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摘 要
因此具有良好的应用潜能。制备出特殊形貌的 ZnO 纳米结构是众多研究者的目标,
他们采用各种各样的方法制备出纳米棒与纳米管等不同维数形貌的 ZnO
构。纳米 ZnO 薄膜在发光、压电、压敏和气敏等方面具有很多特殊性能,采用新
点。目前,已有很多较为成熟的方法用于制ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜,不同的方法
备的 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜的结构及其表现出来的性能也会存在差异。本文用干粉滚
压振动研磨在室温条件下制备出晶粒度在 20-30nm 的锌粉为原料,通过超声化学
法制备氧化锌纳米颗粒薄膜。通过对制备的 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜的性能进行表征
分析 ZnO 的反应机理和添加剂与机械力的作用对纳米颗粒膜性能的影响。
本文利用超声空化作用,以滚压振动磨研磨处理后的商业 Zn 粉为原料制备出
纳米 ZnO 分散液,选择聚乙烯醇为成膜助剂及硅溶胶作为成膜粘接剂,在硅片基
底上制得 ZnO 米颗粒薄膜。研究振动研磨过程Zn 粉晶粒细化与微应变、层
错几率之间的关系,得出最佳研磨时间为 13h。采用 XRDSEMEDSAFM
制备的薄膜样品进行成分分析、形貌表征,并用探针台 I-V 测试 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄
膜的导通电压,研究这种方法制备的纳米颗粒薄膜的电学性能,系统地分析了 ZnO
以超声化学法为基准,结合传统制备纳米 ZnO 薄膜的方法,对 ZnO 薄膜生成
机理进行了深入研究,并对制备的薄膜进行了性能表征。ZnO 纳米颗粒具有六角
ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜平整紧凑,膜厚约为 1μm通过 SEM I-V 探针测试等手段表
明薄膜的干燥温度对其表面形貌和导电特性有很大影响,60°C 干燥所得 ZnO 薄膜
表面较其他温度下干燥所得薄膜更为细致、均匀,60°C 90°C 干燥所得薄膜的导
通电压分别为 1.2V 4.0V超声辅助机械研磨制备纳米颗粒薄膜的方法也为其他
制备纳米薄膜提供借鉴。在电子电池技术领域,ZnO 薄膜的电学性能丰富了导电
关键词:纳米颗粒薄膜 滚压振动磨 超声化学 纳米氧化锌 导通电压
Nanoparticle film has become an important research field in modern material
science, for it has the volume effect, surface effect, quantum size effect and macroscopic
quantum tunneling effect and other special effects. In recent years, the scientific
research personne have various studies for the preparation of nanoparticle thin films,
structure, property and application. Zinc oxide is a kind of semiconductor material with
of piezoelectric and optical characteristics.The band width is about 3.37 eV. It is a
typical wide bandgap semiconductor material. It has the very high exciton binding
energy, so it has good potential application. Researchers have devoted to the preparation
of special morphology of ZnO nanostructures, have used different methods to
preparation of cashier rice noodle, nanorods, nanotubes, flowers, nano with different
dimensions, such as a variety of morphology of ZnO nanostructures. For the nanometer
ZnO thin film has variety of performance, such as light, piezoelectric, pressure-sensitive
and sensitivity. The preparation of ZnO nanoparticle thin film has also become a hot
research topic in today's scientific research. There has been a variety of relatively
mature methods for the preparation of ZnO nanoparticle thin film, different preparation
methods of ZnO nanoparticle film have different structures and performance. Based on
the dry rolling vibration grinding method, we get the 20-30 nm zinc at room
temperature, the ZnO nanoparticle films are prepared by the ultrasonic chemistry.
Through many experimental experiments, the preparation of ZnO nanoparticle films
have been characterized. the reaction mechanism of zinc oxide and the function of
additives and mechanical force effect on the properties of nanoparticles film were
analysised deeply.
In this paper, we get ZnO nanoparticles film on silicon substrate by the ultrasonic
cavitation . Zinc powder is processed by rolling mill vibration grinding, and we choose
polyvinyl alcohol as film-forming agent and silica sol as film forming binder. Studied
the the relationship about grain refinement and micro strain and the fault probability,
then ,we obtain the best grinding time is 13 h. We analysis the thin film sample with
XRD, SEM, EDS and AFM, using the probe station I - V tests the conduction voltage of
ZnO nanoparticles film. Systematically studied some of the important factors about the
preparation of ZnO nanoparticles film.
Based on ultrasonic chemical method and the traditional preparation methods of
nanometer ZnO thin films, we study the formation mechanism of ZnO thin film. The
structure of ZnO nanoparticle films are hexagonal wurtzite, ZnO nanoparticles disperse
well in dispersion, the thickness of film is 1 μm. The SEM and I - V probe test show
that membrane drying temperature has a great influence on the conductive properties
and surface morphology, ZnO thin film surface which was dried at 60°C is more
detailed and uniform than dried at 90°C, the film conduction voltage of 1.2 V and 4.0 V
respectively when they were dried at 60°C and 90°C. The preparation method of ZnO
nanoparticles can be provided for the preparation of metal oxide nanomaterials, the
preparation of zinc oxide nano granular film by ultrasonic-assisted and rolling vibration
mill also provides a new way of thinking for the preparation of nanoparticles film.
Electrical performance of ZnO thin films can enrich the application of conductive films.
Key Word: nanoparticles film,rolling vibration milling,ultrasonic
chemistry,nano zinc oxide,break-over voltage
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ......................................................... 9
§1.1 纳米颗粒膜概述 ............................................. 1
§1.1.1 纳米颗粒膜相关概念 .................................... 1
§1.1.2 纳米颗粒膜的特性及应用 ................................ 1
§1.2 ZnO 材料概述 ................................................ 2
§1.2.1 ZnO 材料概述 .......................................... 2
§1.2.2 纳米 ZnO 材料的特性及应用 .............................. 4
§1.3 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜的制备及应用 ................................ 4
§1.4 超声化学法和滚压振动磨制备纳米颗粒概述 ..................... 7
§1.4.1 超声化学法概述 ........................................ 7
§1.4.2 滚压振动磨制备纳米颗粒 ................................ 7
§1.5 本课题研究意义及国内外研究现状 ............................. 8
§1.6 本课题主要研究内容 ......................................... 9
第二章 超声辅助滚压振动研磨制备 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜 ..................... 10
§2.1 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜的制备 ..................................... 10
§2.1.1 实验所用的主要试剂和仪器 ............................. 10
§2.1.2 实验过程 ............................................. 11
第三章 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜的表征与分析 ................................. 13
§3.1 实验样品的表征 ............................................ 13
§3.2 实验结果的表征与分析 ...................................... 13
§3.2.1 纳米 Zn 粉的表征与分析 ................................ 13
§3.2.2 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜晶体结构的表征与分析 ................. 19
§3.2.3 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜表面形貌的表征与分析 ................. 21
§3.2.4 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜晶体结构的 EDS 分析 ................... 24
§3.2.5 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜 I-V 电学特性的表征与分析 ............. 25
§3.3 本章小结 .................................................. 26
第四章 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜制备的机理研究 ............................... 27
§4.1 引言 ...................................................... 27
§4.2 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜的制备方法 ................................. 27
§4.2.1 溶胶-凝胶法制备 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜及分析 ................ 27
§4.2.2 磁控溅射法制备 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜及分析 ................. 29
§4.2.3 激光脉冲沉积法制备 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜及分析 ............. 30
§4.3 超声化学法制备 ZnO 纳米颗粒薄膜中添加剂和机械力作用分析 .... 32
§4.3.1 制备 ZnO 纳米颗粒分散液中加入成膜助剂和粘结剂 ......... 32
§4.3.2 制备 ZnO 纳米颗粒分散液中机械力的作用分析 ............. 35
§4.4 本章小结 .................................................. 37
第五章 结论与展望 ................................................... 38
§5.1 研究结论 .................................................. 38
§5.2 展望 ...................................................... 38
参考文献 ............................................................ 40
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 45
一、论文 ........................................................ 45
二、科研项目 .................................................... 45
............................................................... 46


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:49 页 大小:8.2MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-11


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