
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 900.72KB 67 页 15积分
摘 要
业现实状况与发展方向,制定了发展当代图书物流机制的对策。对 S省新华书店
理理论、网络配送理论和业务重组理论。其次,本文介绍了 S省新华书店集团的基
本情况,并对集团物流存在的问题作了较为详细的分析,认为 S省新华书店物流
流网络化程度不高;设施技术水平较低。并探究了 S省新华书店物流发展模式问
出了电子商务环境下 S省新华书店集团图书物流的发展对策:不断丰富省内物流
促进仓储的合理优化;促进 S省新华书店图书物流的信息化建设。并提出了 S
关键词:图书物流 物流配送 供应链管理 电子商务
Electronic commerce is a new business activity,since 1995 America Amazon
online bookstore,e-commerce increasingly penetrated into the book industry all the
minor details.In recent years,Internet technology and China book publishing industry
is developing rapidly,gave birth to the booming electronic commerce Chinese books.
In this development trend,as the leader of state-owned bookstores,e-commerce
activities carried out by Xinhua bookstore has become an inevitable trend.The main
research object is the Shanxi Xinhua Bookstore Group through the integrated use of
e-commerce,strategic management,marketing,information management,services
marketing knowledge,combined with the books logistics theory,supply chain theory
and customer relationship management theory,a comprehensive analysis of the current
domestic e-commerce environment of books logistics current situation and development
trend,the development of modern books logistics system recommendations and
personal views,which is a meaningful exploration on Shanxi Xinhua Bookstore Group
under the electronic commerce environment of books logistics mode of practice.
Firstly,in this paper books logistics electronic commerce outline related theory
and its latest development,under the electronic commerce environment and the
relationship between electronic commerce and logistics of books,and books on the
developing trend of logistics under the electronic commerce environment is analyzed.
At the same time,also introduced the information theory,the logistics supply chain
management theory,network allocation theory and the service reorganization theory.
Secondly,this paper introduces the basic situation of Shanxi Xinhua Bookstore Group,
and the group of logistics problems were analyzed in detail,argues for the existence of
the development model of Shanxi Xinhua Bookstore logistics problems of logistics
distribution coverage of small,weak ability of a single function; logistics center;
logistics network level is not high; facilities and technical level is low.And explore the
reasons behind the Xinhua Bookstore logistics development mode of Shanxi: logistics
business process unreasonable; lack of logistics personnel; the application of
information technology needs to be strengthened; the third party logistics development
In the basis of full reference on dangdang.com and Amazon books logistics
network development experience,this paper put forward the development
countermeasures of Shanxi Xinhua Bookstore Group Book Logistics under the
environment of e-commerce logistics distribution mode: enrich the province;
strengthening third party logistics distribution mode; continuously improve the existing
logistics supply chain management; to promote the rational optimization of storage;
promote the informatization construction of Shanxi books logistics.And the
implementation of security in Shanxi Xinhua Bookstore Group books logistics
development countermeasure: leadership,increase investment; the business process
reorganization of science; actively carry out cooperation with distributors alliance;
increases the personnel training dynamics.
Key WordBooks LogisticsLogistics and Distribution
Supply Chain ManagementE-Commerce
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ......................................................... 1
1.1 研究背及意义 ................................................. 1
1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1
1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 1
1.2 国内外研究综述 ............................................... 2
1.2.1 国外研究综述 ............................................ 2
1.2.2 国内研究综述 ............................................ 4
1.3 研究思路及方法 ............................................... 6
1.3.1 研究思路 ................................................ 6
1.3.2 研究方法 ................................................ 7
第二章 相关理论基础 .................................................. 9
2.1 电子商务及图书物流相关概念及特点 ............................. 9
2.1.1 电子商务概念界定 ........................................ 9
2.1.2 图书物流的概念界定 ...................................... 9
2.2 国外物流的发展历程及趋势 .................................... 10
2.2.1 国外物流的发展历程 ..................................... 10
2.2.2 国外物流的发展趋势 ..................................... 11
2.3 物流发展模式相关理论 ........................................ 13
2.3.1 物流信息化建设理论 ..................................... 13
2.3.2 物流供应链管理理论 ..................................... 15
2.3.3 物流网络配送理论 ....................................... 16
2.3.4 物流网络协同运作理论 ................................... 17
2.4 第三方物流相关理论 .......................................... 19
2.4.1 社会分工理论与第三方物流 ............................... 19
2.4.2 委托代理理论与第三方物流 ............................... 20
2.4.3 交易费用理论与第三方物流 ............................... 20
第三章 S 省新华书店集团物流模式的现状及问题分析 ..................... 22
3.1 S 省新华书店物流模式现状分析 ................................. 22
3.1.1 S 省新华书店简介 ....................................... 22
3.1.2 S 省新华书店物流模式 ................................... 22
3.2 物流发展模式存在的问题分析 .................................. 24
3.2.1 物流配送覆盖面小 ....................................... 24
3.2.2 物流中心功能单一 ....................................... 24
3.2.3 物流网络化程度不高 ..................................... 25
3.2.4 设施技术水平较低 ....................................... 25
3.3 物流发展模式存在问题的原因 .................................. 25
3.3.1 物流业务流程不合理 ..................................... 25
3.3.2 第三方物流发展滞后 ..................................... 26
3.3.3 信息技术应用有待加强 ................................... 26
3.3.4 物流人才匮乏 ........................................... 26
第四章 电子商务环境下图书物流配送模式的选择 ......................... 27
4.1 电子商务环境对图书物流的影响 ................................ 27
4.1.1 电子商务环境下图书物流系统的构成及特点 ................. 27
4.1.2 电子商务对传统图书物流的冲击和影响 ..................... 29
4.1.3 电子商务对图书物流配送的影响 ........................... 30
4.1.4 电子商务环境下图书物流的发展趋势 ....................... 31
4.2 网上书店物流配送模式的借鉴—基于亚马逊与当当网的分析 ........ 32
4.2.1 自建物流配送体系 ....................................... 32
4.2.2 借助第三方物流,实现物流外包 ............................ 33
4.2.3 配送方式的选择多元化 ................................... 34
4.3 电子商务环境下图书物流配送模式分析选择 ...................... 35
4.3.1 自营物流模式 ........................................... 35
4.3.2 第三方物流模式 ......................................... 36
4.3.3 物流联盟 ............................................... 37
第五章 电子商务环境下 S 省新华书店集团图书物流发展对策 ............... 39
5.1 电子商务环境下 S 省新华书店图书物流发展对策的原则及思路 ...... 39
5.1.1 发展对策的原则 ......................................... 39
5.1.2 发展对策的思路 ......................................... 40
5.2 电子商务环境下 S 省新华书店图书物流发展的具体对策 ............ 41
5.2.1 丰富省内物流配送模式 ................................... 41
5.2.2 强化第三方物流配送模式 ................................. 43
5.2.3 完善现有物流供应链管理 ................................. 46
5.2.4 促进仓储的合理优化 ..................................... 47
5.2.5 加强图书物流信息化建设 ................................. 51
5.3 电子商务环境下 S 省新华书店集团图书物流对策实施保障 .......... 52
5.3.1 领导重视,加大资金投入 ................................. 52
5.3.2 相关业务流程科学重组 ................................... 53
5.3.3 积极开展与分销商的合作联盟关系 ......................... 56
5.3.4 加大人才培养力度 ....................................... 56
第六章 结论与展望 ................................................... 57
6.1 研究结论 .................................................... 57
6.2 研究展望 .................................................... 57
参考文献 ............................................................ 59
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目取得的成果 ...................... 62
............................................................... 63


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:67 页 大小:900.72KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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