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摘 要
本文以上海投资咨询公司〔Shanghai Investment Consulting Corporation
下简称 SICC〕为研究对象,研究综合性工程咨询公司的发展战略。首先,从研
究发展战略理论出发,分析 SICC 在新的发展阶段制定新发展战略的必要性,
采用 SWOT 分析法,找出影响公司进一步发展的因素,提出对策,为制定公司
询企业的发展历程和目前实际水平基础上,为 SICC 寻找发展战略模式。第三,
比较详尽地分析了 SICC 的长远和近期规划目标要点,通过分析,提出了推进公
SICC 实施发展战略的各类要素提出了比较具体的工作方案,强调要充分利用我
SICC 的实际情况出发,联系中国经济和管理体制的特点,充分利用改革开放的
得到更快发展,为上海、乃至全国的工程建设提供更好的服务。SICC 是一个有
关键词:工程咨询机构 发展 战略
Using strategic management theory in formulating development strategies is the
key point to determine the success or failure of the enterprises. The enterprise of
emerging industries, which is in a good development, owing relatively abundant
capital and technology, facing with the opportunities of rapid development of the
market, should adopt the developing strategy in making its own development plan.
Engineering consultancy enterprises in China provide consulting service, playing
an important role in national economic development and construction projects. As a
new form of enterprise, it grows very fast. With the deepening of the economic system
reforms and the growth of market-oriented system in China, there have been dramatic
changes in the consultancy industry, thus most of the services set up during the period
of the planning system are now facing an unprecedented sharp competition and new
operational challenges. To maintain the developing momentum and obtain more space
for expansion, the management of the industry must be equipped with new conception
and modern training to come up with renewed mentality so to be able to apply to the
fullest resource to update operating strategy and achieve new success.
The thesis takes SICC as a typical case of study, as an exploration of the
development strategy of China comprehensive consultancy services, with emphasis on
its application. First, initiating with an introduction of development strategic theory, it
points out the necessity of SICC to make new strategy in new developing stage, by
applying SWOT analytical theory, to find out the factors that hinder the development
of the company so as to lay down new principles for the company's further
development. Second, it briefly introduces the definition and classification of the
engineering consultancy services and the comprehensive engineering consultancy
services, then based on a comparative methodology, finds out differences between the
services in China and their counterparts abroad so as to understand more about the
history and development of our international counterparts, and set them as
benchmarks to catch up when making the developing strategy of SICC. Third, the
thesis makes minute analysis of the substantial points of SICC's present and long term
planning, by way of which, to propose for the company diversifying strategy, with a
view to the company's development prospect and its operating environment, involving
the fundamental elements of the strategy, focusing on the coordinating of all the
resources to open up more market and empower the company's strength and
competitiveness. Finally, the thesis proposes some practical working schemes based
on the seven major strategic planning points of SICC, with emphasis on the
coordination of the internal and external relationship under the favorable opening and
reforming conditions in China, and enhancing the management system, to ensure to
fulfill the target of the 11th Five Year Plan.
The most remarkable part of this thesis is its application of development strategic
theory in making and implementing the company's strategic decisions. Based on the
experience of SICC, with a view to the characteristics of Chinese economic and
managerial system, making use of the favorable conditions of opening and reforming,
applying the advanced theory of international counterparts, we will be able to narrow
the distance and develop faster than ever before, and to provide first rate service in
engineering consultancy not only in Shanghai but in China. SICC is an enterprise
with special background, rich resources and supreme working conditions. In the last
twenty years, it has maintained a high developing speed, and now it faces historical
opportunities for overall and rapid growth, which is the direction and initiative of
making new strategy. Furthermore, this thesis also touches upon some in-depth
research concerning the prospect and marketing schemes of engineering consultancy,
and generates some new understanding and viewpoints for your reference.
Key Words: Engineering consultancy enterprises,Development,
目 录
第一章 绪论----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
§1.1 选题背景-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
§1.2 研究内容及思路--------------------------------------------------------------------------1
§1.3 本文结构-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
第二章 工程咨询业及其发展------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
§2.1 咨询业------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
§2.2 工程咨询业------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
§2.3 国内外工程咨询业的发展------------------------------------------------------------ 4
第三章 相关企业战略理论综述--------------------------------------------------------------9
§3.1 企业战略理论--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
§3.2 市场环境理论概述------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
§3.3 综合性工程咨询公司的性质、功能和特征------------------------------------- 14
第四章 SICC 的发展历程与经营环境分析-----------------------------------------------16
§4.1 SICC 概况:一家综合性工程咨询公司------------------------------------------16
§4.2 SICC 的市场环境分析--------------------------------------------------------------- 21
§4.3 SICC 面临的内外竞争压力分析---------------------------------------------------24
§4.4 SICC 经营环境的 SWOT 分析----------------------------------------------------- 25
§4.5 小结--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
第五章 SICC 的发展目标和发展战略选择-----------------------------------------------28
§5.1 SICC 的长远目标--------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
§5.2 “十一五”期间的发展目标------------------------------------------------------- 28
§5.3 SICC 发展战略选择与设计--------------------------------------------------------- 29
第六章 探索和开发新的市场领域--------------------------------------------------------- 32
§6.1 提升企业核心能力的前提和基础------------------------------------------------- 32
§6.2 首先要正视在市场开拓上的能力不足------------------------------------------- 32
§6.3 工程咨询市场需求总量预测------------------------------------------------------- 33
§6.4 社会各界对工程咨询服务的新需求---------------------------------------------- 33
§6.5 制订和实施客户战略---------------------------------------------------------------- 34
§6.6 建立完备的市场服务体系---------------------------------------------------------- 35
第七章 为提升服务能力培育新产品------------------------------------------------------ 37
§7.1 SICC 咨询产品的现状和创新思路------------------------------------------------37
§7.2 加强工程咨询理论方法的研究---------------------------------------------------- 39
§7.3 健全的质量管理体系,培育一流资质及信誉---------------------------------- 40
§7.4 协调外部环境,掌握资源潜力,发挥整体优势------------------------------- 42
第八章 实施多元化发展的相关方面------------------------------------------------------ 44
§8.1 多元化发展与专业化经营---------------------------------------------------------- 44
§8.2 战略管理的新思维:“红海”与“蓝海”---------------------------------------44
§8.3 发展区域定位,解决好本土发展和区域发展的关系------------------------- 45
§8.4 体制改革与制度创新---------------------------------------------------------------- 45
§8.5 加强法制建设,规范行业行为---------------------------------------------------- 47
§8.6 建立有效的信息服务体系---------------------------------------------------------- 47
§8.7 强化人才的梯队建设---------------------------------------------------------------- 48
第九章 组织好发展战略的实施工作------------------------------------------------------ 49
§9.1 总体规划、分步实施---------------------------------------------------------------- 49
§9.2 制订职能部门的发展战略或策略------------------------------------------------- 49
§9.3 用制度建设推进探索、巩固成果------------------------------------------------- 50
§9.4 扩大宣传,塑造公司的新形象---------------------------------------------------- 50
第十章 结束语----------------------------------------------------------------------------------52
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果--------------------------------- 55


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作者:陈辉 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:62 页 大小:672.97KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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