
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 990.46KB 64 页 15积分
摘 要
晋商是 A.D.1368 年到 A.D.1912 年活跃在中国商界近 500 年的,与粤、浙、
谨,到用材唯贤,再到育才缜密,以至治才周纳,从而实现了历500 年蓬勃发
育建材公司从 2007 年开始投入了大量的人力、物力开发新的更环保的生产工艺,
保证企业的竞争地位不动摇,还能通过客户对现有需要创造更多价值,这是 X
通过本文对 X公司企业人才培养的分析,给予同类企业人才培养开发使用管理
础上将 X公司作为实例,从而深入分析企业成长发展过程中需要直面的问题和所
面临的困难,并从 X公司的实际出发研究分析整理相关建议和对策。主要包括对
实理论基础;同时将 X公司作为研究对象,对其人才管理现状进行了解分析,并
关键词:晋商 X公司 人力资源 人才培养
The Shanxi Trading, was one of the “Chinese five major business alliance”,became
from 1368 to 1912, that active for nearly five hundred years. It does this by operating
the tea, salt, grain, original-banks,created the historical miracles as“delivering goods
globally” and “circulating currency globally”. Of course, those miracles were generated
because of the factors such as cultural environment,climate conditions and favorable
locations, but the fundamental reason is that Shanxi merchants had developed a
management and training system, from the selection, training, appointment, and
therefore achieve a development miracle.
At present, with the increasingly more attention paid by the public and
governments all over the world to environmental problems, traditional foundry
production and sales are faced with increasingly bigger pressure. X Physical-education
Building Materials Company has started to invest a lot of manpower and materials to
develop new production technologies which are more environmentally friendly since
2007. With the development of techniques and competitive trends, the company is now
faced with an acid test and the talent cultivation will also be confronted with new
challenges. At present, the Human Resource Department of X Company urgently needs
to know how to attract excellent employees and retain core employees by redesigning a
talent cultivation mode; needs to master existing application demands and create new
values for customers at the same time in order to enhance the cohesion in the enterprise
and keep the beneficial competitive position.
Through deep analysis of experience and ideas of Shanxi Merchants in talent
selection, talent education, employment and talent governance, the paper expects to
provide beneficial reference about talent cultivation, development, use and management
to enterprises of the same type with X Company during the progress of building a
harmonious society in China at present by using the analysis in the paper. Based on
theoretical analysis and in combination with the instance of X Company, the paper
carries out analysis and research about the solution of problems appearing during
enterprise development and difficulties faced by the enterprises. In addition, the paper
proposes relevant countermeasures and suggestions from the angle of X Company. Main
contents of the paper are as follows: theories about human resource management and
talent cultivation are introduced and a solid theoretical foundation is built for research
on talent cultivation; current situations of talent management are introduced with X
Company as a research instance and problems in talent management of the company
and reasons for generation thereof are researched and analyzed; in combination with
actual situations and problems of talent cultivation in the company, several
countermeasures and suggestions are proposed for talent cultivation and for the
development of company in the future.
Key Word
Shanxi Merchants
Human capital
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ......................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景 ..................................................... 1
1.2 研究意义及目标 ............................................... 2
1.3 文献综述 ..................................................... 3
1.3.1 人才培养国内外研究现状 .................................. 3
1.3.2 晋商文化国内外研究现状 .................................. 9
1.4 研究内容和方法 .............................................. 12
1.4.1 研究内容 ............................................... 12
1.4.2 研究方法 ............................................... 13
1.4.3 研究框架 ............................................... 13
第二章 人才培养模式研究基本理论 ..................................... 14
2.1 人力资源相关理论 ............................................ 14
2.1.1 人力资源管理的内涵 ..................................... 14
2.1.2 人力资源管理的用途 ..................................... 14
2.1.3 人力资源规划的具体内容和途径 ........................... 15
2.1.4 人力资源管理信息的收集和系统建立 ....................... 15
2.1.5 职业生涯规划 ........................................... 16
2.2 人才培养理论 ................................................ 17
2.2.1 人才的定义 ............................................. 17
2.2.2 人才培养的内涵 ......................................... 17
2.3 人才培养模式理论 ............................................ 17
2.3.1 人才培养模式的概念 ..................................... 17
2.3.2 人才培养模式的构成 ..................................... 18
2.3.3 人才培养模式 ........................................... 18
2.4 相关理论基础 ................................................ 18
2.4.1 人力资本理论 ........................................... 18
2.4.2 学习理论 ............................................... 19
2.4.3 激励理论 ............................................... 20
第三章 晋商文化中人才培养模式研究 ................................... 23
3.1 晋商文化的含义 .............................................. 23
3.2 晋商文化的内容 .............................................. 23
3.3 晋商中“身股制”介绍 ........................................ 27
3.4 晋商文化中人才培养模式研究 .................................. 28
3.4.1 选人——选才严谨 ....................................... 29
3.4.2 用人——用才唯贤 ....................................... 29
3.4.3 育人——育才缜密 ....................................... 30
3.4.4 治人——治才周纳 ....................................... 30
第四章 对 X 公司人才培养模式现状及问题的调查分析 ..................... 32
4.1 X 公司概况 ................................................... 32
4.1.1 业务情况 ............................................... 32
4.1.2 机构设置 ............................................... 32
4.1.3 人员结构 ............................................... 33
4.2 X 公司人才培养模式的问卷调查 ................................. 35
4.2.1 调查的背景和目的 ....................................... 35
4.2.2 调查对象的选择 ......................................... 36
4.2.3 调查方式与问卷设计 ..................................... 36
4.3 X 公司人才培养模式存在的问题的统计分析及归纳总结 ............. 37
4.3.1 人才培养目标不明确 ..................................... 37
4.3.2 缺乏系统的人才培养体系 ................................. 37
4.3.3 人才培养手段单一 ....................................... 38
4.3.4 人才培养评估机制不健全 ................................. 38
4.3.5 调查问卷分析后的归纳总结 ............................... 39
4.4 X 公司人才培养模式的 SWOT 分析 ................................ 39
4.4.1 X 公司人才培养模式的 SWOT 分析 .......................... 39
4.4.2 X 公司人才培养模式的 SWOT 分析结论 ...................... 40
第五章 基于晋商文化的 X 公司人才培养模式的整体设计 ................... 41
5.1 设计目的 .................................................... 41
5.2 设计的原则 .................................................. 41
5.2.1 匹配原则 ............................................... 41
5.2.2 系统原则 ............................................... 41
5.2.3 持续原则 ............................................... 42
5.3 X 公司人才培养模式方案 ....................................... 42
5.3.1 选人——复合校企办学模式 ............................... 42
5.3.2 用人——岗位细分培养模式 ............................... 43
5.3.3 育人——继续教育培养模式 ............................... 44
5.3.4 治人——建立有效激励模式 ............................... 45
5.4 X 公司人才培养实施方案及保障措施 ............................. 46
5.4.1 X 公司人才培养实施方案 ................................. 46
5.4.2 人才培养保障措施 ....................................... 49
第六章 结 论 ........................................................ 52
6.1 主要结论 ..................................................... 52
6.2 本课题的不足和改进方向 ....................................... 52
附录:X 公司人才培养模式的调查问卷 .................................. 54
参考文献 ............................................................ 56
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 59
.............................................................. 60


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:64 页 大小:990.46KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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