摘 要
源情况。测试在两个地点进行,在南部港口城市 ASEB 分析得到的风速记录显示在 10
米高度的年平均风速为 9.5 米/秒。沿红海 200 公里的海岸线表面风速记录表明,厄立特
更廉价。在厄立特里亚的风况决定是否需要一个小规模的风力涡轮机产生平均风速在 8
扭曲分布。转子采用 NREL S809 翼型轮廓的内侧,跨中和外侧站的叶片。设计叶片的
几何形状和结构的表中给出,其弦,厚度和扭曲分布示于图中。 S809 翼型的升力和阻
力系数确定从叶片流场中求解。在一定攻角时,升力系数有所增加,然而在 16 度角的
r/R=30%和 r/R=60%上观察到翼型件的特性的变化。在 r/R=80%和 r/R=95%的翼型的
特性是接近到 2D。这主要是因为尖端效应。如果轴向诱导因子在叶片处大,然后,流
关键词:风力机 厄立特里亚 风能资源 电力需求
Eritrea, a country in the north east of Africa, has been actively engaged in the
development and utilization of different renewable energy sources, especially of wind, since
the first few years of independence a preliminary survey was conducted to study wind
velocities in different parts of the country. An analysis of national Eritrean and historical
Italian wind records indicated marginal wind resources in the central highlands near the
Eritrean capital of Asmara. An analysis of wind speed records obtained at two sites in the
southern port city of Aseb indicate mean annual wind speed of 9.5 m/s at 10-m height at the
windier site. Surface wind speed records for the Red Sea suggest that similar potential may be
found along the lower 200 km of the Eritrean coastline. Based on these findings,
wind-generated electricity in this region should be substantially cheaper than the current
supply generated from imported diesel. The wind conditions in Eritrea determine the need for
a small-scale wind turbine to produce usable power at an average wind speed of 8 m/s.
Main work in this thesis includes:
(1) The first part of the thesis discusses the wind power and wind resources in Eritrea.
The country has been divided in to three regions as eastern lowland, central highlands and
western lowlands. Each region has substations in which their wind speeds are summarized in
graphs and tables. As it is indicated in the graph most parts of Eritrea wind resources are
suitable for generating electricity.
(2) Secondly, wind turbine technology and its aerodynamics have been discussed in
depth. The blade aerodynamic outline of horizontal axis wind turbine is designed based on
blade element theory associated with momentum theory. The method is used to optimize the
chord and twist distribution of the blade. The rotor employs NREL S809 airfoil profile at
inboard, mid span and outboard stations of the blade. The geometry and configuration of the
designed blade are given in tables and its chord, thickness and twist distributions are shown
in figures. The lift and drag coefficients for S809 aerofoil are determined from Xfoil flow
solver. There is an increase in lift coefficient for a certain angle of attack however, at 16
degrees angle of attack a stall occurs, and there is a massive increase in drag and sharp
reduction in lift. To strength the design analysis a further study was taken on the trailing and
roughness effects of the given airfoil and results show that a blunt and clean surface provided
high lift coefficient as compared to the sharp and rough surface respectively.
(3) Furthermore, a 3D correction model was given to the 2D airfoil coefficient results, in
which large changes of the airfoil characteristics are observed on the inner part of the blade,
r/R=30% and r/R=60%. At r/R=80% and r/R=95% the airfoil characteristics are close to 2D.
This is mainly because of tip effects. If the axial induction factor
is large at the blade
position then, the inflow angle will definitely be small and this causes the reduction in the lift
force. This is known as tip loss because the effect occurs only at the outermost parts of the
Key Words: Wind turbine, Eritrea, Wind resources, Power needs
Table of Contents
摘 要
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 1
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Development of wind turbine ............................................................................................ 1
1.2 Wind turbine technology .................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Wind Turbine Class and Certification ................................................................................ 3
1.4 Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2 Wind resources and power needs in Eritrea ................................................................... 6
2.1 Natural wind resources in Eritrea ...................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Eastern and South Eastern Stations .......................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Central Highland Stations ...................................................................................... 10
2.1.3 Western Lowland Stations ...................................................................................... 12
2.2 Wind power potential ....................................................................................................... 13
2.3 Power consumption .......................................................................................................... 13
2.4 Selection of wind turbines technology for Eritrea ........................................................... 15
Chapter 3 Aerodynamics of wind turbines .................................................................................... 18
3.1 Principle of airfoil lift ...................................................................................................... 18
3.2 Actuator disc model ......................................................................................................... 21
3.3 Blade element theory ....................................................................................................... 23
3.4 Tip speed loss ................................................................................................................... 25
3.5 Blade airfoils for small.scale HAWT ............................................................................... 26
3.5.1 Viscous effects on airfoil aerodynamics ................................................................ 28
3.6 Stall and control ............................................................................................................... 31
Chapter 4 Performance prediction of airfoils and blades .............................................................. 33
4.1 2D airfoil performances ................................................................................................... 33
4.1.1 Effects of Incidence Angle ..................................................................................... 33
4.1.2 Trailing edge effects ............................................................................................... 35
4.1.3 Roughness effect .................................................................................................... 36
4.1.3 3D correction models ............................................................................................. 37
4.2 Rotor Blade geometry ...................................................................................................... 38
4.2.1 Chord distribution .................................................................................................. 39
4.2.2 Thickness distribution ............................................................................................ 40
Small Scale Wind Turbines Aimed at Power Generation in Eritrea
4.2.3 Twist distribution ................................................................................................... 40
4.2.4 Coefficient of performance .................................................................................... 41
Chapter 5 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 43
Nomenclature ................................................................................................................................ 44
Appendix: Summarized Eritrean wind energy data ............................................................... 45
References ..................................................................................................................................... 51
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................... 53
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Development of wind turbine
Since antiquity, mankind has been using wind energy; it is thus not a new idea. For
centuries, windmills and watermills were the only source of motive power for a number of
mechanical applications, some of which are even still used today. But one of today’s greatest
global challenges is the need for more affordable, reliable, clean, secure and renewable
sources of electricity. Relying solely on coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear fuels to generate
electricity is far from being optimal. Fossil fuels are neither renewable nor clean. Their
extraction, transportation and combustion generate air emissions, acid rain, water pollution,
and, most importantly, CO2 emissions that are causing climate change. Moreover, the
constantly increase of fossil fuel price has shown a negative impact on current world
economy. On the other hand nuclear energy has a major drawback in managing the nuclear
waste disposal.
The sudden increase in the price of oil stimulated a number of substantial Government
funded programs of research, development and demonstration. In the USA this led to the
construction of a series of prototype turbines stating with the 38 m diameter 100 kW Mid-0 in
1975 and culminating in the 97.5 m diameter 2.5 MW Mod-5B in 1987. Similar program
were pursued in the UK, Germany and Sweden. There was considerable uncertainty as to
which architecture might prove most cost effective and several innovative concepts were
investigated at full scale. In Canada, a 4 MW vertical axis Darrieus wind turbine was
constructed and this concept was also investigated in the 34 m diameter Sandia Vertical Axis
Test Facility in the USA. In the UK, an alternative veridical axis design using straight blades
to give an H type rotor was proposed by Dr. Peter Musgrove and a 500 KW prototype
constructed. In 1981 an innovative horizontal axis 3 MW wind turbine was built and tested in
the USA. This used hydraulic transmission and, as an alternative to a yaw drive, the entire
structure was orientated into the wind. The best choice for the number of blades remained
unclear for some while and large turbines were constructed with one, two or three blades [10].
The stimulus for the development of wind energy in 1973 was the price of oil and
concern over limited fossil fuel resources. Now, of course, the main driver for use of wind
turbine to generate electrical power is the very low CO2 emissions and the potential of wind
energy to help limit climate change. Wind energy was identified as having a key role to play
in the supply of renewable energy with an increase in installed wind turbine capacity from 2.5
GW in 1995 to 40 GW by 2010. Since 2001 there was some 12 GW of installed wind turbine
capacity in Europe, 2.5 GW of which was constructed in 2000 compared with only 300 MW
in 1993. The average annual growth rate of the installation of wind turbine in Europe from
1993.9 was approximately 40%. The distribution of wind turbine capacity is interesting with
in 2000, Germany accounting for some 45% of the European total, and Denmark and Spain
each having approximately 18%. There is some 2.5 GW of capacity installed in the USA of
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