
3.0 陈辉 2024-11-19 4 4 6.42MB 72 页 15积分
摘 要
本文提出采用一低通滤波器和一高通滤波器将 u-i 定子磁链模型和 i-wm定子磁链
模型连接起来。通过选择合适的截止频率可以使电机低速时在 i-wm定子磁链模
型下运行,高速时在 u-i 定子磁链模型下运行。
本系统的直流电源由整流器提供,本文分析了 SVPWM 整流器工作原理
硬件电路搭建,信号调理电路和光耦隔离电路;软件主要有转速估计,AD 采集
和直接转矩控制算法等程序。本平台采用 TI 公司的 TMS320F2812 作为处理器,
通过编写串行通信程序和上位机进行通信。上位机采用 LABVIEW 编程,通过串
行通信可以进行 AD 精度的校正,矩速指令的发送,电机转速,负载转矩等数据
关 键 词 试 验 系 统 公 共 直 流 母 线 直 接 转 矩 SVPWM 整 流
In recent years, with the rapid development of the power electronics technology,
semiconductor technology and computer technology, the development of AC drive
technology reach a new level. To develop a high performance AC speed control
system needs a high-performance AC drive test system. Therefore, This paper
proposes AC Asynchronous motor Feedback Test System and carried out in-depth
This paper introduces the works of the AC asynchronous motor feedback test
system and describes the principle of energy feedback with the common DC bus .
According to the fast torque respons performance of direct torque control technology,
this paper uses DTC method to control the induction motor to simulate the actual load.
Simulation results show that the using of direct torque control of induction motor has
good static and dynamic performance, fast torque respons and can simulate the actual
load very well.
One of the advantages of direct torque control technology is that the system is
affected by less ac motor parameters, but when it runs at low speed, the stator
resistance varies with motor temperature, When runs at a low speed, the stator voltage
is small, the stator resistance varies can cause great flux estimation error, which
makes it impossible to simulate the actual load. To solve this problem, this paper uses
a low-pass filter and a high-pass filter to connect the u-i stator flux model and the
i-wmstator flux model. By choosing the appropriate cut-off frequency make the stator
flux i-wmmodel works when it runs at low, and make the stator flux u-i model works
when it runs at high speed.
The DC source needed by the AC asynchronous motor feedback test system is
provided by the rectifier system. the paper analyzes the working principle of the
SVPWM rectifier and simulate with the AC asynchronous motor feedback test system.
Simulation results show that DC voltage source provided by the net side rectifier is
stable and easy adjustment, the net side power factor is approximate to one and the
current harmonic content is low.
After a theoretical analysis of the entire system, builds the experimental platform
of the entire system. The hardware mainly contains the production of converter, signal
conditioning circuits and the opto isolation circuit; Software mainly contains Speed
estimation, AD acquisition ,direct torque control algorithm and SCI program. The
platform uses TI's TMS320F2812 as the processor, through the serial communication
program to communicate with the host computer. The host computer adopts
LABVIEW programming, The host computer calibrates the AD accuracy, sends
commands of speed, torque and so on, displays the waveform of motor speed, load
torque and so on, and save the data According to the needs.
Keywords: Test system, Common DC bus, direct torque control,
SVPWM rectifier, TMS320F2812
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ..................................................... 1
§1.1 交流异步电机传动系统的特点和优点 .......................... 1
§1.2 交流传动测试系统国内外研究现状 ............................ 1
§1.3 现有的异步电机负载试验系统 ................................ 2
§1.3.1 耗能型异步电机负载试验系统 ...........................2
§ 阻力型异步电机负载试验系统 ..................... 2 直流发电机型异步电机负载试验系统 ................. 2
§1.3.2 能量反馈型异步电机负载试验系统 ...................... 3
§ 直流发电机并网型异步电机负载试验系统 ...........3
§ 交流异步电机并网型负载试验系统 ................. 3
§ 公共直流母线型异步电机负载试验系统 ............. 4
§1.4 本文主要研究内容 ..........................................4
第二章 直流总线式三相异步电机反馈试验系统原理及控制 ............... 6
§2.1 直流总线式三相异步电机反馈试验系统工作原理 ................ 6
§2.2 两电机联合控制策略 ........................................ 7
§2.3 两电机联合控制运行状态分析 ................................ 9
§2.4 公共直流母线技术 .......................................... 9
§2.5 直流总线式三相异步电机反馈试验系统节能原理 ................9
§2.6 本章小结 .................................................10
第三章 异步电机直接转矩控制原理及反馈试验系统仿真研究 ............ 11
§3.1 异步电机数学模型 ......................................... 11
§3.2 试验系统逆变器数学模型 ................................... 16
§3.3 电压空间矢量对定子磁链和电磁转矩的影响 ................... 18
§3.4 异步电机直接转矩控制系统框图 ............................. 19
§3.5 磁链和转矩滞环比较器 ..................................... 20
§3.6 定子磁链计算单元 ......................................... 21
§3.6.1 定子磁链 u-i 模型 .................................... 22
§3.6.2 定子磁链 i-ωm模型 ................................... 22
§3.6.3 定子磁链滤波器模型 ................................. 22
§ u-i 低通滤波器模型 ............................. 22
§ 改进型 u-i 低通滤波器模型 ...................... 23
§ u-i&i-ωm滤波器模型 ........................... 24
§3.7 磁链所在扇区判断 .........................................25
§3.8 异步电机转速估计 .........................................25
§3.9 异步电机反馈试验系统仿真 .................................26
§3.10 本章小结 ................................................32
第四章 网侧 SVPWM 整流器控制 .................................... 33
§4.1 PWM 整流器的原理 ......................................... 33
§4.2 SVPWM 整流器主电路的数学建模及其控制系统 ................. 34
§4.3 SVPWM 整流器的整个系统仿真 ............................... 37
§4.4 本章总结 ................................................. 39
第五章 直流总线式三相异步电机反馈试验系统的软件设计 ............... 40
§5.1 DSP 控制系统软件结构 ..................................... 40
§5.1.1 反馈试验系统主程序 ................................. 41
§5.1.2 下溢中断服务子程序流程图 ........................... 41
§5.2 反馈试验系统控制算法数字实现 .............................42
§5.2.1 直流电压、交流电流 AD 采集 ......................... 42
§5.2.2 异步电机相电压计算及 clarck 变换程序 ................. 44
§5.2.3 数字 PI 调节器和滞环比较器 .......................... 45
§5.2.4 定子磁链扇区确定 ................................... 46
§5.2.5 串行通信 ........................................... 47
§5.3 上位机软件的设计 ......................................... 48
§5.3.1 PCI 数据采集 ........................................48
§5.3.2 串行通信 LabVIEW 程序 .............................. 48
§5.4 本章小结 .................................................51
第六章 直流总线式三相异步电机反馈试验系统的硬件设计 ............... 52
§6.1 试验电机型号 .............................................52
§6.2 调压器和不控整流桥 .......................................53
§6.3 公共直流母线电容的选取 ...................................53
§6.4 IGBT 的选择 .............................................. 53
§6.5 传感器及信号调理电路 .....................................54
§6.6 TMS320LF2812DSP 开发板 ................................... 56
§6.7 驱动电路和电平转换电路 ...................................56
§6.8 IGBT 缓冲电路 ............................................ 57
§6.9 转速转矩测试仪 JN338 ......................................58
§6.9.1 转速测量 ............................................58
§6.9.2 转矩测量 ........................................... 58
§6.10 数据采集卡 .............................................. 59
§6.11 光耦隔离电路 ............................................ 59
§6.12 本章小结 ................................................ 60
第七章 实验结果与分析 ........................................... 61
第八章 总结与展望 ................................................ 64
§8.1 本论文研究工作总结 .......................................64
§8.2 展望 .....................................................64
参考文献 .......................................................... 65
在读期间公开发表的论文 ............................................ 67
谢 ............................................................ 68


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作者:陈辉 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:72 页 大小:6.42MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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