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摘 要
关键词:税收风险 风险管理 房地产公司
Recent years have witness the fast development of the real estate industry.It has
become the pillar industries in national economy.Since it has strong connections with
other industries,the real estate industry has a huge impact on the development of
national economy.At the same time,the development of the real estate industry will be
impacted by the balancing policies of the macroeconomic cyclical fluctuations by the
government in our country.What impress the whole real estate industry is that the real
estate industry becomes the origin of the "overheating" and become one of the goals of
the national macroeconomic regulation and control in recent years,and thus the real
estate industry has to slow down its pace towards fast development period.It can be
said that the real estate industry is now in a position with problems we face at home and
abroad.Although the central government has introduced a serious of control policies
such as the housing restriction,the price restriction,raising interest rates and raising
reserve requirements on deposits,the effect of the regulation is still not ideal.Under
such circumstances,how to strengthen the ability to reduce the cost and shielding
against risks of the real estate companies has become the focus of the Academics and
real estate.
In this paper the needs of rapid expansion of the domestic real estate industry
research on tax risk management,this dissertation is based on the general tax risk
management theory by taking the real estate industry as the study object,the
dissertation mainly focus on the tax risk management of the real estate industry in our
country and then some relevant advices for improvement are made by given priority to
with quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis,correlation analysis method,
adopting the method of combining theoretical analysis and empirical research.When
building tax risk management mechanism,it should be noted legality,cost
effectiveness and coordination principles and risk management processes in order to
design tax and tax risk monitoring processes.The designing of the tax risk management
project requires that all the managerial personnel should stick to the guideline of bold
hypothesis,cautious verification,based on the cases analysis on business and the
existing laws and regulations,and carry out specific qualitative and quantitative
analysis over various business modes and trading structures.At the same time,during
the tax risk management process,each company face a dynamic outside
environment,risk management mechanism must be followed to make the necessary
adjustment dynamic environment.Finally,after the analysis of the real estate company
Kaitong and inside and outside environment and the basic tax-related matters,proposed
tax risk management mechanism carried out in stages,the risk that the tax preparation
stage,construction,sales stage and hold stage four areas management mechanism.
Pass this article comes the tax risk management of the real estate industry is a
system engineering.The tax risk management is a financial operation which belongs to
the every link of the operational processes.The tax risk management should adjust to
different links in different ways.With the rapidly changing producing environment of
the real estate environment,the tax risk environment should also be adjusted in time.
The amount of tax varies in different taxing links,thus the corresponding economic
effect has differences.In order to make sure that each tax risk management project is
practical,the tax risk management should be combined with the tax risk management
mechanism in real estatecompanies.Thus only by make sure that the tax risk
management mechanism should run through the whole process,the management
project will succeed.Last but not least,the tax risk management can not only reduce
the tax risk of the real estate companies,but also save the tax cost,thus it promotes a
long-term stable development and increase its core competitiveness.Meanwhile,the
tax risk management activities of the real estate companies should keep consistency
with the macro and micro environment.The tax risk management activities are not
isolated,they should be considered together with macro tax policies,the traits of the
real estate industry,and the specific economic behavior of the tax effect.
Key WordsTax RiskRisk ManagementChinese Real Estate
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ......................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 ............................................... 1
1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1
1.1.2 研究目的及意义 .......................................... 2
1.2 国内外文献综述 ............................................... 4
1.2.1 国外相关文献 ............................................ 4
1.2.2 国内文献综述 ............................................ 6
1.2.3 文献归纳和总结 ......................................... 11
1.3 研究方法和内容 ............................................... 12
1.3.1 研究方法 ............................................... 12
1.3.2 论文内容和结构 ......................................... 12
第二章 税收风险与税收风险管理综述 ................................... 15
2.1 企业税收风险的概念和特点 .................................... 15
2.1.1 税收风险概念 ........................................... 15
2.1.2 税收风险特点 ........................................... 15
2.2 税收风险的分类 .............................................. 16
2.2.1 按税收风险性质分类 ..................................... 16
2.2.2 风险的影响程度分类 ..................................... 16
2.2.3 常见税收风险类型 ....................................... 17
2.3 税收风险的产生原因 .......................................... 17
2.3.1 企业的风险意识不强 ..................................... 17
2.3.2 忽视税务筹划的协调性 ................................... 18
2.3.3 筹划方案缺乏灵活性 ..................................... 18
2.3.4 企业的重视程度低,人员专业知识水平低 ................... 18
2.4 税收风险管理 ................................................ 18
2.4.1 税收风险管理概念 ....................................... 18
2.4.2 税收风险管理理论依据 ................................... 19
2.4.3 税收风险管理的基本原则 ................................. 20
2.5 税收风险管理流程设计 ........................................ 21
第三章 凯通房地产公司税收风险管理必要性及可行性分析 ................ 23
3.1 房地产公司的业务流程与税收特点 .............................. 23
3.1.1 房地产公司的业务流程 ................................... 23
3.1.2 房地产公司的税收特点 ................................... 24
3.2 房地产公司的主要税种 ........................................ 25
3.2.1 开始规划环节税法种类 ................................... 25
3.2.2 房地产开发阶段的主要税种 ............................... 26
3.2.3 房地产销售阶段的主要税种 ............................... 26
3.2.4 其他税种 ............................................... 27
3.3 房地产公司税收风险类型和原因 ................................ 30
3.3.1 房地产公司税收风险的类型 ............................... 30
3.3.2 房地产企业产生税收风险的原因 ........................... 31
3.4 凯通房地产公司外部环境 ...................................... 33
3.4.1 太原市房地产市场分析 ................................... 33
3.4.2 房地产业的税收征管环境 ................................. 34
3.5 凯通房地产公司内部环境 ...................................... 34
3.5.1 税收风险管理组织建立 ................................... 34
3.5.2 税务部门的工作范围和职责 ............................... 35
3.6 建立凯通房地产公司税收风险管理机制的必要性与可行性 .......... 35
3.6.1 凯通房地产公司税收风险管理的必要性 ..................... 35
3.6.2 凯通房地产公司税收风险管理的可行性 ..................... 36
第四章 凯通房地产公司税收风险管理机制的构建 ......................... 38
4.1 凯通房地产公司税收风险识别管理机制设计 ...................... 38
4.1.1 税收风险识别机制设计 ................................... 38
4.1.2 税收风险评估机制设计 ................................... 39
4.1.3 税收风险应对机制设计 ................................... 42
4.2 凯通房地产公司税收风险管理机制设计 .......................... 44
4.3 税收风险信息与沟通机制设计 .................................. 45
4.3.1 税收风险信息机制设计 ................................... 46
4.3.2 税收风险沟通机制设计 ................................... 47
4.4 税收风险监控机制设计 ........................................ 49
4.4.1 税收风险监控流程 ....................................... 49
4.4.2 税收风险监控评的价机制 ................................. 49
第五章 凯通房地产公司税收风险管理战略 ............................... 53
5.1 凯通房地产公司经营概况 ...................................... 53
5.2 凯通房地产公司主要涉税事项 .................................. 53
5.3 凯通房地产公司税收风险管理目标与管理方式 .................... 53
5.4 凯通房地产公司税收风险管理 .................................. 53
5.4.1 前期准备阶段的税收风险管理 ............................. 53
5.4.2 公司税收风险管理在建设方面 ............................. 56
5.4.3 销售阶段的税收风险管理 ................................. 58
5.4.4 持有阶段的税收风险管理 ................................. 58
5.5 凯通房地产公司税收风险管理战略评价 .......................... 59
第六章 结论与展望 ................................................... 60
6.1 总结 ........................................................ 60
6.2 展望 ........................................................ 60
参考文献 ............................................................ 62
............................................................... 65
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 69
.............................................................. 70


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:74 页 大小:684.05KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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