
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 1MB 70 页 15积分
本文着眼于当前山东省的银行信贷与经济发展的现状,以 1978 年到 2012
的有关数据作为支撑,选取人均 GDP银行贷款余额(LOAN、信贷资金利用效
关键词:银行信贷 地域经济 实证分析 信贷结构 产业结构
Economic development mainly rely on policy, technology and capital investment,
and capital investment supports the implementation of policy and the development of
science and technology. The increasing improvement of financial system and activity of
financial market play an important role on the transformation of the social idle capital to
productive investment. Reasonable market mechanism can guide the direction where
capital flows, and then pull the economic development, so the financial industry is
known as the core of modern economy. China's social capital allocation is mainly done
through bank credit, and bank credit has become the main financing channels of
enterprise. Therefore, discussion of the impact of bank credit on regional economic
development has theoretical and practical significance.
Bank loans directly solve the problems of the enterprise financing difficulties, and
through adjustment of the credit structure, regional industrial structure get optimization
and upgrading, therefore giving impetus to the rapid growth of regional economy and
promoting the steady development of banking industry in the future. As to the
relationship between bank credit and the regional economy, from the point of view of
the regional economy, bank credit is the guarantee as well as the booster of the
development of regional economy. Through strengthening of enterprise credit, banks
increase the money supply of the district; After adjustment of the credit structure,
regional industrial structure would also get optimization and upgrading, thereby leading
to the rapid growth of regional economy. Bank credit not only optimizes the allocation
of the funds, but also improve the benefit of the use of funds. In recent years, the real
economy of Shandong province has been strengthened, demand for money ability
increase greatly, which also requires more strengthen credit management and service of
financial institutions such as bank, Under the ensured yield, bank should lower the
difficulty of system to provide capital support to further promote the development of the
real economy.
This paper bases on the present situation of the current bank credit and economic
development in Shandong province, Data of GDP per capita, bank loan balances
(LOAN), the utilization efficiency of credit funds (RGDPL), the whole society total
fixed asset investment (FAI) and related indicators from 1978 to 2012 are used to
establish the empirical model to study the relationship between credit scale and
economic growth. To study the effects of the credit structure on the industrial structure
in Shandong province, three sequence empirical models are established, namely model
of agricultural loans and primary industry output value, industrial loans and the second
industry output value, and commercial loans and the tertiary industry output value. It is
concluded that bank credit is the key factor that influence the economic growth. Bank
credit growth can drive the economic growth, while economic growth does not
necessarily promote the growth of bank credit. On the impact of credit structure on the
of industrial structure, the influence of industrial loans to the second industry output
value is the largest, influence of business loans to the third industry comes the second,
but is gradually expanding. Finally according to the current situation of bank credit and
economic development in Shandong province and the empirical results, problems that
exist in the bank credit in the economic development are analyzed and corresponding
policy recommendations are put forward, Only by solving the problems appeared in the
credit markets, the economy in Shandong province can develop smoothly, continuously,
healthily and rapidly.
Key words: Bank CreditRegional EconomyEmpirical Analysis
Credit StructureIndustrial Structure
第一章 绪 论 ...................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 ................................................. 1
1.2 文献综述 ....................................................... 2
1.2.1 国外研究综述 ............................................... 2
1.2.2 国内研究综述 ............................................... 4
1.2.3 文献综述的总结 ............................................. 7
1.3 研究内容和方法 ................................................. 7
1.3.1 研究内容 ................................................... 7
1.3.2 研究方法 ................................................... 9
1.4 论文主要的创新点与不足 ........................................ 10
第二章 银行信贷对地域经济增长作用的理论分析 ....................... 11
2.1 银行信贷理论 .................................................. 11
2.1.1 可借贷资金理论 ............................................ 11
2.1.2 信贷配给理论 .............................................. 11
2.2 区域经济发展理论 .............................................. 12
2.2.1 区域经济均衡发展理论 ...................................... 12
2.2.2 区域经济非均衡发展理论 .................................... 13
2.3 货币理论关于银行信贷与经济增长关系的分析 ...................... 15
2.3.1 古典经济学的货币中性论 .................................... 15
2.3.2 凯恩斯的货币非中性论 ...................................... 15
2.3.3 货币主义的货币中性与非中性观 .............................. 16
2.4 金融发展理论关于银行信贷与经济增长关系的分析 .................. 16
第三章 山东省银行信贷与经济发展现状分析 ........................... 18
3.1 山东省经济发展现状分析 ........................................ 18
3.1.1 山东省 GDP 增长现状 ........................................ 18
3.1.2 山东省第一、二、三产业产值增长现状 ........................ 19
3.2 山东省银行信贷增长现状分析 .................................... 22
3.2.1 银行信贷资金来源分析 ...................................... 22
3.2.2 银行信贷资金总量分析 ...................................... 23
3.2.3 银行信贷投放结构分析 ...................................... 24
3.3 山东省银行信贷与经济增长关系的初步估计 ........................ 26
3.3.1 信贷质量分析 .............................................. 26
3.3.2 山东省各市 GDP 总量与贷款余额的对比分析 .................... 27
3.3.3 经济增长与银行信贷增长的对比分析 .......................... 28
第四章 山东省银行信贷对经济发展的贡献研究 ......................... 30
4.1 实证方法的选择 ................................................ 30
4.1.1 单位根检验 ................................................ 30
4.1.2 协整检验 .................................................. 31
4.1.3 格兰杰因果关系检验 ........................................ 32
4.2 信贷规模与经济增长实证分析 .................................... 32
4.2.1 指标的选取和数据的处理 .................................... 32
4.2.2 ADF 单位根检验 ............................................ 34
4.2.3 Johansen 协整检验 ......................................... 35
4.2.4 Granger 因果检验 .......................................... 37
4.3 信贷结构与产业结构实证分析 .................................... 37
4.3.1 指标的选取和数据的处理 .................................... 37
4.3.2 ADF 单位根检验 ............................................ 39
4.3.3 Johansen 协整检验 ......................................... 39
4.3.4 Granger 因果检验 .......................................... 41
4.4 银行信贷与经济增长实证结果分析 ................................ 41
第五章 山东省银行信贷在经济增长中存在的问题及解决的对策 ........... 43
5.1 山东省银行信贷在经济增长中存在的问题 .......................... 43
5.1.1 信贷投向具有明显的行业集中性 .............................. 43
5.1.2 存贷期限错配风险加剧 ...................................... 44
5.1.3 中小企业融资难的问题仍未解决 .............................. 44
5.1.4 信贷资金投放区域不平衡 .................................... 45
5.1.5 商业贷款对第三产业的支持力度不够 .......................... 46
5.1.6 存贷比相对偏高,存款资源制约问题依然存在 .................. 47
5.2 优化银行信贷管理促进山东省经济增长的对策和建议 ................ 47
5.2.1 强化对银行信贷行业集中的监管 .............................. 47
5.2.2 拓宽融资渠道,调整信贷期限结构 ............................ 48
5.2.3 加大对中小企业的信贷支持 .................................. 49
5.2.4 制定区域差别化的信贷政策 .................................. 50
5.2.5 转变银行业观念,助力第三产业发展 .......................... 50
5.2.6 控制贷款规模,改善贷款质量 ................................ 51
结 论 .............................................................. 52
附 录 .............................................................. 53
参考文献 ........................................................... 62
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ..................... 65
致 谢 .............................................................. 66


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:70 页 大小:1MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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