合纤维素对多种重金属有较好的吸附效。将阳离换树
和活ADA 螯合纤维素静态附实验,发ADA 螯合纤维素的吸附
容量接近市售的强酸性阳离子交换树脂,高于颗粒活性ADA 螯合
298 K ADA 螯合纤维素进行,使用的1
mol/L 的盐酸。六次循再生后,其对 Cu2+Cd2+Ni2+的吸附仍保持
附容量的 90%以上。好的再生环利用性能是 ADA 螯合纤维素的一个重要
关键字ADA 螯合纤维素 Cd 吸附机理 动力学 热力学环利用
In this paper, in order to remove heavy metal contaminants from waste water, a
chelating cellulose was synthesized through grafting ADA on the molecular structure
of cellulose, its adsorption performance and adsorption mechanism was detaily
ADA chelating cellulose has amnion and carboxyl groups on its molecular
第一章 绪论
structure. To determine the optimum conditions of synthesizing, orthogonal
experiment and single reaction conditions influence experiment were conducted, in
which heavy metal adoption performance reflected its grafting results. The best
synthesized condition was determined: synthesis temperature 343 K, the mass ration
of ADA to cellulose 1:1, added alkali concentration 12%, reaction time 4 h. In
optimized preparing conditions, the nitrogen content of the cellulose was 1.29w%,
meaning that there is 0.46 mmol ADA group in each gram of ADA chelating
To analyze the infrared spectrometer of ADA chelating cellulose, KBr squash
method was applied. After the reaction of epoxy fibers with ADA, 3200-3500 cm-1
absorption peak was significantly widened because of -N-H and . The
carboxylate absorption band also appeared at 1650-1545cm-1and 1420-1300cm-1.
Scanning electron microscopy analysis indicated that cellulose has a cylindrical
smooth surface, while modified ADA cellulose has more curls, wrinkles and
cracks .This meant that the crystal structure of modified cellulose was destroyed and
increased its surface area, which would be beneficial for the adsorption of heavy
ADA chelating cellulose was applied in the adsorption of heavy metals, in which
pH played an important role and at pH 4-5 reached its best adsorption capacity. The
adsorption kinetic properties were also studied, turning out that Lagergren second
order equation fited well with its adsorption properties. As adsorption temperature
increase, both the adsorption capacity and adsorption rate increased. At 318 K, its the
equilibrium adsorption capacity for Cu2 +, Cd2 +, Ni2 +, was 44.61mg/g, 28.45 mg/g and
31.12 mg/g. For above adsorption process, their apparent activation energy Ea values
were 12.6 kJ /mol, 21.7 kJ/mol and 15.1 kJ/mol. Langmuir model was better fited
with ADA chelating cellulose’s isotherm adsorption process. Studies of its adsorption
thermodynamic properties showed that at 288 K-318 K, 20 kJ/mol <H<418 kJ/mol,
the adsorption was a chemical adsorption process and easy to happen, S> 0, the
Gibbs free energy G <0. When the temperature increase, the absolute valued of G
decrease, and adsorption is a spontaneous process.
ADA chelating cellulose has a better adsorption of heavy metal ions. Cationic
exchange resin and activated carbon were also included for comparison with ADA
chelating cellulose for their the adsorption of heavy metals in water, results showed
tha adsorption capacity of ADA chelating cellulose were close to ationic exchange
resin . But the ADA cellulose adsorption of heavy metal was mainly a chemical
adsorption process, and its adsorption was fast and stable.
ADA 螯合纤维素的合成与吸附性能研究
At 298 K, the regeneration of ADA chelating cellulose was conducted by
hydrochloric acid, its concentration was 1.0 mol/L. Even after six regeneration
process, the adsorption capacity of ADA cellulose for Cu2 +, Cd2 +, Ni2 + still could
reach 90% of maximal adsorption capacity. ADA chelating cellulose has good
regeneration and recycling performance.
Keywords: Chelating cellulose, Cd , Adsorption mechanism,
Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Regeneration
第一章 绪论
§1.1 水污染简介................................................1
§1.1.1 资源现状............................................1
§1.1.2 水体重金属污染........................................2
§1.1.3 水体中重金属子处理方法..............................3
§1.1.4 吸附法在水体重金属污染处理中应用......................6
§1.2 纤维素简介................................................9
§1.2.1 纤维素结构............................................9
§1.2.2 纤维素改性方法.......................................10
§1.3 螯合纤维素吸附材料简介...................................11
§1.4 本文的研究意义和内容.....................................13
第二章 实验..................................................14
§2.1 实验仪器与材料...........................................14
§2.1.1 实验仪器.............................................14
§2.1.2 实验试剂及材料.......................................14
§2.1.3 试剂配制.............................................15
§2.2 实验方法.................................................16
§2.2.1 ADA 螯合纤维素的合成.................................16
§2.2.2 氧值.........................................17
§2.2.3 含氮量...........................................17
§2.2.4 金属螯合物稳定常数...............................18
§2.2.5 红外光谱分析.........................................19
§2.2.6 电镜扫描.............................................19
§2.2.7 吸附容量的.......................................19
§2.2.8 循再生方法.........................................20
第三章 实验结果与讨论............................................21
§3.1 ADA 螯合纤维素合成工艺研究...............................21
§3.1.1 正交实验.............................................21
§3.1.2 反应温度的影响.......................................22
§3.1.3 反应物比的影响.....................................23
§3.1.4 反应时间的影响.......................................23
§3.1.5 反应的碱浓度.........................................24
§3.1.6 小.................................................25
§3.2 ADA 螯合纤维素的结构表征...............................25
§3.2.1 红外光谱分析.........................................25
§3.2.2 电镜扫描.............................................27
§3.3 ADA 螯合纤维素吸附性能研究...............................27
§3.3.1 pH 的影响............................................27
§3.3.2 吸附动力学曲线.......................................28
ADA 螯合纤维素的合成与吸附性能研究
§3.3.3 吸附动力学方程.......................................30
§3.3.4 表观活化能...........................................33
§3.3.5 等温吸附模型.........................................34
§3.3.6 吸附热力学...........................................37
§3.3.7 共存离子的影响.......................................38
§3.3.8 吸附材料的对比.......................................38
§3.3.9ADA 螯合纤维素的吸附机理..............................39
§3.4 ADA 螯合纤维素的再生环利用..........................41
第四章 .....................................................43
考文献........................................................ 45


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:52 页 大小:2.79MB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-19


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