USST_Arts_117200875 农行ZZ分行个人理财业务发展对策研究

3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-11 4 4 908.3KB 61 页 15积分
论文以农行 ZZ 分行个人理财业务作为研究案例,首先简要介绍了本论文研究意
了重点介绍;接下来,运用上述理论对农行 ZZ 分行个人理财业务现状进行了深入分
高等制约后续发展的问题。最后,结合农行 ZZ 分行个人理财业务发展实际情况,参
关键词:商业银行 农业银行 个人理财业务 发展对策
According to customers’ financial situation, personal financial services of commercial
banks provide them with professional services such as financial analysis and planning,
helping customers realize preservation and appreciation of the wealth and achieve financial
goals. In recent years, benefiting from China’s sustained and rapid economic development,
the wealth of residents increases constantly and domestic personal financial services have
developed rapidly. With characteristics like wide resources, low risk and stable income,
personal financing services are favored in commercial banks, having become an important
area for inter-bank business competition. And banks have been offering a variety of
attractive products and services, so as to win high-end and high-quality customers and gain
new profit growth point. To do retail business well, banks need to take measures to
formulate effective personal financial services development strategies.
This thesis combines the personal finance theory with the actual situation of
Agricultural Bank of China ZZ branch, has access to the enterprise personal financial
services development course and state of operation by going through enterprise information,
finds problems in the enterprise by taking quantitative and qualitative analysis method and
extracts the personal financial services development countermeasures that conform to
characteristics of Agricultural Bank of China ZZ Branch.
This paper takes the personal finance service provided by Agricultural Bank of China
ZZ Branch as the research case. Firstly, it briefly introduces the research significance and
background of this paper and then reviews in detail the literature and viewpoint used for
reference; secondly, it introduces the conceptual framework and composition of the
personal finance service as well as its principle theoretical basis, including the life cycle
theory, portfolio theory and the market segmentation theory and market locating theory in
the marketing management finance, etc. As this bank has run this service for a short time,
it is facing more problems and difficulties compared with its peers in the perspectives of
customer maintenance, new product development and so on. Next, this paper undertakes
deep analysis on the status of the personal finance service run by Agricultural Bank of
China ZZ Branch by using the aforementioned theories, discovering that the follow-up
development of this service is restricted by the inappropriate spread of branches,
unsatisfactory advertising result, lack of marketing platform and low-level customer
maintenance, etc. At last, by combining the practical situation of this bank’s personal
finance service with relevant theories, the author proposes to optimize the branch
distribution, improve the service standard, renew the advertising and marketing mode and
build a platform to improve the maintenance of important customers, etc. Furthermore,
this paper also tries to point out the direction for this bank to develop its personal finance
service to face the increasingly intense competition on the banking market.
Key WordsCommercial BankAgricultural Bank of ChinaPersonal
Finance Finance ManagementDevelopment countermeasures
第一章 绪 论 .......................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 .................................................. 1
1.1.1 研究背景 .................................................. 1
1.1.2 研究目的及意义 ............................................ 2
1.2 国内外研究现状综述 .............................................. 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状综述 .......................................... 2
1.2.2 国内学者的观点综述 ........................................ 3
1.3 论文研究内容及框架 .............................................. 6
第二章 个人理财业务相关理论 ........................................... 9
2.1 个人理财业务概念 ................................................ 9
2.1.1 定义 ...................................................... 9
2.1.2 分类 ..................................................... 10
2.1.3 特点 ..................................................... 11
2.1.4 原则 ..................................................... 12
2.2 相关理论研究 ................................................... 12
2.2.1 生命周期理论 ............................................. 12
2.2.2 投资组合理论 ............................................. 14
2.2.3 市场营销理论 ............................................. 15
2.3 个人理财发展现状 ............................................... 18
2.3.1 国外发展历程 ............................................. 18
2.3.2 国内发展历程 ............................................. 19
第三章 农行ZZ分行个人理财业务现状分析 ................................ 20
3.1 农行ZZ分行基本情况介绍 ......................................... 20
3.2 个人理财业务现状 ............................................... 21
3.2.1 个人理财品牌情况 .......................................... 21
3.2.2 个人客户情况 .............................................. 21
3.2.3 产品供应及销售情况 ....................................... 22
3.3.4 理财人员配置情况 ......................................... 24
3.2.5 理财系统建设使用情况 ..................................... 25
3.3 农行ZZ分行发展环境分析 ......................................... 25
3.3.1.外部环境 ................................................ 25
3.3.2.同业竞争状况 ............................................ 26
3.4 农行ZZ分行个人理财业务存在的问题分析 ........................... 28
3.4.1 网点综合竞争实力弱 ....................................... 28
3.4.2 宣传与营销效率低下 ....................................... 30
3.4.3 贵宾客户细分程度低 ....................................... 30
3.4.4 营销平台建设不到位 ....................................... 31
3.4.5 绩效激励考核不到位 ....................................... 32
第四章 农行ZZ分行个人理财业务发展对策 ................................ 33
4.1 提升网点综合竞争实力 ........................................... 33
4.1.1 优化网点布局 ............................................. 33
4.1.2 提升网点软实力 ........................................... 34
4.1.3 打造网点服务品牌 ......................................... 35
4.2 创新业务宣传与营销模式 ......................................... 37
4.2.1 做好产品多元化的宣传工作 ................................. 37
4.2.2 开展公私联动式营销 ....................................... 38
4.2.3 做好高端客户营销 ......................................... 39
4.2.4 通过理财产品组合促销售 ................................... 40
4.3 加大对个人贵宾客户的维护 ....................................... 43
4.3.1 完善个人客户信息数据库 ................................... 43
4.3.2 落实个人贵宾客户管户责任 ................................. 44
4.3.3 提高个人贵宾客户管理水平 ................................. 44
4.3.4 丰富贵宾客户增值服务体系 ................................. 44
4.4 做实平台搭建和队伍建设 ......................................... 45
4.4.1 加快推进理财体系建设 ..................................... 46
4.4.2 打造优秀的人才队伍 ....................................... 46
第五章 农行ZZ分行个人理财业务发展对策实施保障 ........................ 48
5.1 加强制度方面保障 ............................................... 48
5.1.1 加强宣传与沟通 ........................................... 48
5.1.2 健全业务考核激励机制 ..................................... 48
5.1.3 建立健全人才培养与培训制度 ............................... 49
5.2 风险控制方面保障 ............................................... 49
5.3 企业文化建设方面保障 ........................................... 50
第六章 总结与展望 .................................................... 52
6.1 总结 ........................................................... 52
6.2 展望 ........................................................... 53
参考文献 .............................................................. 54
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ........................ 56
致 谢 ................................................................57


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:61 页 大小:908.3KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-11


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