
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 806.84KB 91 页 15积分
摘 要
我国的环保产业是从上世纪 70 年代逐渐兴起的,经过近 30 年的发展,基本
关键词:环保企业 市场行为 产业组织 环境政策
From 1970’s, China began to develop its environmental protection industry. After
almost 30 years, it has established its own industrial system. But the level of Chin’s
environmental protection industry still can not meet the increasing demand for
environmental protection, especially in the field of market conducts of environmental
enterprises. There are a lot of problems that exist, such as the illogical pricing strategy,
the ignorance on research and development and the construction of its brand. Some
environmental enterprises even make illusive advertisement. All these problems put
great negative influence on the performance of China’s environmental protection
industry. If we consider the industrial characteristics of environmental protection
industry that it is greatly affected by the environmental policy and investment and so on,
we may find that the illogical conducts of China’s environmental enterprises are closely
related to the market structure and the environmental policies that are made by local
governments. All these factors can affect the conducts of environmental enterprises,
Based on this background, this paper uses the principle of industrial organization
and the theory of market conducts to analyze the condition of China’s environmental
protection industry. It is focused on the problem of environmental enterprises’ conducts,
tries to find the reason of these questions and finally gives some advice which can help
to solve the problem. The text believe that the development of environmental
enterprises is a long term period, in order to improve their performance, environmental
enterprises should not only use logical pricing strategy, but also pay attention to the use
of none-pricing strategy like the R&D and advertising strategy and so on.. In addition,
the market conducts of environmental enterprises should also be supported by the
environmental policy of a government. And when China’s government is making its
environmental policy, it can use some experience of the developed countries for
reference. A good political surrounding can be very helpful to environmental enterprises
and the whole industry. Concretely, this paper has five chapters:
Chapter I: Introduction: this part raises the questions of the paper and gives the
definition of environmental protection industry”. The aim of the research, its
theoretical bases are also given in this part.
Chapter II: The Experience from Developed Countries on How to Solve the
Conduct Problems of Environmental Enterprises: this chapter introduces the experience
and characteristics on how to support the development of environmental enterprises
from two developed countries, namely USA and Japan. These can be a reference for the
political advice for China’s environmental protection industry that will be raised in the
last chapter.
Chapter III: The Reason of the Problems in Market Conducts of China’s
Environmental Enterprises: this part summarizes some factors that are affecting the
conducts of China’s environmental enterprises, such as the market structure of
environmental protection industry and the environmental policy system and so on. This
part can be seen as a base of the analysis on the logical conduct strategies of China’s
environmental enterprises which is raised in the next part.
Chapter IV: The Analysis on Conduct Strategies of China’s Environmental
Enterprises: this chapter mainly uses Game Theory to analyze the market conducts that
can be used by environmental enterprises, such as the strategy of pricing, none-pricing
and merging and so on. The text provides some solutions for solving the problem of
market conducts in China’s environmental protection industry.
Chapter V: Advice and Policies for developing China’s Environmental Protection
Industry: from the angle of environmental enterprises, environmental industry union and
local governments, this part of the text gives some political advice that may help to
develop China’s environmental industry, including the aspect of policy system,
financing, R&D and international cooperation and so on.
Chapter VI: Conclusion and Flaw: this part gives the mainly conclusions of the text
as well as its flaw.
Key Word: Environmental Enterprises, Market Conduct, Industrial
Organization, Environmental Policy
目 录
第一章 绪论 .......................................................... 1
§1.1 问题的提出及意义 ........................................... 1
§1.1.1 问题的提出 ............................................ 1
§1.1.2 课题的意义 ............................................ 4
§1.2 环保产业概念的界定 ......................................... 5
§1.3 相关理论成果综述 ........................................... 7
§1.3.1 产业组织理论 .......................................... 7
§1.3.2 市场行为学理论 ........................................ 9
§1.3.3 环境经济学理论 ....................................... 11
§1.3.4 对我国环保企业市场行为问题的研究 ..................... 13
§1.4 论文研究的目标、思路与方法 ................................ 13
第二章 国际环保企业市场行为问题解决经验 ............................. 17
§2.1 引言 ...................................................... 17
§2.2 美国的环保企业市场行为问题解决经验 ........................ 17
§2.2.1 美国环保产业概述 ..................................... 17
§2.2.2 美国的环保政策框架 ................................... 19
§2.2.3 美国的扶持环保企业的措施 ............................. 20
§2.3 日本环保企业市场行为问题的解决经验 ........................ 22
§2.3.1 日本环保市场 ......................................... 22
§2.3.2 日本政府的环保体制 ................................... 23
§2.3.3 日本的环保政策对企业的有利因素 ....................... 24
§2.4 小结 ...................................................... 26
第三章 我国环保企业市场行为问题根源分析 ............................. 29
§3.1 引言 ...................................................... 29
§3.2 我国环保产业的市场结构 .................................... 29
§3.2.1 产业结构概况 ......................................... 29
§3.2.2 我国环保产业市场结构存在的问题及对环保企业的影响 ..... 34
§3.3 我国环保产业的市场绩效及其诱因 ............................ 35
§3.3.1 我国环保产业市场绩效 ................................. 35
§3.3.2 我国环保产业市场绩效推动因素探析 ..................... 37
§3.4 环保产业特征分析 .......................................... 40
§3.4.1 高科技支撑性 ......................................... 40
§3.4.2 经济外部性 ........................................... 40
§3.4.3 资本密集性 ........................................... 41
§3.4.4 政策依赖性 ........................................... 41
§3.5 我国环保产业的政策体系 .................................... 42
§3.5.1 我国环保产业的政策支撑体系 ........................... 42
§3.5.2 我国环保产业的政策环境评估 ........................... 45
§3.6 小结 ...................................................... 45
第四章 我国环保企业的市场行为策略分析 ............................... 47
§4.1 引言 ...................................................... 47
§4.2 环保企业的价格行为 ........................................ 47
§4.3 环保企业的非价格行为 ...................................... 50
§4.3.1 环保企业的研发行为 ................................... 50
§4.3.2 环保企业的差异化行为 ................................. 56
§4.3.3 环保产业的广告行为 ................................... 60
§4.4 环保产业兼并重组行为 ...................................... 65
§4.5 小结 ...................................................... 68
第五章 我国环保企业市场行为问题的对策与建议 ......................... 69
§5.1 环保产业发展需要注意的问题 ................................ 69
§5.2 环保企业加快自身发展的建议 ................................ 70
§5.2.1 治污集约化,走规模化道路 ............................. 70
§5.2.2 环保产业实现投资多元化,与资本市场相结合 ............. 71
§5.2.3 产权股份化 ........................................... 71
§5.2.4 运行、服务市场化 ..................................... 71
§5.2.5 推动技术创新和管理创新,提高企业竞争力 ............... 72
§5.3 环保行业协会优化服务功能的建议 ............................ 72
§5.3.1 加大政府的支持力度 ................................... 72
§5.3.2 加快政府相关职能的转移 ............................... 73
§5.3.3 提升协会服务的层次 ................................... 73
§5.3.4 充分发挥龙头企业在行业协会中的作用 ................... 74
§5.4 政府促进环保产业发展的建议 ................................ 75
§5.4.1 加大政府环境投入的力度 ............................... 75
§5.4.2 制定和完善环保产业政策,扶持环保产业发展 ............. 76
§5.4.3 建立合理的环保税收制度 ............................... 76
§5.4.4 建立有利于环保产业发展的融资体系 ..................... 78
§5.4.5 加强环保技术创新,提高产品的科技含量 ................. 79
§5.4.6 与环境保护相协调的经济政策 ........................... 80
§5.4.7 提高公众环保意识 ..................................... 81
§5.4.8 积极开展国际合作,发挥国际环境贸易对环保产业的作用 ... 82
第六章 结论与不足 ................................................... 83
§6.1 论文的主要结论 ............................................ 83
§6.2 论文的不足之处 ............................................ 84
参考文献 ............................................................ 85
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 89
.............................................................. 91


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:91 页 大小:806.84KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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