
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 2.14MB 59 页 15积分
染物的去除。具体来说是在氮气氛围下通过改变碳热合成温度(350℃到 1150℃)
TEM)、 X射线衍射XRD红外光谱仪FTIR比表面积和孔径分布BET
表征。TEM 表征显示,碳热还原法处理可以使铁粒子很好的分散在活性炭上。经
350℃处理后的材料中,负载在活性炭表面上的纳米铁的粒径在 10 nm 左右。随着
处理温度的升高,铁粒子在活性炭内的分散性要更好。XRD 表征显示,碳热改性
的吸附还原性能。FTIR 表征显示,碳热法合成材料表面有水、氧化铁、对称和非
对称亚甲基以及碳碳双键和脂族的存在。BET 表征结果表明,纳米铁加载到活性
/活性炭最佳投加量2 g/L吸附衡实验的结果表明其去除重金属的过程与
Langmuir 模型相吻合。Langmuir 吸附常数 qmax 表征纳米零价铁/活性炭在吸附达
到平衡时的最大吸附能力。 qmax 的结果可以看出,碳热还原法负载纳米零价铁
能有效提高活性炭对价铬的去除能力。其又以 550条件下的改性最优。经
550℃改性后,活性炭对六价铬的吸附量可高达 89.29 mg/g是改性前的 3倍左右。
原吸附 50 分钟后,六价铬去除率可达 90%以上。动力学模拟表明反应更符合二级
究了 pH 值和阴离子浓度对反应的影响,结果表明:pH 值越低,材料的吸附还原
效果越好,反应后溶液的 pH 值会升高。氯离子和硫酸根离子对反应的影响很小,
结果表明:密闭干燥保存 90 天后材料的物化性质基本未发生改变,对六价铬的去
关键词:纳米零价铁 活性炭 还原沉淀法 碳热法
Activated carbon supported nano zero-valent iron was synthesized through a
carbothermal reduction process. Specifically, iron loaded carbon was thermally treated
under N2 atmosphere and at temperatures ranged from 350 to 1150. Iron content
analysis indicated that iron was successfully deposited on activated carbon. Major
properties of the synthesized materials were obtained through analysis of iron content,
characterization through TEM, XRD, FTIR and surface area analysis. Iron particles
produced from carbothermal reduction process were highly dispersed on activated carbon
based on TEM images. The size of these particle after 350 treatment is about 10 nm.
In addition, the dispersion of iron improved with the increase of processing temperature.
Results from XRD showed that zero-valent iron and iron oxides were present and a
progressive reduction of iron oxide-to elemental iron was observed during the
carbothermal process. However, extreme high temperature could result in the destruction
of the structure of activated carbon. The material surface have water, ferric oxide,
symmetric and asymmetric methylene, carbon carbon double bond and aliphatic based on
FTIR. Iron nanoparticles were loaded in activated carbon micropores and mesopores, thus
led to a decreased in both specific surface area and pore size distribution based on BET
and pore volume analysis.
Synthesized materials were tested for their reactivity for chromate. Batch dosage
experiment, adsorption isotherm and adsorption kinetics experiments were employ to
determine the optimal dosage, maximum adsorption capacity and reaction rates. Results
showed that the optimum dosage is around 2 g/L. Adsorption isotherm tests proved that
adsorption fit the Langmuir adsorption model well. By comparing the Langmuir
maximum adsorption capacity qmax, it appeared that carbothermal reduction process can
effectively improve the ability of activated carbon to remove hexavalent chromium. And
carbothermal treatment at 550 achieved the highest adsorption of 89.29 mg/g which is
3 times more than that of virgin activated carbon. Adsorption kinetics experiment shows
that nano zero-valent iron/activated carbon adsorb hexavalent chromium quickly. 90% of
hexavalent chromium was removed after 50 min of contact using with products
synthesized at 550. Kinetics model fitting showed that chromate adsorption abide by
the assumption of secondary reaction kinetics.
The mechanism of hexavalent chromium removal was also studied in this study. Nano
zero-valent iron/activated carbon was able to removal chromate through by adsorption by
activated carbon and reduction by nano zero-valent iron. Experiments were conducted to
further study the influence of pH and anion concentration on the removal process. The
results showed that: the lower the pH, the higher the removal and solution pH rose after
the reaction. Chlorine ion and sulfate ion had little impact on the removal while phosphate
ions presented a strong inhibitory effect. At the end of study, experiments were designed
to investigate the effect of preservation method and time on the material. It seems that
airtight dry preservation could maintain the materials physical and chemical properties
after 90 days. The removal efficiency of hexavalent chromium did not change
Key Word: nano zero-valent iron, activated carbon, liquid-reduction,
carbothermal synthesis, chromate
第一章 ........................................................ 1
1.1 研究的背景与意义 ............................................ 1
1.2 重金属废水处理技术现状 ...................................... 1
1.2.1 化学法 .................................................. 1
1.2.2 物理法 .................................................. 2
1.2.3 生物法 .................................................. 3
1.3 活性炭及活性炭改性 .......................................... 4
1.3.1 活性炭的分类 ............................................ 4
1.3.2 活性炭的孔隙性质 ........................................ 6
1.3.3 活性炭在水处理中的应用 .................................. 6
1.3.4 活性炭改性 .............................................. 8
1.4 零价铁技术发展现状 .......................................... 9
1.4.1 零价铁还原技术机理 ..................................... 10
1.4.2 纳米零价铁还原技术 ..................................... 11
1.5 纳米零价铁/活性炭的制备 ..................................... 11
1.6 本文主要研究内容 ............................................ 12
第二章 实验材料和方法 .............................................. 14
2.1 主要试剂及仪器 ............................................. 14
2.1.1 主要试剂 ................................................ 14
2.1.2 主要实验仪器 ............................................ 14
2.2 试验方法 ................................................... 15
2.2.1 纳米零价铁/活性炭的制备方法 ............................ 15
2.2.2 重金属去除实验 .......................................... 15
2.3 分析方法 ................................................... 17
2.3.1 纳米零价铁/活性炭负载量分析 ............................ 17
2.3.2 六价铬的分析方法 ........................................ 17
2.3.3 总铬的分析方法 .......................................... 18
2.3.4 材料表征结构分析 ........................................ 19
2.4 本章小结 ................................................... 20
第三章 纳米零价铁/活性炭的表征 ..................................... 21
3.1 纳米零价铁/活性炭含铁量分析 ................................. 21
3.2 纳米零价铁/活性炭 TEM 分析 ................................... 22
3.3 纳米零价铁/活性炭 XRD 分析 ................................... 23
3.4 纳米零价铁/活性炭 FTIR 分析 .................................. 24
3.5 纳米零价铁/活性炭比表面积和孔径分布 ......................... 25
3.6 本章小结 ................................................... 26
第四章 纳米零价铁/活性炭还原降解重金属铬的研究 ..................... 27
4.1 投加量对纳米零价铁/活性炭反应的影响 ........................ 27
4.2 吸附平衡实验 ............................................... 28
4.3 反应动力学研究 ............................................. 30
4.4 反应机理研究 ............................................... 31
4.5 pH 值对反应的影响 ........................................... 33
4.6 阴离子浓度对反应的影响 ...................................... 35
4.7 碳热法制备纳米零价铁/活性炭的保存 ........................... 35
4.7.1 保存时间对纳米零价铁/活性炭的影响 ...................... 36
4.7.2 保存时间对纳米零价铁/活性炭吸附还原重金属的影响 ......... 37
4.8 本章小结 ................................................... 37
第五章 碳热还原法与液相还原法制备方法的比较研究 .................... 39
5.1 合成材料的物化性质 ......................................... 39
5.2 合成材料对金属铬的去除 ...................................... 42
5.3 本章小结 .................................................... 43
第六章 结论与展望 .................................................. 44
参考文献 ........................................................... 48
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ..................... 54
............................................................. 55


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:59 页 大小:2.14MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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