
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 3.21MB 86 页 15积分
江河水的 pH 和溶解氧含量夏季低冬季高,化学需氧量、叶绿素 a、氮、磷指标含
NH3-N> 溶解氧DO>叶绿素 aChla>总磷TP其中 CODTNCODMn
6.761 之间,且夏季综合标识指数高于冬季,即夏季水体污染重、冬季污染较轻,
全年有 93.3%的虬江水质污染程度处于 V 类及劣 V 类水的范畴,其中劣 V 类水
的评价结果占 21.1%;虬江全年综合营养状态指数介于 47.5-78.6 之间,6-10 月水
体处于中度及重度富营养水平,沿河道流程 1-5 断面,水体的污染程度逐渐加重,
化较大,且污染严重,尤其在 7月底第 4断面水体的富营养指数高于其他断面,
4断面水体叶绿素 a氮、磷及 COD 指标很高,是水华易爆发断面,因此,应严格
BAF 对微污染虬江河道水的试验研究,得到以下主要结论:BAF 15 天启动运
行,挂膜成功;BAF 在气水比为 1:1 的低氧条件下处理微污染河道水的最优运行
参数为:水力负荷为 1.02 m3/m2·h有机负荷为 0.98kg/m³·d氨氮容积负荷为 0.063
kg/m³·d在该条件下运行BAF 处理虬江水的出水指标 CODTNTP 及氨氮的
出水分别为 37mg/L2.00mg/L0.33 mg/L1.28 mg/L,处理效率分别为 53.2%
2:1 的工况相比,低氧 BAF 对氨氮去除率下降 5.7%亚硝酸盐累积明显,TN
除率提高 9%短程硝化反硝化脱氮效果显著。对于虬江氮素超标严重的富营养化
水体, BAF 采用气水比 1:1 的低氧运行条件,不仅能达到很好的污染物处理效果,
TN 去除率显著提高,实现了微污染河水低氧 BAF 高效、节能经济的治理和富
在低氧条件下,BAF COD、浊度、总磷、氨氮、总氮去除的高效区域分别
0-100cm0-100cm50-100cm0-75cm0-75cm 填料高度处,各高效区域的去
除率分别占滤料层总高度全部去除率的 87.1%93.3%50%87.6%65.2%,但
考虑出水各主要污染物浓度符合虬江水体的功能要求,BAF 的填料高度不得小于
125cm。在低氧条件下,BAF NO2--N 浓度沿滤料层高度增加先升高后降低,到
75cm 填料处达到最大。稳定运行时,BAF 出水硝态氮均值浓度 0.38mg/L亚硝态
氮平均浓度为 0.09mg/L,平均亚硝酸盐的累积率为 19.0%BAF 低氧下亚硝酸盐
BAF 降解 COD 沿滤层高度的变化规律进行模型拟合,结果表明,气水比
0.5:1-1:1 之间变化时,随曝气量增大,溶解氧的增高,COD 的降解与米-门方程
比为 1:1的低氧条件下,CODBAF中的降解模型为 ln(C/C0)=-0.67827H-0.10561
当气水比为 0.5:1 0.8:1 的微氧条件时,BAF COD 沿滤层高度的降解规律仍
关键词:中小型河道 微污染水 低氧 BAF 特性参数 程脱氮
With urbanization accelerating, pollution of small and medium sized river is more
and more serious. Monitoring and management work in small and medium sized city
rivers will arouse more and more relative attention with the joint development of the
economy and the city.
Qiujiang river in Yangpu district of Shanghai was taken as study object. Based on
the monitoring data, the results could be concluded that dissolved oxygen and pH are low
in summer and high in winter, and the contents of COD, Chla, nitrogen and phosphorus
were in opposite state. The worst water quality appeared in July. The sequence of main
monitoring indicators of pollution was COD, total nitrogen (TN), permanganate index
(CODMn), ammonium nitrogen (NH3-N), dissolved oxgen (DO), Chla, total phosphorus
(TP) gradually reduced, and COD, total nitrogen, and CODMn were main factors affecting
water quality, indicating that Qiujiang river was polluted mainly by organic matter and
nitrogen. The evaluation by the improved comprehensive identification index method on
Qiujiang were located in 4.710-6.661, 93.3% of which wrere not better than the V class
water quality category and even 21.1% of which were in inferior V water quality category.
Evaluation on Qiujiang by comprehensive nutrition state index was between 47.5 and
78.6. It was in middle or hyper eutrophy state form June to October. Along the flow
direction, water quality index was increasing form 1 to 5 monitoring section and then
decreased at Section 6 because of Dong Zoumatang’s meeting. Pollution changed largely
over time in Section 3, 4 and 5, and the water quality in these sections was worse than the
others. Especially for Section 4its comprehensive nutrition state index was more than
the other parts in the end of July. Because of higher concentration of Chla, nitrogen,
phosphorus and COD in Section 3 and 4, which means strict management and appropriate
treatment must be taken immediately.
The experiment was carried on for BAF treatment of micro-polluted river water with
low aeration. The experiment was designed to systematically study nitrogen and
phosphorus removal process and its properties. The study conclusion can be showed
belowBAF with ceramic packing was in stable operation after 15 day’s biological
domestication. The optimal operating parameters of BAF with gas-water ratio 1:1 include
that hydraulic load with 1.02 m3/m2·h, ammonia load with less than 0.063 kg/m3·d
andorganic load with less than 0.98 kg/m3·d. During the optimal operation, the effluent
concentrations of contaminants were 37 mg/L(COD), 2.00 mg/L(TN), 0.33 mg(TP) and
1.28 mg/L(NH3-N) and the removal efficiency were 53.2%(COD), 59.8%(TN),
16.4%(TP) and 66.7% (NH3-N) respectively. The effluent water quality was satisfactory.
Compared with the operation condition of the gas water ratio of 2:1, ammonia nitrogen
removal rate of BAF with low dissolved oxygen fell by 5.7%, but the TN removal rate
increased by 9% with high nitrite accumulation, indicating that effect of shortcut
nitrification and denitrification was remarkable. This was particularly important for the
control of Qiujiang rivers eutrophication with excessive nitrogen. So with the condition
of gas water ratio of 1:1, BAF not only can achieve the high efficiency of pollutant
treatment with significant TN removal rate, but also got the purpose of water treatment
and eutrophication control in micro-polluted river.
In low DO conditions, the main removal region arrange from 0 to100 cm filter layer
for COD and Turbidity, 50-100 cm for TP, 0-75cm for NH3-N and TN. These main areas
of the filter layer removal rate accounted for all filter removal rate of 87.1%, 93.3%, 50%,
87.6%, 65.2% respectively. It is more than 125cm filter layer needed in BAF to meet the
effluent requirement for main pollutions. To study nitrogen removal efficiency with
shortcut nitrification and denitrification under low dissolved oxygen conditions (0.5-1.0
mg/L), the results showed that nitrite accumulation curve discribed a trend of dropping
after a rise, whose peak appeared at 75cm filter layer. During the stable period, the
average content of the nitrite and nitrate were 0.09mg/L and 0.38mg/L respectively, with
the efflent nitrite accumulation rate of 19%, and nitrite accumulation was remarkable in
BAF with low dissolved oxygen.
Lastly, BAF process was taken for model fitting. Organic matter degradation fitting
was deduced from Michaelis-Menten equation, and the results showed that with the
increase of aeration, the correlation coefficient of fitting equation was becoming better
and better. When gas-water ratio was 1:1, the fitting model can be expressed as ln(C/C0)
=-0.67827H-0.10561. And when gas-water ratio even were 0.5:1 and 0.8:1, the first order
fitting model can still describe the organic matter degradation process very well.
Key WrodsSmall and medium river, Micro-polluted water, BAF with
low dissolved oxygen, Properties, Short-cut nitrogen removel
第一章 ........................................................ 1
1.1 课题背景 ...................................................... 1
1.2 城市河流的污染监测及评价方法研究进展 .......................... 1
1.2.1 城市河流的污染现状 ........................................ 1
1.2.2 城市河流的水质污染评价方法研究进展 ........................ 4
1.2.3 城市河流的富营养化评价方法研究进展 ........................ 6
1.3 城市河流的污染及富营养化治理现状 .............................. 8
1.4 曝气生物滤池处理技术的发展及应用 ............................. 10
1.4.1 曝气生物滤池工艺简介 ..................................... 10
1.4.2 曝气生物滤池的研究与应用 ................................. 10
1.5 课题研究内容和意义 ........................................... 11
1.5.1 课题研究的主要内容 ....................................... 11
1.5.2 课题研究的目的和意义 ..................................... 12
第二章 城市河道—虬江水质污染监测与分析 ............................ 14
2.1 水质监测与分析方法 ........................................... 14
2.1.1 监测断面的选择与监测频率 ................................. 14
2.1.2 水质监测指标与方法 ....................................... 14
2.2 虬江水质监测结果与分析 ....................................... 15
2.2.1 水温和溶解氧的时空变化规律及特征分析 ...................... 15
2.2.2 氯化钠、电导率和浊度的时空变化规律及特征分析 .............. 17
2.2.3 pH 的时空变化规律及特征分析 ............................... 19
2.2.4 氨氮和总氮的时空变化规律及特征分析 ........................ 20
2.2.5 TP 的时空变化规律及特征分析 ............................... 21
2.2.6 叶绿素 a的时空变化规律及特征分析 .......................... 22
2.2.7 CODMn COD 的时空变化规律及特征分析 ...................... 23
2.2.8 水质因子的相关性分析 ..................................... 25
2.3 本章小结 ..................................................... 26
第三章 城市河道-虬江的水质污染及富营养化评价 ....................... 28
3.1 虬江水质污染评价 ............................................. 28
3.1.1 层次分析法的权值确定 ..................................... 28
3.1.2 熵值法的权值确定 ......................................... 29
3.1.3 综合水质标识指数法 ....................................... 29
3.1.4 改进综合水质标识指数法 ................................... 30
3.1.5 改进综合水质标识指数法对虬江水质的评价结果及分析 ......... 31
3.1.6 虬江水质的污染程度及污染特征分析 ......................... 35
3.1.7 水体水质污染不同评价方法的结果对比分析 ................... 36
3.2 虬江水体富营养化评价 ......................................... 38
3.2.1 评价方法简介 ............................................. 38
3.2.2 水体富营养化评价结果及分析 ............................... 39
3.3 本章小结 ..................................................... 41
第四章 低氧 BAF 处理微污染河道水的试验研究 .......................... 42
4.1 试验装置系统及工艺流程 ....................................... 42
4.2 试验材料与测试方法 ........................................... 43
4.2.1 BAF 反应柱填料 ............................................ 43
4.2.2 试验检测指标和方法 ....................................... 43
4.3 试验方案 ..................................................... 44
4.4 低氧 BAF 的挂膜与启动 ......................................... 44
4.5 影响低氧 BAF 处理效能的主要因素分析 ........................... 45
4.5.1 水力负荷对曝气生物滤池处理效能的影响 ..................... 46
4.5.2 进水有机负荷对曝气生物滤池处理效能的影响 ................. 48
4.5.3 氨氮负荷对曝气生物滤池处理效能的影响 ..................... 50
4.6 低氧 BAF 中污染物沿程去除规律分析 ............................. 52
4.6.1 COD、浊度和总磷沿滤层高度变化规律分析 .................... 53
4.6.2 含氮化合物沿滤层高度变化规律分析 ......................... 54
4.7 不同气水比条件下 BAF 脱氮效能的对比分析 ........................ 56
4.8 有机物降解模型建立 ........................................... 58
4.9 反冲洗 ....................................................... 59
4.9.1 反冲洗方式的确定 ......................................... 59
4.9.2 反冲洗周期和强度的确定 ................................... 60
4.10 曝气生物滤池生物相观察 ...................................... 60
4.11 本章小结 .................................................... 62
第五章 结论与建议 .................................................. 64


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:86 页 大小:3.21MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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