HV AC-LED的制作工艺及结温测试

3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 4.74MB 52 页 15积分
摘 要
目前应用于照明的 LED 主要由低压直流驱动,这种驱动器有其固有弊端:驱
动器的成本高,尺寸大、电路复杂、不稳定。随着 LED 芯片技术的发展以及
LED 模具可靠性的提高,LED 器件中的转换器逐渐成为系统设计的瓶颈。使用高
压驱动的 HV-LED 或直接使用交流电驱动的 AC-LED 有更高效率、更高可靠性和
第一部分,重新审视现有高功率 LED 技术和 LED 的驱动方式。分析 HV-
LED AC-LED 的工作原理以及优势。第二部分,制作表征新型 HV-LED。论文
描述了 HV-LED 芯片制作的关键设备和工艺流程,包含对 ICP 深刻蚀、侧壁绝缘
15 种不同的 p型金属电极结构,经过对比分析,选择叉指结构,可最大限度使
电流均匀分布,提高了芯片的发光效率。第三部分,针对传统 AC-LED 结温测试
方法遇到的困难,根据 AC-LED 的工作特性及结温与正向电压的关系,提出了一
种新的 AC-LED 结温测试方法--阈值电压法。
叉指结构 p型金属电极 HV-LED 的实验结果表明,这种电流扩展结构将能将
出光效率提高 12%。该做法只需修改相应步骤的掩模板,不需修改工艺步骤;不
需增加材料成本,在生产成本不变的情况下就可以提高 LED 的发光效率。使用阈
值电压法测试 AC-LED 结温,经过分析当参考阈值电流为 1mA ,测试误差可以
关键词:HV-LED AC-LED 芯片制作 结温测试
LEDs for lighting application are conventionally powered by Direct Current (DC)
sources with DC-DC converters or Alternating Current (AC) sources with AC-DC
converters. DC-DC converters and AC-DC converters are well understood but have
disadvantages of driver cost, size, electrical circuits’ complexity and reliability. With
the development of LEDs technology and enhancement of LEDs dies reliability, the
reliability of the converters is becoming the bottleneck of the lighting system. Direct
HV/AC powering LEDs have advantages of higher efficiency, enhanced reliability,
reduced cost and ready tore place existing lighting fixture due to the elimination of AC-
DC converter. At present, the measurement techniques of LED junction temperatures
are mainly developed for direct current LEDs (DC-LEDs). With the advent of AC-LED
technology it is essential to have a method that would be able to characterize the
junction temperature of the AC-LEDs with high efficiency and accuracy.
In the first part of this work, existing LED technologies including high power and
driver are reviewed. Advanced analysis of HV-LED and AC-LED are performed. In the
second part of this work, a fabrication and characterization of gallium nitride based HV-
LED is presented. Firstly, it is described that the key equipment and processes of HV-
LED chip production. Secondly, a fabrication process was developed for creating a GaN
HV-LED, and the key technology is optimized in deep etching of ICP, sidewall
insulation, the bridging and so on. Thirdly, 15 different p-type metal electrode structure
designed to solve the problem of the poor effect of current spreading, and through
comparative analysis the interdigital structure is selected, so that the current can be
evenly distributed to maximize and improve the luminous efficiency of the chip. In the
third part of this work, threshold voltage method of measuring alternating current LED
(AC-LED) junction temperature is reported to exhibit high efficiency and accuracy. In
this method, a threshold current Ith is first confirmed to a constant value as reference.
When AC-LED is at normal state, the selected forward voltage is instantaneous. An
AC-LED starts working when its current reaches threshold current Ith. The voltage
driving AC-LED at this moment is threshold voltage, which is found decreases along
with the junction temperature risen. Between threshold voltages and junction
temperatures, a good linear relationship is found. Temperature sensitive parameter
(TSP) between threshold voltage and junction temperature is confirmed. This method
consists of two parts, calibration measurement, and the actual junction-temperature
Using these methods GaN based HV-LED were fabricated with new metal
electrode-interdigital structure p-type metal electrode. The light efficiency increased by
12%. In this approach, the masks of the corresponding steps are simply modified,
without modifying process steps, increasing material costs. LED luminous efficiency is
improved without extra production costs. Further analysis suggested that the error of the
threshold voltage method can be narrowed down to ±2.5 when the reference current
is chosen as ~1 mA It is concluded that the method of threshold voltage is accurate
and simple to implement, making it highly suitable for determining the junction
temperatures of AC-LEDs in industry.
Key Words: HV-LED, AC-LED, Fabrication of chip, Junction
Temperature Measurement
目 录
1.1 LED 现状........................................................1
1.2 LED 的驱动方法..................................................3
1.3 HV-LED.........................................................4
1.4 AC-LED.........................................................6
1.5 本文的研究方向..................................................8
第二章 GaN HV -LED 的制作工艺......................................10
2.1 氮化镓(GaN)材料..............................................10
2.2 关键工艺设备...................................................10
2.2.1 光刻 (Photo-Etching).......................................11
2.2.2 刻蚀(Etching)..............................................13
2.2.3 化学气沉积 (Chemical Vapor Deposition;CVD)..............15
2.2.4 金属镀膜 (Metal Deposition)................................16
2.3 制作工艺流程..................................................17
2.4 关键技术.......................................................23
2.5 新型电极设计...................................................25
2.6 样品数据分析...................................................26
第三章 交流 AC-LED 的结温测试方法....................................30
3.1 LED 热学.................................................30
3.1.1 结温的产生................................................30
3.1.2 LED 热阻................................................31
3.2 结温对 LED 参影响...........................................31
3.3 LED 结温测试方法...............................................32
3.3.1 DC-LED 的结温测试方法......................................32
3.3.2 DC-LED 的结温测试方法应用到 AC-LED 结温测试当中的问题.......33
3.3.3 现有 AC-LED 结温测试方法....................................33
3.4 阈值电压法测AC-LED 结温......................................35
3.4.1 结温与阈值电压的关系理论...................................35
3.4.2 阈值电压法中参考阈值电流的选择.............................36
3.4.3 阈值电压法的实验装置.......................................37
3.4.4 阈值电压法的流程...........................................38
3.4.5 据分析...................................................39
3.5 结论...........................................................42
4.1HV-LED 芯片制作.................................................43
4.2 阈值电压法测试 AC-LED 结温......................................43
第一章 绪论
第一章 绪 论
1.1 LED 现状
LED 发光二极能将电能以比传统光更高效的式转换为光
LED 用作照明具有尺寸寿命长、发热量低、能效率高等的LED 照明
市场近几年非常迅速,高功率和高LED 做出了重要[1]。作为光
LED 源利用率高而且环境无污染[2]此带来能效应可以减少煤炭
和温室气体排放1-1 了一个典型的 LED 照明系统。
1-1 LED 照明系统
LED GaN AlGaInP/GaAs 导体1-2
了一个典型的 LED 封装
1-2 LED 封装
如图 1-2 所示LED 芯片安装子座上并且附着在基板。基板常常由具有


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:52 页 大小:4.74MB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-19


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