
3.0 陈辉 2024-11-19 4 4 4.21MB 74 页 15积分
摘 要
本文介绍了一种基于 ZigBee 技术的无线传感器网络组建方法及其应用于流
部分。终端电路和接收器电路都采用 TI 公司的 MSP430 单片机作为处理核心,具
ZigBee 技线
IEEE802.15.4 协议和 ZigBee 规范,研究分析了 ZigBee 协议栈内容,对协议栈的
包含了 A/D 采样电路、脉冲信号采集电路、XBEE 无线发收模块以及其他指示灯
及按钮等部分;数据接收模块包含了 XBEE 无线发收模块、LCDEEPROM
最后,对 XBEE 无线通信模块的通信距离进行了测试,并且列出了不同的地
关键字:ZigBee 无线传感器网络 MSP430 流量标定装置
With the improvement of the microelectronics, computer technology and wireless
communications technology, the low-power and multi-function sensor has been
developed rapidly. although It has a small volume, It integrates with information
collection, data processing , wireless communication and other functions. ZigBee is a
new low-rate, low-power, short-range wireless network technology. In recent years,
wireless sensor network based ZigBee technology has been widely applied in many
fields. At present, the device used in the flowr calibration facility still adopt traditional
wired transmission,which exists the weakness of complicated wiring, and poor
expansion. The paper has a great significance to apply the wireless sensor network
technology to the flowmeter calibration system.
The whole system contains two modules, they are wireless sensor network terminal
and data receiver. Terminal and receiver both use MSP430 microcontroller as the
processor. which is provided by TI, It has the low cost, high reliability, low-power
consumption characteristics.
Firstly, The chapter one describes the characteristics of wireless sensor network;
In chapter two,the article analyses the ZigBee technology and its superiority,and make
a comparison with other wireless communication technologises. According to
IEEE802.15.4 protocol and ZigBee specification, the contents of ZigBee protocol stack
are analyzed, then the operating processes of protocol stack and each layer function are
detailed. The three structures of network topology are introduced.
Sencondly, According to the application of wireless sensor network in flowmeter
alignment,the scheme of wireless sensor terminal node circuit and the data receiver
circuit are designed. Wireless sensor terminal node circuit mainly contains wireless
transmission model, A/D sampling circuit, the impulse signal counting circuit,signal
indicator model and others, and Its function is sampling and transmitting data; The
data receiver mainly contains XBEE module, LCD model, EEPROM as well as the
serial port circuit, Its function is receiving data from different terminals and sending
the data to computer. Then,the communication data frame form and its algorithm are
detailed, and the software flow of sampling and transmitting data of terminal node and
receiver are analysed.
Finally, The test results of XBEE modle communication with different atennas at
different distance are listed. In the implementation of wireless sensor in flow
Calibration Facility, wireless sensor terminal samples analog current and impulse
signals, and receiver collects the data from the wireless sensor terminals. The test
results of communication bettween wireless sensor network terminals and receiver
verify that the accuracy of communication is high, and the entire system is stable and
Key words : ZigBee, Wireless Sensor Network, MSP430, Flow
Calibration Facility.
目 录
摘 要
第一章 ........................................................ 1
§1.1 课题研究背景 ................................................ 1
§1.2 无线传感器网络发展现状 ...................................... 1
§1.3 无线传感器网路结构与特点 .................................... 3
§1.4 无线传感器网络应用领域 ...................................... 6
§1.5 论文章节安排 ................................................ 7
第二章 ZigBee 技术特性及其协议栈分析 ................................. 8
§2.1 ZigBee 技术特点 ............................................. 8
§2.2 同类型无线通信技术比较 ...................................... 9
§2.3 ZigBee 技术抗干扰性分析 .................................... 11
§2.3.1 频段抗干扰机制类型 ................................... 11
§2.3.2 不同通信技术频率共存性分析 ........................... 12
§2.4 ZigBee 网络拓扑结构与设备类型 .............................. 13
§2.5 ZigBee 协议栈分析 .......................................... 15
第三章 无线传感器网络通信设备硬件设计 ............................... 18
§3.1 传感器节点及汇聚节点模块结构 .............................. 18
§3.2 MSP430F149 单片机模块功能 .................................. 19
§3.2.1 MSP430F149 单片机特点 ................................ 19
§3.2.2 MSP430 单片机模块时钟选择 ............................ 20
§3.2.3 低功耗模式分析 ....................................... 21
§3.2.4 异步通信的波特率计算与设置 ........................... 23
§3.3 ZigBee 无线通信模块选择 .................................... 24
§3.3.1 ZigBee 无线通信芯片 .................................. 24
§3.3.2 XBEE 模块特点 ........................................ 26
§3.4 基本模块电路设计 .......................................... 28
§3.4.1 电源电路设计 ......................................... 28
§3.4.2 复位及晶振电路 ....................................... 29
§3.4.3 JTAG 在线调试接口电路 ................................ 30
§3.4.4 串口接口电路 ......................................... 30
§3.4.5 LCD 显示电路 ......................................... 31
§3.4.6 EEPROM 扩展电路 ...................................... 31
§3.4.7 通信模块连接电路 ..................................... 32
§3.5 数据采样电路 .............................................. 32
§3.5.1 电流信号 AD 转换电路 .................................. 32
§3.5.2 脉冲信号采样电路 ..................................... 35
第四章 无线传感器网络组网分析与软件设计 ............................. 37
§4.1 XBEE 模块无线组网 .......................................... 37
§4.1.1 XBEE 模块自组网过程 .................................. 37
§4.1.2 节点入网与数据传输过程 ............................... 38
§4.1.3 基于 AODV 协议的路径查询方法 .......................... 40
§4.1.4 XBEE 模块网络地址设置 ................................ 41
§4.2 数据通信帧格式 ............................................ 46
§4.3 无线传感器数据采集终端程序设计 ............................. 46
§4.3.1 数据采集终端主程序流程 ............................... 46
§4.3.2 A/D 采样转换流程 ..................................... 47
§4.3.3 数据采集终端定时发送模块流程 ......................... 49
§4.4 无线传感器网络汇聚节点程序设计 ............................ 51
§4.4.1 数据汇聚节点程序结构 ................................. 51
§4.4.2 数据接收流程 ......................................... 52
§4.4.3 TimerA 定时模块流程 .................................. 55
§4.4.4 TimerB 定时模块流程 .................................. 56
第五章 XBEE 模块通信测试与应用分析 .................................. 57
§5.1 XBEE 模块的通信测试 ........................................ 57
§5.1.1 测试平台及 XBEE 模块配置 .............................. 58
§5.1.2 通信测试及结果分析 ................................... 60
§5.2 无线传感器在流量标定装置中的应用 .......................... 61
§5.2.1 系统应用方案 ......................................... 61
§5.2.2 网络结构与模块配置 ................................... 62
§5.3 流量标定装置数据采集及通信测试 ............................. 62
§5.3.1 流量标定装置测试结果演示 ............................. 62
§5.3.2 数据采集精度计算 ..................................... 63
第六章 结论与展望 ................................................... 65
§6.1 课题主要研究成果 .......................................... 65
§6.2 存在的问题及改进设想 ...................................... 65
参考文献 ............................................................ 66
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 69
.............................................................. 70


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作者:陈辉 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:74 页 大小:4.21MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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