
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 4.84MB 70 页 15积分
摘 要
对自动检测装置的机械构造设计要求,进行了归纳总结。3D 设计技术可以
工控机作为主控硬件设备,选用基于 Windows 操作系统的 VC++平台的 MFC 文档
应用程序实现控制过程。根据本范例性系统的实际构成,具体介绍了基于 PCI
线的 TCG421 光栅位移测试数据采集卡/基于 PCI 总线的 PCI8403 运动控制卡,分
就选用基于 MC 通讯协议的工控机与 MITSUBISHI-Q 系列的 PLC 串口通讯的
关键词:汽车总成部件 汽车零部件检测 自动检测技术 光栅位移数据
采集 MC 通信协议 抗干扰设计
According to the necessary of automotive manufacturing industry to be distributed in
parallel with the vehicle manufacturing assembly development, in case to improve both
of the productivity and ensure product quality. The subject which is detecting all of the
factors automatically refers to automobile assembly components has become more and
more active and important. This article is mainly research and design the automatic
detecting devices based on the backward elimination exhaust pipe of automobile which
refers to all the factors of automotive assembly, and summarized some common
technology such as the mechanical, electronic and automatic detecting.
We summarized the design requirements of automatic detecting device’s mechanical
structure. The 3D design technology can facilitate the demonstration of mechanical part,
thereby we can simulate the automatic detecting system which needs to be demonstrated.
In this way, this article mainly analyzed the characteristics of the specialized agencies
and mechanical structure.
This article is focusing on research the cooperative control section between the
electronic and pneumatic control of automatic detection device. IPC is the major
hardware development devices, it achieved the control selection procedure which based
on the Windows operating system platform of VC++ MFC application documents.
According to the actual composition of the exemplary system, specifically introduced
the TCG421 optical grating displacement test data acquisition card / PCI8403 PCI
bus-based motion control card, and elaborated constitutes adaptability that these
interface components for automotive assembly parts in all of factor automatic detection
Meanwhile, the different actions delayed movement of the cylinder and maintain
rigidity, development the software programming with adaptability. Not only improved
the accuracy and speed of detection, and also overcame the limitations of traditional
detection tools.
Then, this article researched and proposed the serial communication technology
between IPC and MITSUBISHI-Q series PLC based on MC protocol, and fulfilled the
function of the real-time communications which between intelligent automatic detection
device and the industrial robot. Finally we achieved the automated production process
from the automatic handling to the automatic detection.
Based on the circuit design of the actual control equipment, hardware installation,
and the design of software application, we researched a comprehensive analysis method
which the effects of various sources of interference and make some effective hardware
and software anti-jamming measures.
In order to improve the accuracy of automatic detection, we proposed of some
optimization algorithms to improve the precision indicators of the repeatability and
reproducibility of the automatic detection device, and we provided some valuable
reference methods about the commissioning and operation of the automatic detection
This design of the automatic detection device is beneficial to similar auto assembly
parts which having a plurality of parameters, and this article has a certain design
reference and theoretical reference.
Key Word: Automobile Assembly Parts, Auto Parts Detection,
Automatic Detection Technology, Grating Displacement Data
Collection, MC Communication Protocol, Anti-jamming Design
目 录
摘 要
第一章 绪论 .......................................................... 1
1.1 本课题的来源与意义 ........................................... 1
1.2 研究背景与现状 ............................................... 2
1.3 论文的主要研究工作 ........................................... 3
第二章 自动检测装置的系统组成部分 .................................... 4
2.1 系统组成简介 ................................................. 4
2.2 自动检测装置的机械构成部分 ................................... 5
2.2.1 机械系统组成部分 ....................................... 5
2.2.2 机械系统的设计原则 ..................................... 6
2.2.3 自动检测装置机械设计要求 ............................... 6
2.2.4 自动检测装置各个机械组成构件简介 ....................... 7
2.3 自动检测系统电气部分简介 ..................................... 9
2.3.1 检测技术简介 ........................................... 9
2.3.2 工控机系统简介 ........................................ 10
2.3.3 工业控制计算机系统的组成部分 .......................... 11
2.4 光栅位移传感器 .............................................. 12
2.4.1 光栅位移传感器简介 .................................... 12
2.4.2 光栅位移传感器的特点与技术参数 ........................ 13
2.4.3 光栅位移传感器测量原理 ................................ 14
2.5 气动执行元件 ................................................ 15
2.5.1 气动元件工作原理 ...................................... 15
2.5.2 气压传动系统的动态特性 ................................ 16
2.5.3 小结 .................................................. 19
2.6 检测状态下的挠度和转角分析 .................................. 20
第三章 PCI 总线高速数据采集与运动控制模块 ........................... 25
3.1 PCI 总线技术 ................................................ 25
3.1.1 PCI 总线技术简介 ...................................... 25
3.1.2 PCI 局部总线的特点 .................................... 25
3.1.3 基于 PCI 总线的总体设计方案 ............................ 26
3.1.4 内存映射 .............................................. 27
3.2 基于 PCI 总线光栅数据采集卡系统简介 .......................... 27
3.2.1 PCG421 光栅计数卡 ..................................... 27
3.2.2 CH365 通用 PCI 接口芯片简介 ............................ 28
3.3 基于 PCI 总线的 PCI8403B 输入/输出控制卡系统 .................. 29
3.3.1 PCI8403B 输入/输出控制卡的中断使用特点 ................ 29
3.3.2 PCI8403B 卡的参数和功能 ............................... 30
3.3.3 管脚定义 .............................................. 31
3.3.4 光耦输入/输出连接方法 ................................. 32
第四章 通信系统设计方案简介 ......................................... 34
4.1 通信系统简介 ................................................ 34
4.1.1 概述 .................................................. 34
4.1.2 Q 系列 C24-PLC 串口通信的功能与特点 .................... 34
4.2 软件编程环境 ................................................ 35
4.2.1 工控机编程环境介绍 .................................... 35
4.2.2 PLC 编程环境介绍 ...................................... 36
4.3 MELSEC 通信协议简介 ......................................... 37
4.4 联机通信协议的指令报文与响应报文格式 ........................ 37
4.4.1 IPC 机读取 QCPU 数据时的指令报文和相应报文 ............. 38
4.4.2 IPC 机向 QCPU 写入数据时的指令报文和相应报文 ........... 38
4.5 联机通信协议内容 ............................................ 39
4.6 IPC 机部分通信程序设计 ...................................... 40
4.7 本章小结 .................................................... 40
第五章 自动检测装置应用软件设计 ..................................... 41
5.1 软件系统概述 ................................................ 41
5.2 软件总体框架设计 ............................................ 42
5.3 数据采集程序 ................................................ 45
5.4 自动控制程序 ................................................ 46
5.5 历史查询和数据导出模块 ...................................... 49
5.6 程序主界面与输出结果 ........................................ 51
第六章 干扰与误差分析 ............................................... 54
6.1 系统干扰分析抗干扰措施 ...................................... 54
6.1.1 概述 .................................................. 54
6.1.2 检测系统外部干扰源与抗干扰措施 ........................ 54
6.1.3 程序软件防干扰的方法 .................................. 54
6.2 在线检测装置检测技术的误差分析 .............................. 55
6.2.1 重复性和测量性简介 .................................... 55
6.2.2 系统重复性和再现性算法 ................................ 55
6.2.3 系统重复性和再现性分析与改进 .......................... 57
6.3 本章结论 .................................................... 57
第七章 总结与展望 ................................................... 59
7.1 总结 ........................................................ 59
7.2 展望 ........................................................ 60
参考文献 ............................................................ 61
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 64
............................................................. 65


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:70 页 大小:4.84MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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