
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 2.37MB 39 页 15积分
够有效的降低能耗起到节能环保的作用。因为 VO2薄膜材料独特的光电特性即:
可逆性,相变速度快达皮秒量级,因此备受人们的关注。这使得 VO2薄膜在智能
本文介绍了制备复合薄膜的几种方法,选取掺氟的 SnO2(FTO)导电玻璃作为衬
底,采用磁控溅射法制备了 V/FTO 复合薄膜样品,将制备的多个 V/FTO 复合薄膜
VO2/FTO 复合薄膜样品。经过多次试验发现,VO2/FTO 复合薄膜的厚度与其透过
从降低 VO2薄膜相变温度,缩窄热滞回线温宽和减小其相变前后红外透过率
差值等角度出发开展了 VO2/FTO 复合薄膜制备工艺的探索。将制备的 V/FTO
合薄膜样品不同混合比例的 N2O2以及相同比例的 N2O2气氛不同退火
条件下形成的 VO2/FTO 复合薄膜的光电特性进行分析,摸索出 400条件下最
完善了制备 VO2/FTO 复合薄膜的工艺流程,从而获得了最佳工艺参数。
四探针测试仪和 4200-SCS 型半导体特性分析系统配合 M150 针台分别对
VO2/FTO 复合薄膜样品的物理结构、光学特性和电学特性进行测试与分析。结果
致性,衬底上的 FTO 并没有改变 VO2择优取向生长,却使得 VO2的表面形貌特征
有很大改变。与 VO2薄膜的典型相变温度 68比较而言VO2/FTO 复合薄膜的相
变温度降低20,热滞回线收窄到 5,相变前后的红外透过率分别为 45%
22%,相变前电阻是相变后电阻率的 1.43×103倍,VO2/FTO 复合薄膜优良的光
词:VO2 FTO 混合 变色 智能窗
The smart windows can change its infrared transmittance according to the outside
temperature, so it can effectively reduce energy consumption which plays an important
role in energy conservation and environmental protection. VO2 attract a lot of people
because of its unique properties that infrared transmittance, reflectance and resistivity
will mutation before and after the phase transition, and the phase transition is reversible
as also as the time of phase transition only needs few picoseconds. This means the VO2
films has a very broad application prospects in the field of smart windows.
This paper introduce some methods to prepare composite film, we choose fluorine
doped SnO2 (FTO) conducting glass as substrate, VO/FTO composite films were
prepared by magnetron sputtering. And then we put the prepared VO/FTO composite
films in different mixing ratios of N2 and O2 annealing conditions to get the VO2/FTO
composite films. We can get the conclusions that, transmission of VO2/FTO composite
films is inversely proportional to its thickness, which means that the thicker of
VO2/FTO composite films the lower transmittance permeability, wider of thermal
hysteresis loop, lower phase transition temperature. The main reason is due to the
crystalline of the composite films.
In order to lower the phase transition temperature, narrow the wide temperature of
the thermal hysteresis loop and reduce infrared transmittance difference before and after
the phase transition of VO2/FTO composite films, we do this study for VO2/FTO
composite film preparation process. The prepared V/FTO composite film samples were
put in different mixing ratios of N2 and O2, or the same ratios of N2 and O2 atmosphere
with different annealing time and then we tested the photoelectric properties of
VO2/FTO composite films. We find out the best annealing mixing ratios of N2 and O2
and annealing time (in 400 annealing temperature) to form high quality VO2/FTO
composite films. We also studied and analyzed some process parameters which have
impact on the VO2/FTO composite films preparation process. In the same time we
improved the preparation process for preparing VO2/FTO composite films.
Tested the physical structure, the optical properties and electrical properties of
VO2/FTO composite films by atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD),
spectrophotometer (250~2500nm), four-probe tester and Model 4200-SCS
Semiconductor Characterization System with M150 probe station. The pure vanadium
metal thin films were fabricated on the SnO2 doped F conductive glass(FTO) substrates
by DC magnetron sputtering at room temperature, then the VO2 /FTO composite films
were prepared by annealing process in a mixture of N2 and O2. The structure and
optical-electrical properties of the composite films were analyzed by instruments. AFM
results show that the crystallinity of the thin film is improved significantly with smooth
and uniform surface morphology. Results show that VO2 /FTO composite films do not
change the preferred orientation growth of VO2 thin films, but significantly change its
surface morphology characteristics. Compared with the VO2 thin films that the phase
transition temperature of the VO2 /FTO composite films is decreased about 20, the
width of thermal hysteresis is narrowed by about 5, and the infrared transmittances
before and after phase transition are 45% and 22% respectively. The resistivity variation
is up to three orders of magnitude before and after transition. This brings about many
new opportunities for optoelectronic devices and industrial production.
Key words: VO2, FTO, N2-O2 mixture, Thermochromic, Smart
第一章 绪论 .....................................................................................................................1
1.1 引言 ........................................................................................................................1
1.2 国内外研究现状 ....................................................................................................3
1.3 VO2薄膜的应用......................................................................................................4
1.4 课题研究的目的和意义 ........................................................................................5
1.5 课题研究的创新点 ................................................................................................6
1.6 本章小结 ................................................................................................................6
第二章 VO2/FTO 复合薄膜的设计与制备.....................................................................7
2.1 薄膜的制备方法概述 .............................................................................................7
2.1.1 真空溅射法 .....................................................................................................7
2.1.2 真空蒸发镀膜 .................................................................................................9
2.1.3 真空离子镀膜 ...............................................................................................10
2.1.4 化学气相沉积 ...............................................................................................10
2.1.5 液相沉积 .......................................................................................................11
2.2 直流磁控溅射法制备复合薄膜 ..........................................................................12
2.3 本章小结 ..............................................................................................................15
第三章 制备工艺对 VO2/FTO 复合薄膜特性的影响..................................................16
3.1 影响 V/FTO 复合薄膜的工艺要素 .....................................................................16
3.1.1 真空度对 V/FTO 复合薄膜的影响 ..............................................................16
3.1.2 工作压力对 V/FTO 复合薄膜的影响 ..........................................................17
3.1.3 溅射功率对 V/FTO 复合薄膜的影响 ..........................................................18
3.1.4 溅射时间对 V/FTO 复合薄膜的影响 ..........................................................19
3.2 退火时不同氧气氮气比例和退火时间对 VO2/FTO 复合薄膜的影响.............20
3.3 本章小结 ..............................................................................................................21


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:39 页 大小:2.37MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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