
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 651.06KB 56 页 15积分
The thesis is intended to investigate image transformation in literary translation
and its strategies.
Imagery is a subject in both psychology and literary study. Simply speaking, image
is a picture formed in the mind. According to human senses, imagery can be classified
into visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile and gustatory images. According to the writers
intent and way of using images, imagery could be categorized into descriptive,
rhetorical, symbolic, synaesthetic and abstract images. Images abound in literary works,
esp. in poetry and novels. Then, how to actualize image transformation in literary
The thesis is based on Nida’s translation theory, Burke’s rhetorical theory and
schema theory. Nida deems that translating is communicating and its aim is to achieve
dynamic equivalence. The reader of a translated text should be able to understand and
appreciate it in basically the same manner as the original reader does. The
enlightenment that Burke’s rhetorical theory sheds on translation is: In translating, the
translator should achieve identification with both the writer of the source text and the
reader of the target text. Identification with the writer lies in content and form;
Identification with the reader consists in values, attitudes and knowledge structures.
Imagery can also be called schema. Schemata are sorted into formal schemata, content
schemata and cultural schemata. In accordance with schema theory, the translator first
comprehends the source text with his own schema, then transform it into the target text,
activating schema in readers mind and representing it.
Rooted in the above theories, the thesis expounds image transformation in different
literary texts and compares its features in poetry, novel and prose. Besides, it discusses
transformation of cultural images.
Then, a questionnaire which involves 121 persons is designed to evaluate whether
the translated versions actualize image transformation successfully and whether the
reader of the translation understands it basically the same way as the original reader.
Grounded in this, the thesis attempts to offer strategies for image transformation in
literary translation, i.e. analyzing formal schemata, cultivating and enriching content
schemata and establishing cultural schemata.
Key Words: Literary Translation, Imagery, Image Transformation,
Communicating, Identification, Schema
摘 要
本相同的反应,本文设计了共有 121 人参与的问卷调查。问卷针对中外读者,调
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................i
Abstract .....................................................................................................................................ii
Chapter One Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework and Basis ..............................................................3
§2.1 Nida’s Translation Theory .............................................................................................. 3
§2.1.1 Translating as Communicating and Receptor .......................................................... 3
§2.1.2 Dynamic Equivalence .............................................................................................. 4
§2.2 Burke’s Rhetorical Theory ..............................................................................................4
§2.2.1 Identification ............................................................................................................ 4
§2.2.2 Identification of the Translator with the Writer of the Source Text ......................... 6
§2.2.3 Identification of the Translator with the Reader of the Target Text ......................... 7
§2.3 Schema Theory ............................................................................................................... 7
§2.3.1 Definition of Schema ............................................................................................... 7
§2.3.2 Schema Theory .........................................................................................................8
§2.3.3 Types of Schemata ................................................................................................... 8
§2.3.4 Schema Activation and Instantiation ......................................................................10
§2.4 Summary ....................................................................................................................... 11
Chapter Three Image Transformation in Literary Translation ....................................13
§3.1 Literature and Literary Translation ............................................................................... 13
§3.2 Imagery in Literary Translation .................................................................................... 14
§3.2.1 Definition of Imagery .............................................................................................14
§3.2.2 Categories of Imagery ............................................................................................17
§3.3 Image Transformation in Literary Translation ..............................................................21
§3.3.1 Image Transformation in Poetry ............................................................................ 22
§3.3.2 Image Transformation in Novel ............................................................................. 29
§3.3.3 Image Transformation in Prose .............................................................................. 31
§3.4 Transformation of Cultural Images ...............................................................................33
§3.4.1 Cultural Images ...................................................................................................... 33
§3.4.2 Image Differences in Chinese and Western Cultures .............................................34
§3.5 Summary .......................................................................................................................36
Chapter Four Image Transformation Strategies ............................................................ 37
§4.1 Questionnaire ................................................................................................................37
§4.1.1 Procedures ..............................................................................................................37
§4.1.2 Results ....................................................................................................................38
§4.1.3 Discussion and Implication ....................................................................................38
§4.2 Image Transformation Strategies ..................................................................................40
§4.2.1 Form and Content ...................................................................................................40
§4.2.2 Analyzing Formal Schemata .................................................................................. 41
§4.2.3 Cultivating and Enriching Content Schemata ........................................................41
§4.2.4 Establishing Cultural Schemata ............................................................................. 42
Chapter Five Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 43
Appendix ................................................................................................................................. 45
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................50
在读期间公开发表的论文 ...................................................................................................... 53
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
Before my graduate study, I was already interested in translation. Yet it was made
clear later that translation I conceived that time was just translation skills. Translation is
a discipline closely related to linguistics, psychology, culture and society etc.
Contemporary translation studies endeavor to construct it as a science and explore its
rules. It is from this starting point that I begin to have a new vision of translation.
In recent years, researches on translation boom with the development of literary
theories. Many studies have been carried out in the field of literary translation, yet still
certain aspect is not covered. In translating, some translated versions fail to convey
images in the original text, lessening its appeal and resulting in ineffective translation.
Adequate transformation of images is not paid much attention to in the process of
translating which it deserves.
Though imagery has a long history in both West and China, especially in Chinese
literature, and imagery abounds in literary texts, mainly poetry, novel and idioms, etc.,
there is not a systematic research on image transformation in literary translation up to
now. The thesis is an attempt on this issue. On observing the reason and the way of
image transformation, the thesis finally arrives at some transformation strategies.
In the thesis, Nida’s translation theory, Burke’s rhetorical theory and schema theory
are referred to. Nida’s translation theory has exerted enormous influence on translation
studies in Western countries. He takes translating as communicating and deems that the
translator should accomplish dynamic equivalence while translating. Burke’s rhetorical
theory also sheds light on translation. In accordance with “identification” theory, the
translator should achieve identification with both the writer of the source text and the
reader of the target text to actualize their communication. Schema theory has been
widely applied to the teaching of reading, yet not much to translation. The thesis
borrows it as one of its theoretical bases.
Imagery was first put forth in the translation field by Czech translation theorist
Bohuslav Ilek in his “On Translating Images”1. According to him, imagery is a complex
fusing of specific literary and aesthetic traditions. Also some Chinese translation
researchers have attempted to propose views on it. For instance, Jiang Qiuxia proposes
1B. Ilek. “On Translating Images” in The Nature of Translation (ed.) James S. Holmes. Bratislava: Publishing House
of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1970.
Image Transformation in Literary Translation and Its Strategies
“Image Gestalt” transformation model in literary translation in her book Aesthetic
Progression in Literary Translation: Image-G Actualization (2002), which underlines
the actualization of aesthetic images through transformation. In the book, she elaborates
image-gestalt in literary translation and discusses the role of the translator. Besides,
many other studies extend over translation of images in poetry.
The thesis exemplifies image transformation in literary translation and explains the
reason and the way of it, elaborating in terms of translator-reader interaction.
The structure of the thesis is as follows: Chapter One is a brief introduction and
touches upon theories in general. Chapter Two is the theoretical framework and basis. It
analyzes Nida’s translation theory, Burke’s rhetorical theory and schema theory. Chapter
Three is of image transformation in literary translation. It discusses transformation of
images in different types of literary texts and, in particular, transformation of cultural
images. Chapter Four presents a questionnaire and draws image transformation
strategies afterwards. Chapter Five comes to a conclusion of the thesis.


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:56 页 大小:651.06KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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