
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 1.39MB 76 页 15积分
行了对比。以 MP 医疗器械公司为研究对象,剖析该企业现有的营销策略制定,
运用比较分析法、归纳分析法、定性与定量分析相结合以及 SWOT 分析法对目前
MP 医疗器械公司的营销策略所存在的问题及其产生的原因进行分析,然后通过
理论与实践相结合,对 MP 医疗器械公司的产品、价格、促销、渠道、服务等营
销策略进行优化设计,提出 MP 医疗器械公司整合产品系列、加强定价管理、扩
本文以 MP 医疗器械公司为例,探讨了医疗器械企业营销策略制定模式的优
It is universally known that medical devices are related to the daily life of everyone,
and they have considerable impacts on the national economy and people’s livehood.
Only a slight change in the medical devices industry can arouse a wide scale of concern
from the public; and especially in recent years, much attention from the government and
the society has been paid to the sale of the medical devices. Because of the growing
homogenization in the industry and the accelerating development of the medical device
industry in China, the competition between the companies has become fiercer and
fiercer. And as a result, the firms are facing with the problems of the decreasing profit
rates and the re-ranking of the reputation in the industry due to the government policies.
At this point, both the manufacturers and the distributors in the medical device industry
desire to have an effective mode for generating profit and take an advantaged position
of the strategy. Under the market-oriented operation in the medical device industry,
excellent marketing strategies will play a role of the multiplier. And comparing with the
comparatively mature industries, the medical device industry still lacks the experience
of the formulation and operation of the marketing strategies.
In this paper, domestic and foreign literature researches were classified, the
existing problems of marketing strategies and developing trends in China in medical
device industry were reviewed, and a comparison with the current circumstance of the
industry in developed industry was made. The MP Medical was used as the research
target in this project. And in order to analyze the formulation of marketing strategy,
comparative analysis, inductive analysis, SWOT analysis and combination of qualitative
and quantitative analysis were used to optimize the design of MP’s product, price,
promotion, channels, and services’ marketing strategy. A combination of theory and
practice were also applied to propose the suggestions of MP Medical marketing strategy,
such as integrating product series, strengthen pricing management, expanding brand’s
effort, changing marketing channel, introducing project management, paying attention
to value strategy, and enhancing interactive marketing. And at the end of this paper,
summarization and prospection of the research results are been done, with the
shortcomings of the study and follow-up research directions pointed out.
In this paper, the MP Medical was used as an example to discuss the optimization
process of medical device companies marketing strategy developing mode, and make
feasible recommendations to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises and meet
the needs of sustainable development. And it is expected that this paper is valuable for
other medical device companies to refer to.
Key words: MP medical device company, Marketing strategy mix,
Value, Four-wheel drive (4E)
第一章 ...................................................... 1
1.1 选题背景和研究意义 ............................................. 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 ................................................. 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 ............................................... 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 ............................................... 3
1.3 研究内容与框架 ................................................. 9
1.3.1 研究内容 ................................................... 9
1.3.2 研究框架 .................................................. 11
1.3.3 研究方法 .................................................. 11
第二章 市场营销相关理论 ............................................ 12
2.1 营销定义与发展 ................................................ 12
2.2 营销战略与STP理论 ............................................. 13
2.2.1 营销战略理论 .............................................. 13
2.2.2 STP理论 ................................................... 14
2.3 营销组合策略理论 .............................................. 16
2.3.1 经典营销组合 4Ps ........................................... 17
2.3.2 服务营销理论 7Ps ........................................... 18
2.4 工业品营销 .................................................... 18
2.5 分析工具 ...................................................... 19
2.5.1 PEST分析方法 .............................................. 19
2.5.2 SWOT分析方法 .............................................. 19
2.5.3 波特五力分析模型 .......................................... 20
第三章 MP医疗器械公司营销环境分析 .................................. 21
3.1 MP医疗器械公司营销现状 ....................................... 21
3.1.1 MP医疗器械公司概述 ........................................ 21
3.1.2 MP医疗器械公司营销现状 .................................... 22
3.2 宏观环境分析 .................................................. 23
3.2.1 政策环境 .................................................. 23
3.2.2 经济环境 .................................................. 25
3.2.3 社会文化 .................................................. 25
3.2.4 科学技术 .................................................. 26
3.3 医疗器械行业环境分析 .......................................... 27
3.3.1 行业现状及发展 ............................................ 27
3.3.2 MP医疗器械公司竞争力分析 .................................. 29
3.4 MP医疗器械公司客户分析 ....................................... 35
3.5 MP医疗器械公司营销问题及分析 ................................. 38
3.5.1 MP医疗器械公司营销问题 .................................... 38
3.5.2 MP医疗器械公司SWOT分析 .................................... 42
第四章 MP医疗器械公司营销策略改进设计 ............................. 44
4.1 营销策略设计目标及原则 ........................................ 44
4.1.1 营销策略设计目标 .......................................... 44
4.1.2 营销策略设计原则 .......................................... 44
4.2 目标市场选择与定位 ............................................ 45
4.2.1 目标市场细分 .............................................. 45
4.2.2 目标市场选择 .............................................. 46
4.2.3 目标市场定位 .............................................. 48
4.3 营销策略组合 .................................................. 49
4.3.1 整合产品系列 .............................................. 49
4.3.2 扩大品牌影响力 ............................................ 50
4.3.2 加强招标定价策略 .......................................... 51
4.3.3 增强学术和媒体力度 ........................................ 51
4.3.4 革新渠道策略 .............................................. 52
4.4 服务营销策略 .................................................. 53
4.4.1 提供优质服务 .............................................. 53
4.4.2 提高流程质量 .............................................. 54
4.4.3 展示有形形象 .............................................. 56
4.5 医疗器械产品的四轮驱动策略 ................................... 56
4.5.1 临床项目 .................................................. 56
4.5.2 价值策略 .................................................. 57
4.5.3 捷道趋势 .................................................. 58
4.5.4 互动为赢 .................................................. 59
第五章 MP医疗器械公司营销策略的实施保障 ........................... 62
5.1 运营体制保障 .................................................. 62
5.1.1 完善的管理制度 ............................................ 62
5.1.2 健全的信息系统 ............................................ 62
5.2 企业文化保障 ................................................. 63
5.3 绩效激励机制 ................................................. 63
5.4 财务支持保障 ................................................. 65
第六章 结论与展望 ................................................. 66
6.1 结论 .......................................................... 66
6.2 未来展望 ...................................................... 66
参考文献 ........................................................... 68
在读期间公开发表的论文及取得成果 ................................... 71
.............................................................. 72


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:76 页 大小:1.39MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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