In the field of transport in today's society, traffic congestion, traffic safety and
traffic pollution problems have become the three problems in the process of travel, with
the speeding up of urbanization speed, the speed has been an increase in the number of
cars and the road mileage, imbalance increase speed of road traffic facilities, and other
leading to a traffic problem is more and more serious. How to handle the massive
amounts of traffic information, forecasting, dispatching, distribution, realize
information sharing between people, vehicles, roads, collaboration, reduce traffic
congestion and traffic accidents, improve the efficiency of traffic, will be related to the
traffic information service of the key issues in the future. And cloud computing
technology, with its mass storage, unified management of resources, the advantages of
the parallel task scheduling, can effectively solve the traffic information system faces
many problems, the real-time dynamic traffic information service to the travelers,
provide real-time traffic dynamic, estimated travel time, inducing the route, etc.
Therefore, this paper based on the cloud environment of intelligent traffic control
system is analyzed, the paper introduces the technology of cloud computing, task
scheduling and intelligent transportation technology, the research on intelligent traffic
control system of real-time traffic information service system, and carries on the system
overall design, including for traffic information scheduling efficiency is not high, the
problem such as delay time is too long, in this paper, a delay time shortest based on task
and task allocation fairness of improved ant colony algorithm; According to traffic flow
forecasting by problems such as nonlinear, randomness and fuzziness, traffic flow
forecasting cloud model is established.
The main works of this paper are:
Firstly, analyze the core subsystem of the intelligent transportation system in cloud
environment -- real-time traffic service system (LTSS), and overall design the three
functional modules: pre-processing module, task scheduling module and traffic flow
forecasting module.
Secondly, in the process of the task scheduling, there are some problems such as
the scheduling is inefficient, the scheduling delay time is too long, so in task scheduling
module, the improved ant algorithm based on delay time shortest and task allocation
fairness (DSFACO) is applied to schedule. A parallel scheduling model is proposed,
which can improve the task parallelism while maintaining the serial relationship
between tasks. Put the tasks of pre-processing module into scheduling queue with
different priorities according to running order. For these tasks in the same priority
scheduling queue, the improved ant algorithm based on delay time shortest (DSACO) is
applied to schedule. Considering both fairness and efficiency, DSACO algorithm
greatly reduces task delay time. Through the simulation experiments to analysis the
model algorithm with the TS-EACO algorithm. The experimental results show the
model is better than the TS-EACO algorithm in fairness, efficiency and task delay
time, and better suitable for the cloud computing scheduling.
Finally, in order to provide accurate real-time traffic flow information services for