
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 1.97MB 76 页 15积分
入做市商制度、参与融资融券业务、完善股票指数期货、早日实现 T+0 交易模式、
关键词:优先份额 进取份额 折溢价 /负相关性
Innovation has been the source power for the development of the fund industry,
from closed-end equity to open-end equity, from stock type to bond and currency type,
from active management to passive management. The innovation of fund investment
products emerge in an endless stream. The classification fund has emerged as the times
require with the innovation trend to fill the gaps of leverage investment tools in our fund
market. As a very important innovation of fund market, the birth of classification funds
provides more detailed risk benefit demand to investors, promotes optimal allocation of
assets and has positive effect on increasing the whole issue size of fund industry. Not
only enlarge income through leverage, but also use the discount and premium rate to
form arbitrage. However like a double-edged sword, it has a very active price
fluctuation, (for example, it might be explosive increase of several decades within a few
trading days, meanwhile it might suddenly drop. Especially for the investors who like
investing premium share rather than discount share, preference following others will get
a huge loss. Based on the premise of deep understanding of classification funds,
grasping the factors affecting classification funds discount and premium rate can help us
avoid blindly following the trend and make a rational investment. Therefore, to explore
the factors influencing the Chinese classification funds discount and premium changes
and influence degree of each factor is necessary.
Due to the lack of domestic researches on classification funds discount and
premium rate but a lot of relatively similar researches on discount of closed-end fund,
the literature review was summarized by a combination of the closed-end fund and
classification funds. Based on the summarization of research reports and related books
on relevant classification funds, the definition and classification of classification funds
were described, and the characteristics and advantages were comprehensively
summarized. Through reviewing the development process of China's classification
funds, the features of our classification funds discount or premium were summarized
and described. Based on the above study, the factors affecting classification funds
discount and premium changes, as well as from designingpricing and other aspects
were investigated to deeply analyze the fund industry from a theoretical point of view.
Based on the presented theoretical results the data availability and factor quantification,
five factors were selected, i.e., the leverage ratio, conversion provisions, fund cost,
product liquidity and market index of these five effects to develop a regression model of
panel data. The influential factors of China's classification funds discount and premium
rate were examined empirically, according to the present situation of classification funds
marketto arise the inspiration for development of classification funds in the future.
Finally, the positive / negative correlation between five effect factors and discount
or premium rate, even the correlation degree were obtained. Among them, the market
index is the most important, and the second is conversion provisions. Either of the
factors is positively correlated with discount or premium rate of overall and progressive
share, but opposite to preferred share. Based on the study, the development, of
classification funds in the future should introduce a market maker system, participate in
margin financing business, improve the stock index futures, early realize the T+0
transaction mode, improve the classification products homogeneous and the market
investment environmental for the purpose of promoting China capital market prosperity.
Key Words: Preferred Share, Progressive Share , Discount or
Premium Rate, Positive / Negative Correlation
第一章 ....................................................... 1
1.1 本文的研究背景和意义 ......................................... 1
1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1
1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 2
1.2 国内外文献综述 ............................................... 3
1.2.1 国外文献综述 ............................................ 3
1.2.2 国内文献综述 ............................................ 4
1.2.3 文献综述评价 ............................................ 6
1.3 研究内容、框架和方法 ......................................... 7
1.4 本文的重点、创新和不足 ...................................... 10
第二章 我国分级基金概述 ............................................ 12
2.1 分级基金的定义 .............................................. 12
2.2 分级基金的分类 .............................................. 12
2.2.1 根据投资标的 ........................................... 12
2.2.2 根据运作方式 ........................................... 13
2.2.3 根据优先份额收益分配方式 ............................... 14
2.3 分级基金的特征和优势 ........................................ 15
2.3.1 分级结构 ............................................... 15
2.3.2 杠杆效应 ............................................... 15
2.3.3 套利机制 ............................................... 16
第三章 我国分级基金折溢价率的现状分析 .............................. 19
3.1 国外分级基金发展历程分析 .................................... 19
3.2 我国分级基金发展历程分析 .................................... 20
3.3 分级基金折溢价率的概念 ...................................... 23
3.4 分级基金的市场表现分析 ...................................... 23
第四章 我国分级基金折溢价率影响因素分析 ............................ 27
4.1 分级基金的设计因素分析 ...................................... 27
4.1.1 投资标的 ............................................... 28
4.1.2 杠杆率 ................................................. 29
4.1.3 配对转换机制 ........................................... 32
4.1.4 折算机制 ............................................... 34
4.2 分级基金的定价因素分析 ...................................... 38
4.2.1B-S 期权定价 ............................................ 38
4.2.2 蒙特卡洛模拟定价 ....................................... 40
4.2.3 定价因素的对比分析 ..................................... 41
4.3 其他因素分析 ................................................ 45
4.3.1 资金成本 ............................................... 45
4.3.2 产品的流动性 ........................................... 46
4.3.3 大盘指数 ............................................... 46
4.3.4 投资者情绪 ............................................. 46
第五章 我国分级基金折溢价率影响因素的实证分析 ...................... 48
5.1 样本选择和数据来源 .......................................... 48
5.2 变量的设定 .................................................. 49
5.2.1 被解释变量 ............................................. 49
5.2.2 解释变量 ............................................... 49
5.3 构建模型 .................................................... 50
5.4 实证过程 .................................................... 50
5.4.1 面板数据单位根检验 ..................................... 50
5.4.2 面板数据的协整检验 ..................................... 53
5.4.3 面板数据的模型选择 ..................................... 53
5.4.4 面板数据的回归估计 ..................................... 55
5.5 实证结论分析 ................................................ 57
第六章 结论与对策建议 .............................................. 59
6.1 主要结论 .................................................... 59
6.1.1 大盘指数 ............................................... 59
6.1.2 向下到点折算距离 ....................................... 59
6.1.3 实际杠杆 ............................................... 60
6.1.4 资金成本 ............................................... 60
6.1.5 产品的流动性 ........................................... 60
6.2 对策建议 .................................................... 61
6.2.1 引入做市商制度 ......................................... 61
6.2.2 参与融资融券业务 ....................................... 61
6.2.3 丰富股票指数期货品种 ................................... 62
6.2.4 实现 T+0 交易模式 ....................................... 63
6.2.5 改善分级产品同质化现象 ................................. 63
6.2.6 完善市场投资环境 ....................................... 64
参考文献 ........................................................... 65
............................................................. 69
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及成果 ......................... 71
............................................................. 72


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:76 页 大小:1.97MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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