USST_Arts_117200891 ZK太阳能公司营销渠道研究

3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-11 4 4 1.11MB 65 页 15积分
ZK 太阳能热水器公司是我国规模较大发展较早的热水器生产企业之一。在太阳能
热水器市场竞争日愈激烈的情况下,ZK 公司建立的营销网络模式使其一步步陷入
危机。ZK 公司营销渠道的高重心结构,不能对销售终端进行精耕细作,面对中国
广大的农村市场潜力,ZK 公司需要对营销渠道进行改进。ZK 的渠道模式也无法
析目前整个太阳能热水器行业的渠道现状和发展趋势。紧接着对 ZK 公司营销渠道
构成和现状进行分析,主要分析 ZK 公司在营销渠道方面所面临的主要问题,进而
结合 ZK 公司的实际情况,从几个方面入手,ZK 公司的营销渠道进行了构建和
关键词:太阳能热水器 销渠道 渠道设计 渠道模式
Product R&D and marketing are gaining more and more importance to business
operation. Marketing, particularly, concerns businesses the most. Having appropriate
marketing channels or not is a direct factor to whether a business can survive in
competition. ZK Solar Heater Company is one of the largest companies with a rather
long history in the industry in China. However, as the competition in the solar heater
industry becomes more intense, the old marketing network of ZK is dragging itself into
crises gradually. With its high-center structure, ZK’s marketing channel is not able to fit
with sales terminals accurately. In consideration of the huge demand in the vast rural
market of China, ZK needs to improve its marketing channels. In addition, the old
model of channels cannot bring about enough competitive power; therefore, it is
necessary to re-design and re-build the whole system of marketing channels.
This Paper gives an introduction to current status of research done by experts and
scholars both in China and abroad at first, outlines relevant theories about marketing
channels, and explores current characteristics and status of the solar heater industry. It
analyzes the current status and development trend of the solar heater industry, and the
structure and current status of ZKs marketing channels, especially main problems
about channels that ZK faces. Then, it builds up and designs a new system of marketing
channels from several aspects and based on ZKs current conditions. Major aspects in
consideration are ZKs strategic planning, market demand, product characteristics and
selection of dealers. The research shows that ZK should stick to consumer-centered,
brand and market-oriented principles for the design or improvement of marketing
channels. The concept that to make the dealers satisfied with excellent service should be
used as another principle for designing or improving marketing channels. It is necessary
to make right decisions on choosing appropriate structure of channel structures in
different areas or markets, picking up appropriate channel members in accordance with
certain conditions and standards, mainly in consideration of product marketing,
profitability of ZK and dealers, as well as consumers convenience. ZK should
enhance the level of channel management, trying to maintain a sound and healthy
market condition and at the same time focusing on services for the dealers to make more
profit, actively participating in and helping the dealers with channel management to get
rich profits. ZK should also establish a mutually beneficial partnership with dealers and
try the best to maintain the relationship.
The study of this Paper shows that the completion in the solar heater industry has
shifted to the side of marketing channels. ZK should determine the scheme for reform of
channels based on product characteristics and consumers. Only by enhancing the
management level over channels, can ZK better develop its market and achieve
marketing target. An important factor to maintain healthy development of channels is to
control the channel prices well. In conclusion, ZK should adjust its measures according
to local conditions, select appropriate marketing channels suitable for its development,
and establish the most appropriate network system of channels, in order to stand out
from the fierce market competition.
Keywords: Solar Water Heater Marketing Channel, Channel
Designing, Channel Model
第一章 ....................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 ............................................... 1
1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................... 1
1.1.2 研究意义 ............................................... 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 ............................................... 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 ........................................... 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 ........................................... 4
1.3 论文的研究内容和方法 ......................................... 6
第二章 营销渠道的相关理论 .......................................... 8
2.1 营销渠道与渠道管理 ........................................... 8
2.1.1 营销渠道的概念和特征 ................................... 8
2.1.2 营销渠道的功能和作用 ................................... 8
2.1.3 营销渠道管理的内涵和特点 ............................... 9
2.2 营销渠道的结构与演变趋势 .................................... 11
2.2.1 营销渠道结构 .......................................... 11
2.2.2 渠道结构的演变趋势 .................................... 12
2.3 渠道政策与成员激励 .......................................... 13
2.3.1 渠道政策及其作用 ...................................... 13
2.3.2 渠道成员激励 .......................................... 14
2.4 渠道权力、冲突和控制 ........................................ 14
2.4.1 渠道权力 .............................................. 14
2.4.2 渠道冲突 .............................................. 15
2.4.3 渠道控制 .............................................. 16
2.5 渠道绩效评估 ................................................ 16
第三章 太阳能热水器行业环境与市场分析 ............................. 18
3.1 太阳能热水器行业的概况 ...................................... 18
3.1.1 太阳能热水器行业发展历程 .............................. 18
3.1.2 太阳能热水器行业发展前景 .............................. 19
3.2 太阳能热水器行业宏观环境分析 ................................ 20
3.2.1 政治与法律环境 ........................................ 20
3.2.2 经济环境和社会环境 .................................... 21
3.2.3 技术环境 .............................................. 22
3.3 太阳能热水器行业竞争分析——五力模型分析 .................... 22
3.3.1 供应商和购买方 ........................................ 23
3.3.2 替代品威胁分析 ........................................ 24
3.3.3 竞争格局与主要竞争对手分析 ............................ 25
3.3.4 潜在进入者 ............................................ 27
3.4 产品与市场分析 .............................................. 27
3.4.1 产品分析 .............................................. 27
3.4.2 目标市场分析 .......................................... 29
3.4.3 消费者行为分析 ........................................ 29
第四章 ZK 太阳能热水器营销渠道问题及成因 ........................... 32
4.1 太阳能热水器行业渠道现状和发展趋势 .......................... 32
4.1.1 太阳能热水器行业渠道现状 .............................. 32
4.1.2 太阳能热水器渠道发展趋势 .............................. 33
4.2 ZK 太阳能热水器营销渠道现状 ................................. 34
4.2.1 ZK 太阳能热水器概况 .................................... 34
4.2.2 ZK 太阳能热水器的营销渠道模式 .......................... 35
4.2.3 ZK 公司中间商选择 ...................................... 37
4.2.4 ZK 公司对经销商的业绩评估和反馈 ........................ 37
4.3 ZK 公司营销渠道问题分析 ..................................... 38
4.3.1 ZK 公司渠道问题的表象 .................................. 38
4.3.2 ZK 公司渠道问题产生的原因 .............................. 40
第五章 ZK 太阳能热水器营销渠道优化及保障措施 ....................... 41
5.1 营销渠道优化设计的目标与原则 ................................ 41
5.1.1 渠道优化设计的目标 .................................... 41
5.1.2 渠道优化设计的原则 .................................... 41
5.2 影响 ZK 公司营销渠道设计的因素 ............................... 42
5.2.1 市场因素 .............................................. 42
5.2.2 产品因素 .............................................. 43
5.2.3 消费者因素 ............................................ 43
5.3 ZK 公司营销渠道优化方案 ..................................... 44
5.3.1 加强对渠道成员的激励 .................................. 44
5.3.2 实行营销渠道扁平化的战略 .............................. 46
5.3.3 实施营销渠道模式的改进 ................................ 46
5.3.4 推动营销渠道重心的下移 ................................ 47
5.3.5 强化营销渠道控制力度 .................................. 48
5.4 ZK 太阳能热水器营销渠道优化保障措施 ......................... 51
5.4.1 提高认识 .............................................. 51
5.4.2 组织机构保障 .......................................... 52
5.4.3 人员支持的管理和控制 .................................. 53
5.4.4 加强企业文化建设 ...................................... 53
第六章 总结与展望 ................................................. 55
6.1 研究结论 .................................................... 55
6.2 研究展望 .................................................... 56
参考文献 ........................................................... 57
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ..................... 60
............................................................. 61


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:65 页 大小:1.11MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-11


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