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2009 414 日,国务院发布《关于推进上海加快发展现代服务业和先进制
海建设现代服务型国际航运中心的优劣势,为 SWOT 战略分析做准备。第六章,
遇与挑战,进行 SWOT 战略组合分析,并提出相应的战略对策建议。第七章,对
关键词:上海 现代服务型 国际航运中心
On April 14th, 2009, the State Council issued a document "Decisions on promoting
Shanghai to accelerate the development of modern service industry and advanced
manufacturing, and the construction of international financial center and international
shipping center". According to the State Council‟s instruction, developing modern
service industry, upgrading the urban economy and accelerating the construction of
international financial and shipping center is an important mission for Shanghai.
Till now, the construction of Shanghai international shipping center has made great
progresses in hard power. But in soft power, particularly in the areas of shipping
services, it still has significant gaps with some famous international shipping centers
such as New York, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Rotterdam, etc. The aim that
building into an international shipping center hasn‟t been realized. Meanwhile,
Shanghai‟s modern service industries arent developed. So it will affect the
transformation of Shanghai's economy. Therefore, the construction of international
financial and shipping center provides an important opportunity for Shanghai. The
decision means that the central and local governments reached a consensus on the
construction of a modern service international shipping Center for Shanghai.
This thesis aims to finish a strategic research on the construction of Shanghai
international shipping center with modern service-oriental. Totally, this study to has six
chapters. Chapter one wants to introduce the study background, its significance, the
innovation of this paper, research methods and ideas framework, and to summary
relevant research at home and abroad. Chapter two wants to describe some basic
concepts and relevant theoretical understanding of modern service international
shipping center. Chapter three wants to summarize its strengths and weaknesses in the
construction of international shipping center, by reviewing the construction history and
achievements it gained. In details, Shanghais shipping industry has obvious strengths in
hard power, however, shows weaknesses in soft power compared with some famous
international shipping center. Chapter four wants to prove the necessity for Shanghai to
build into a modern service international shipping center from the theoretical level and
to demonstrate the feasibility for Shanghai to build into the first modern service
international shipping center in domestic port-cities by applying the cluster analysis.
Chapter five divided port-city economic system into urban economic subsystem and
port economic subsystem and chose some indicators from them. Then it used grey
correlation degree model to analysis data from 2003 to 2012. Results show that city
insurance industry, information and software industry and international trade have
strong co-movement with the port economy. However, the financial industry and
government service have weak support to the port economy. Chapter six use the method
of SWOT to put forward strategies and measures, based on analyzing the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the construction of modern service
international shipping center for Shanghai. Finally, there are thesis summary and
Key Word: Shanghai, Modern Service, International Shipping Center
第一章 论............ 1
1.1 研究背景及意义................ 1
1.1.1 研究背景................................ 1
1.1.2 研究意义............ 2
1.2 国内外相关研究综述............. 4
1.2.1 现代服务业研究综述.............. 4
1.2.2 国际航运中心研究综述.............. 5
1.2.3 现代服务业与国际航运中心的研究综述6
1.3 创新点........ 7
1.4 研究方法与思路框架....... 7
1.4.1 研究方法....... 7
1.4.2 思路框架.............. 7
第二章 相关概念及理论综述........................................ 9
2.1 现代服务型国际航运中心相关概念....... 9
2.1.1 国际航运中心概念......... 9
2.1.2 现代服务型理念及现代服务型国际航运中心的理解...... 11
2.2 主要相关理论........................... 12
2.2.1 理论依据........ 12
2.2.2 实证相关理论........... 15
第三章 上海国际航运中心的建设情况........................... 17
3.1 上海国际航运中心建设阶段回顾......... 17
3.1.1 浦东开发带来契机........ 17
3.1.2 中央决策、市政府启动筹备工作......... 17
3.1.3 航运市场快速发展.......... 18
3.1.4 转型升级高质量发展......... 18
3.2 上海国际航运中心建设成果............. 19
3.2.1 航运硬实力...... 20
3.2.2 航运软实力....... 24
3.3 总结上海国际航运中心的优势与不足....... 28
3.3.1 上海国际航运中心的优势....... 28
3.3.2 上海国际航运中心的不足... 30
第四章 上海建设现代服务型国际航运中心可行性研究....... 37
4.1 理论分析上海建设现代服务型国际航运中心的必然性...... 37
4.1.1 国际航运中心建设对上海发展现代服务业的作用....... 37
4.1.2 上海发展现代服务业对国际航运中心建设的影响...... 38
4.2 聚类分析上海建设现代服务型国际航运中心的可行性..........39
4.2.1 聚类分析法简述...... 39
4.2.2 指标选取..... 41
4.2.3 原始数据的获取.......... 43
4.2.4 测算结果与分析........... 44
4.3 结论............................................. 44
第五章 上海建设现代服务型国际航运中心的实证分析...... 46
5.1 指标体系的构建与数据来源......... 46
5.1.1 指标体系的构建........ 46
5.1.2 数据来源......... 46
5.2 灰色关联度模型....... 47
5.2.1 灰色关联度模型基本原理........ 47
5.2.2 灰色关联度模型测算步骤...... 48
5.3 测算结果与结论......... 49
5.3.1 测算结果.......................................... 49
5.3.2 结论....... 50
第六章 SWOT 战略研究..........................................51
6.1 SWOT 因素分析..................................... 51
6.1.1 优势...................................... 51
6.1.2 劣势........... 52
6.1.3 机遇....... 53
6.1.4 挑战........ 54
6.2 SWOT 战略组合...................................55
6.2.1 SO 战略组合......56
6.2.2 WO 战略组合... 56
6.2.3 ST 战略组合...57
6.2.4 WT 战略组合........................58
6.3 SWOT 战略对策建议...58
6.3.1 完善集疏运体系.59
6.3.2 强化城市现代服务业对航运业的支撑.59
6.3.3 健全政策法律体系.60
第七章 结论与展望................. 61
7.1 结论.61
7.2 研究展望.................................................... 62
参考文献......................... ............. 63
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果................. 67
谢......................... ........................... 68


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:72 页 大小:1.85MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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