
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 659.43KB 76 页 15积分
This thesis is the most challenging work of my postgraduate study. Without the
help of all the following people, this thesis would not have been possible. I hereby
convey to them my thanks from the bottom of my heart.
First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Associate
Professor Jiang Cheng, my supervisor, for his intellectual guidance and for his warm
and constant encouragement. He not only inspired me in the selection of the topic, but
also gave me insightful suggestions during the process of writing the thesis. With
patience and prudence, he pointed out defects in my theorizing. On top of these, he gave
me timely spiritual support whenever I felt frustrated and hesitant, keeping me moving
on. My heartfelt thanks also go to Associate Professor Wei Yongjia, who generously
spared the time from her busy schedule to offered me valuable advice on my language
My sincere thanks also go to Prof. Shi Huifeng and Prof. Zhang Shunsheng,
extremely kind teachers in Suzhou University of Science and Technology. Prof. Shi
extended great help in conducting the Questionnaire survey, and Prof. Zhang inspired in
me interest in the research by his wonderful lectures on the appreciation of the Suzhou
Classical Gardens; I am also grateful to the adorable students, majoring in Tourism
Management of this college, serving as subjects of the Questionnaire.
I am also indebted to all the teachers in the College of Foreign Languages of USST,
who offer interesting and informative programs which have benefited me a lot during
the two years, among whom are Prof. Le, Prof. Dai Weihua, Prof. Deng Zhiyong,
Prof. Wang Bin. What I gained from their profound knowledge, remarkable expertise
and intellectual ingenuity will be of everlasting significance to my future life and career.
I am also very grateful to my classmates and friends, who have given me a lot of
help and courage during my stay at the University and throughout the process of writing
this thesis.
Finally, big thanks go to my parents, who have shared with me my worries,
frustrations, and joys. They are a constant source of help, encouragement and support.
With the deepening of China’s opening-up, more and more foreign travelers come
to China. Places of interest are where foreigners get to know China and the Chinese
culture. Thus the translation of the names of the scenic spots becomes pivotal. However,
the names of the scenic spots contain various cultural elements, such as historical
characters, stories and poems. This makes the translation of the names of the scenic
spots extremely difficult. So the translation of the names requires the translator to
analyze the general and specific character of them, which could help to translate the
scenic spots better.
As a symbol of the Chinese culture, Suzhou classical gardens play an important
role in cross-cultural communication. An important feature of the Suzhou Classical
Gardens is that, as cultural heritage, they carry information on Chinese traditional
ideology and culture. Actually, they are the artistic gems of the country. Better
translation of the scenic spots could help to build bridges between China and other
nations, and make travelers sense the romance of the ancient poetry and prose that
influenced the gardens’ creators, which could even promote the image of our Chinese
nation in the world.
Because of the historical and cultural characteristics of the Suzhou Classical
Gardens, there is no uniform standard for translating the names of the scenic spots.
Although there are well translated versions of the scenic spots, problems still remain.
Some translations are done word-for-word. This could neither show the cultural
implication of the scenic spots, nor help the foreign travelers understand correctly.
Therefore, to improve the translation of the scenic spots is very urgent.
The author discusses the translation of the names of scenic spots of the Suzhou
Classical Gardens from the perspective of cultural context. The thesis mainly analyzes
the problems in the current translation of the scenic spots, applying Peter Newmark’s
translation theory and the characteristics of travel English to probe into the translation
of the scenic spots of the major Suzhou Classical Gardens. The author analyzes and
classifies the names of the typical and famous scenic spots of the Suzhou Classical
Gardens, namely, the Surging Waves Pavilion ( 沧浪亭), the Humble Administrators
Garden (拙政园), the Lion Forest Garden (狮子林), the Lingering Garden (), the
Master-of-Nets Garden (网师园).
In the core part of the thesis, the author analyzes the problems of the current
translation of the names of the scenic spots, and, on the basis of the translation theory,
brings forward some suggestions for the translation of the names of scenic spots, some
guidelines and specific methods aimed at the translation. By those principles, the author
also has a try on translating some names of the scenic spots. In addition, a questionnaire
is conducted to test the effectiveness of the translation guidelines, and the thesis
analyzes the results of the test in the last part of the chapter. The questionnaire was
conducted among the junior students majoring in Tourism Management of Suzhou
University of Science and Technology. The results of the questionnaire show that the
author’s considerations of the translation methods are all approved by most of the
respondents, and without some influencing factors, the translation methods proposed in
this thesis are quite effective and feasible in the scenic spots translation practice.
In the conclusion part, the author sums up the main idea of this thesis and points
out the limitation, and the further research of the study.
Key Words: Scenic spots in Suzhou, cultural context, characteristics of
the scenic spots, translation methods
摘 要
表,素有 “江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”之誉。苏州古典园林的重要特色
关键词:苏州旅游景点 文化语境 景点特征 翻译方法
Chapter Introduction .................................................................................................1
1.1 Significance of the Research ................................................................................1
1.2 Purpose of the Research .......................................................................................2
1.3 Configuration of the Thesis ................................................................................. 3
Chapter Literature Review ....................................................................................... 4
2.1 The Definition of Translation .............................................................................. 4
2.2 A Brief Review of Translation Studies and Practice ........................................... 5
2.2.1 The Translation Strategies ............................................................................. 7
2.2.2 The Translation of Some Culture Specific Text............................................ 8
2.2.3 The Translation of Allusions ....................................................................... 10
2.3 Peter Newmark’s Translation Theory ................................................................ 11
2.3.1 Newmark’s Translation Methods .................................................................12
2.3.2 Newmark’s Translation Procedures .............................................................13
2.3.3 Newmark’s View of Translating Proper Names .......................................... 14
2.4 Translation and Culture ......................................................................................15
2.5 Translation in the Context ..................................................................................17
Chapter Analysis of the Names of the Scenic Spots of the Major Suzhou
Classical Gardens ..........................................................................................................19
3.1 A Brief Introduction of the Suzhou Classical Gardens ......................................19
3.2 The Characteristics of the Suzhou Classical Gardens ........................................20
3.3 The Classification of the Naming Principles of the Scenic Spots ..................... 22
3.3.1 Naming after the Shape and the Content of the Architecture ......................22
3.3.2 Naming after the Plants, the Animals and the Environment ....................... 23
3.3.3 Naming after People’s Daily Life and Activities .........................................24
3.3.4 Naming after Poems, Literary Quotations and Stories ................................25
Chapter Translation on the Scenic Spots of the Suzhou Classical Gardens ....... 27
4.1 The Problems of the Current Translation of the Scenic Spots ...........................27
4.1.1 One Chinese Name vs. Several Different English Versions........................27
4.1.2 Mistranslation Caused by Misunderstanding .............................................. 30
4.1.3 Other Mistakes in the English Versions .......................................................31
4.2 The Current Translation Methods of the Scenic Spots ...................................... 32
4.2.1 Transliteration ..............................................................................................32
4.2.2 Literal Translation ....................................................................................... 33
4.2.3 Free Translation ........................................................................................... 34
4.3 Translation Factors of the Scenic Spots .............................................................35
4.3.1 The Differences between Chinese and English Language .......................... 35
4.3.2 The Features of the Words Used to Translate ..............................................36
4.3.3 The Cultural Context of the Scenic Spots ................................................... 36
4.3.4 Communicative vs. Semantic Translation ...................................................37
4.4 Some Guiding Principles for Translating the Scenic Spots ............................... 38
4.4.1 Original-name-oriented Translation ............................................................ 38
4.4.2 Content-oriented Translation .......................................................................39
4.4.3 Background-oriented Translation ................................................................41
4.4.4 Culture-oriented Translation ....................................................................... 43
4.5 A Questionnaire to Test the Effectiveness of the Translation Guiding
Principles ..................................................................................................................46
4.5.1 Research Procedures ....................................................................................47
4.5.2 Results ......................................................................................................... 47
4.5.3 Discussion and Implications ........................................................................49
Chapter Conclusion ............................................................................................... 53
Appendix ..................................................................................................................55
Appendix ..................................................................................................................57
Appendix ...................................................................................................................63
References ...................................................................................................................... 67
在读期间公开发表的论文 ............................................................................................ 71


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:76 页 大小:659.43KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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