
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-11 7 4 231.46KB 45 页 15积分
缓慢,2004 年之前中国公司只能尝试操作人民币资金池业务。中国国家外汇管理
局于 2004 10 月下发了《关于跨国公司外汇资金内部运营管理有关问题通知》
因此,本人试图立足于 A跨国公司现有的资金管理模式与现金池管理模式的
A跨国公司资金集中管理中实施的进行可行性分析。在以现金池管理理论和 A
A跨国公司目前的实际情况和将来发展的要,为 A跨国公司制定可行性的现金
终保证 A跨国公司的现金池资金管理模式的实际可操作性。
键词:跨国公司 资金集中管理 现金池
With the scales of multinational corporations expanding larger and larger, as the
central part of enterprise management, financial management has been increasingly
attached much more importance. Funds management is the focal point of financial
management and also fund is like the blood of the enterprise, so it is required to
establish a scientific and reasonable centralized management mode of funds if enterprise
wants their funds to move into a virtuous cycle and achieve the maximization of
enterprise value and sustainable development.
Chinese multinational corporations are in the process of achieving rapid
developments and prosperity, but at the same time, the centralized management of
funds is the difficult problem to face. Chinese multinationals have gathered much
experience and gained some achievements in the aspect of RMB spot-exchange
centralized management through the current finance agency, accounting center and
many other kinds of centralized funds management systems, but it is still in the
exploration stage for the centralized management of foreign currency, bank acceptance
bills and other funds issues of branch companies and sub-companies.
During recent years, GE, SIEMENS and many other giant multinationals have
intensified their industrial layouts in China one after another, which brings competition
and internationally advanced management concepts and in the aspect of funds
management, it brings cash pool mode to manage funds. Through using this mode,
GE, SIEMENS and many other giant multinationals can transfer their deposit capitals
in the globe wide to the head office daily and also they can take advantage of the time
difference of the sub-companies to make overnight funds operations in order to increase
the funds utilization efficiency and this has helped them make much benefit for
Since it was limited by Chinese policies and regulations in the previous period, the
introduction of cash pool management mode into China has been moving slowly and
until 2004, China companies could only try to operate RMB cash pool. In October of
2004, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange issued the Notice about Some
Issues Concerning the Management of Internal Operation of Foreign Exchange of
Foreign Funds of Multinational Companies. In this document, there is a policy: The
member companies among the multinational corporation can loan foreign exchange
funds to each other through entrusted loans. This policy can solve the policy barrier for
the promotion of the cash pool of foreign funds management mode. After breaking this
policy barrier, the right opportunity for wide spread of the cash pool among the
Chinese enterprises emerges.
In conclusion, on the basis of the difference analysis of the current funds
management mode and the cash pool management mode of multinational A, this paper
tries to take the cash pool management mode designed by HSBC and Citibank and
many other foreign banks for reference and develops a feasibility analysis of
implementation of cash pool mode in the centralized funds management system of
multinational A. Based on the combination of the theory of cash pool management and
the funds management practice of multinational A, this paper will make further
research and exploration and make a practical cash pool management mode for
multinational A in allusion to its current situation and the development demand in the
future. In this mode, through the building of funds platform of domestic and overseas,
the reframing of the fund flow and operation process in both domestic and also overseas
and also the introduction of bank-corporate direct linkage, multinational A can establish
four cash pool funds management modes which cover RMB, bank acceptance,
domestic foreign currency and abroad foreign currency. In the process of
establishment, the advanced and successful experience of GE, SIEMENS and other
multinationals should be used for reference, and reasonable solutions aiming at the
current policy and regulation limit in the process of the actual promotion of the cash
pool funds management are also required to put forward in order to guarantee the actual
operability of the cash pool funds management mode in multinational A.
Key Words Multinational Corporations Centralized Management
of FundsCash Pool
章 绪 ........................................................1
1.1 论文研究背景意义............................................1
1.1.1 研究背景................................................1
1.1.2 研究的目的及意义........................................1
1.2 国内外研究与发展现状..........................................2
1.2.1 国外研究与发展现状......................................2
1.2.2 国内研究与发展现状......................................4
1.3 论文研究方法和研究框架........................................7
第二章 资金集中管理关理论.........................................9
2.1 传统资金管理的局限性..........................................9
2.2 资金集中管理的必要性..........................................9
2.2.1 公司总部化管理的..............................9
2.2.2 成员单位管理的.....................................10
2.2.3 争取外部银行资.................................10
2.3 资金集中管理的要方式.......................................10
2.3.1 结算中心模式...........................................10
2.3.2 财务公司模式...........................................12
2.3.3 现金池模式.............................................14
2.4 现金池资金管理模式的起源和发展...............................15
2.5 现金池资金管理模式的定和分类...............................16
2.5.1 现金池资金管理模式的定义...............................16
2.5.2 现金池资金管理模式的分类...............................16
2.6 现有现金池资金管理模式案分析...............................18
2.6.1 GE 的现金池管理方案.....................................18
2.6.2 西门子的现金池管理方案.................................19
2.6.3 宝钢的现金池管理方案...............................20
2.6.4 海尔的现金池管理方案...............................22
第三章 A 跨国公司资金管理现分析与在的问题.......................25
3.1 A 跨国公司简介...............................................25
3.2 A 跨国公司资金集中管理现与面临的问题.......................25
3.2.1 A 跨国公司资金集中管理现状..............................25
3.2.2 A 跨国公司资金集中管理面临的问题........................28
3.2.3 A 跨国公司建立资金池管理模式的必要性....................29
第四章 A 跨国公司现金池资金管理模式的...........................30
4.1 A 跨国公司现金池资金管理模式的建立...........................30
4.1.1 人民币现金池资金管理模式的建立.........................31
4.1.2 商业票现金池资金管理模式的建立.......................35
4.1.3 境内外币现金池资金管理模式的建立.......................38
4.1.4 境外外币现金池资金管理模式的建立.......................39
4.2 资金管理模式建立过应考虑的问题和解决.................41
第五章 结论与展望..................................................44
5.1 结论.........................................................44
5.2 望.........................................................45


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:45 页 大小:231.46KB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-11


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