
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 3.78MB 68 页 15积分
作油的加入会致使 SEBS 热稳定性和力学性能下降,且极易燃烧,存在火灾隐患。
提高 SEBS 及其共混材料的力学性能以及阻燃性能已成为其应用领域的研究热点
纳米效应,制备了 SEBS/蒙脱土纳米复合材料。
构、形貌和热稳定性进行测量和表征。通过 XRD透射电子显微镜TEM)、 SEM
TG 和万能材料试验机等对采用熔融共混的方式制备的 SEBS/功能化蒙脱土纳米复
性,链长的影响,硅烷再接枝功能化蒙脱土在与 SEBS 熔融复合时,SEBS 分子链
表面的 Si-O 网状结构还可以延缓热量传递,保持了有机磷盐插层改性蒙脱土对
SEBS 热稳定性的提升作用;而长烷链硅烷(十六烷基三甲氧基硅烷)容易与 SEBS
分子链之间形成一定的缠结,能够有效地传递拉伸应力,从而在保证 SEBS 橡胶弹
性的同时,起到了明显的增强作用,当长烷链硅烷再接枝功能化蒙脱土添加量为 1
phr 时,复合材料的模量、强度和断裂伸长率分别增加了 24%65%4%
SEBS 极易燃烧且难以阻燃,为了提高 SEBS 膨胀阻燃体系的阻燃效率,本论
脱土会促进 SEBS 的提前分解,对 SEBS 膨胀阻燃体系的氧指数(LOI)无明显提
升,协效阻燃效果不明显。为了提高 SEBS 膨胀阻燃体系的阻燃效率,本文采用氨
基硅烷功能化改性蒙脱土(K-H-OMMT)SEBS 膨胀阻燃体系进行协效阻燃。当添
2 phr K-H-OMMT 时,SEBS 膨胀阻燃体系(膨胀阻燃剂的含量为 30 phr )
LOI 24.3%提高至 26.5%,由于 K-H-OMMT 表面的氨基基团可以参与膨胀阻燃
剂炭层的快速形成,阻燃协效作用明显。K-H-OMMT 的加入还能够减小膨胀阻燃
剂分散相尺寸,提高共混物的相容性,提高了 SEBS 膨胀阻燃体系的拉伸强度和模
文还进一步探索了双酚 A 双磷酸二苯酯(BDP)胶束插层功能化蒙脱土对
SEBS 膨胀阻燃体系的影响,少量 BDP 胶束插层功能化蒙脱土可以提高 SEBS
胀阻燃体系的 LOI,这是由于 BDP 形成的磷酸酯液膜覆盖在炭层表面,阻隔了可
燃气体和热量的传递。少量 BDP 胶束插层功能化蒙脱土的加入还使得 SEBS 膨胀
阻燃复合材料的拉伸模量、强度和断裂伸长率分别增加 9%36%28%起到了
关键字:有机磷盐 硅烷偶联剂 功能化蒙脱 SEBS 膨胀阻燃
Polystyrene-b-(ethylene-co-butylene)-b-styrene block copolymer (SEBS) is a
widely used thermoplastic elastomer (TPEs) in different fields for good elasticity and
processability. There is a strong entanglement effect between the hard segments (PS)
and soft segments (PB) of SEBS chains, processing oil is often used to lower the
hardness and improve the processability, which may decrease the thermal stability and
mechanical performance of the blends, while increase the flammability. Improving the
mechanical and flame retardant behaviour of SEBS and their blends is a major
challenge for extending their applications.
Montmorillonite (MMT) is a 2:1 type layered silicate clay, the unit structure of
which comprises an alumina layer sandwiched between two silica layers. With increased
layer spacing and better affinity with polymer, nanocomposites of polymer and OMMT
are widely investigated in recent years for their significantly enhanced physical
properties. However, due to the quaternary ammonium salt degradation at high
temperatures and the negative catalysis effect on the degradation of nanocomposites for
the Hofmann elimination effect the thermal instability of the organoclay becomes a
strong limitation in melting processing of nanocomposites.
In this thesis, phosphorus-containing intercalating agents were selceted as organic
modifier for the MMT to get bigger interlayer space with enhanced thermal stability and
flame retardancy. And then different silane coupling agents were applied surface
treatment on the foregoing montmorillonite, for strengthing the interaction between the
MMT and SEBS matrix. In addition, functional montmorillonite prepared by
organophosphate micelle intercalating were explored. Fourier transform infrared
spectrometer (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD),
thermogravimetric analyzer (TG) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used to
characterize the layer structure, morphology and thermal stability of the functional
SEBS and functional montmorillonite nanocomposites were prepared by melt
blending method. XRD, transmission electron microscope (TEM), SEM, TG and
universal material testing machine were used to characterize the structure, morphology,
thermal properties and mechanical properties of SEBS/montmorillonite composite
The layers spacing of montmorillonite increased significantly after the phosphorus
salt modification. The types of silane coupling agent had a remarkable effect on layer
spacing and surface morphologies of the intercalated montmorillonite. Depend on the
polarity and length of silane coupling agent, SEBS molecular chain could easier
intercalate into the layers of short chain silane grafted montmorillonite than long-chain
silane grafted montmorillonite. Moreovershort chain silane grafted montmorillonite
could form the Si-O mesh structure on the surface of MMT, that could delay the heat
transfer, it can keep the thermal stability promotion of organic phosphorus salt
intercalating modified montmorillonite on the SEBS. Long chain silane could entangle
with SEBS molecular chain easily, which could deliver tensile stress effectively, that
could enhance the strength and toughness of SEBS. While adding 1wt%, the modulus,
strength and elongation at break of the nanocomposite increased by 24%, 65% and 4%,
respectively, it could achieve the dual effect of strengthening and toughening.
SEBS is flammable, in order to improve the flame retardant efficiency of
intumescent flame retarded SEBS, our research group has proposed the scheme of
adding montmorillonite into intumescent flame retardant (IFR). However, the
conventional organic ammonium salt modified montmorillonite would accelerate the
decomposition of SEBS, and has no obvious effect on enhancing the limited oxygen
index (LOI) of SEBS flame retardant system. In this paper, amino silane grafted
montmorillonite(K-H-OMMT) was prpepared to increase the flame retardant
performance of SEBS/IFR system. By adding 2 phr K-H-OMMT, the LOI index of
SEBS/IFR-30 increased from 24.3% to 26.5%, and the thermal stability improved
significantly whether under the N2 or O2 atmosphere. Because the amino groups on the
surface of the K-H-OMMT could promopt the forming of the char layer, obvious flame
retardant synergy effect can be realized. In addition, the tensile strength and modulus of
SEBS/IFR system were improved by adding a little amount of K-H-OMMT, for the
reduced dispersion size of the IFR and the improved compatibility with the SEBS
This paper further explores the influence organophosphate micelle intercalated
montmorillonite (H-BDP-OMMT) on the SEBS/IFR system. The LOI index increased
by adding a small amount of H-BDP-OMMT. This may due to the phosphate ester
liquid membrane covering the surface of the forming char, which can be a block for the
transfer of the combustible gas and the heat. However, the organophosphate can inhibit
the char forming process; its flame retardant synergy effect on the IFR need to be
improved. While the tensile modulus, tensile strength and elongation at break
performance of SEBS/IFR increased by 9%, 36% and 28%, respectively,
H-BDP-OMMT played a dual effect of strengthening and toughening on the above
Key Word Organic Phosphorus Salt, Silane Coupling Agent,
Functional Montmorillonite, SEBS, Intumescent Flame Retardant
第一章 ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 蒙脱土及其有机功能化处理 ............................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 蒙脱土的结构特点 ...................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 蒙脱土的有机功能化处理 .......................................................................................... 1
1.2 聚合物/蒙脱土纳米复合材料 ........................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 聚合物/蒙脱土纳米复合材料 .................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 SEBS 热塑性弹性体 ..................................................................................................... 4
1.2.3 SEBS 纳米复合材料及研究现状 ................................................................................. 5
1.3 聚合物/蒙脱土纳米阻燃 ................................................................................................... 7
1.3.1 聚合物的燃烧与阻燃机理 .......................................................................................... 7
1.3.2 蒙脱土在聚合物阻燃体系中的作用及研究现状 ...................................................... 8
1.4 研究意义、研究内容及创新点 ........................................................................................ 9
第二章 实验部分 ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 实验材料及仪器设备 ....................................................................................................... 11
2.1.1 实验材料 ................................................................................................................... 11
2.1.2 实验仪器 ................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 实验步骤 .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 有机磷盐插层蒙脱土的制备 .................................................................................... 12
2.2.2 硅烷再接枝功能化蒙脱土的制备 ........................................................................... 12
2.2.3 胶束插层有机功能化蒙脱土的制备 ........................................................................ 12
2.2.4 SEBS/功能化蒙脱土纳米复合材料的制备 ............................................................... 12
2.2.5 SEBS/功能化蒙脱土纳米膨胀阻燃复合材料的制备 ............................................... 13
2.3 分析测试 .......................................................................................................................... 14
2.3.1 有机功能化蒙脱土的结构、形貌和性能 ............................................................... 14


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:68 页 大小:3.78MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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