USST_Arts_117060162 膜加湿器实验台的设计与运行分析

3.0 牛悦 2024-11-11 4 4 4.01MB 75 页 15积分
摘 要
本文完成了质子交换膜燃料电池(Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
际操作运行。实验台可控制空气流经 Nafion 膜前的温度、相对湿度、压力及空气
质量流量,测试空气在流经 Nafion 膜两侧前后的压降、温度变化及相对湿度变化。
源汽车在未来生活中的重要性,尤其是以 PEMFC 作为动力电源的新能源汽车。
后介绍了 PEMFC 水管理的研究现状,并详细阐明了 PEMFC 内部水分迁移机理。
实验台采用 PLC 与三维力控组态相结合的自控系统,完成了 PLC 模块进行选型,
设计了 PLC 控制程序,并采用力控组态软件设计数据处理程序。通过实验验证,
气管路内的压降跟流量、粘性系数成正比例关系。加湿侧进气温度在 60~75℃范围
系。在其他工况不变的前提下,空气质量流量为 2g/s 时的加湿效果要比 9g/s 时的
2g/s 9g/s 变化时,因为空气流在膜内换热效果较差,导致膜内的热流量减小。
加湿侧进口相对湿度为 95%时,膜内的热流量受空气质量流量的影响不大。空气
质量流量为 2g/s 时膜内的热流量随加湿侧进口温度的升高先增大后减小;9g/s
膜内的热流量随加湿侧进口温度的升高而一直增大。膜两侧空气质量流量为 2g/s
加湿侧进口相对湿度为 95%时,膜中水传输速率最大。膜两侧空气质量流量为 2g/s
关键词:质子交换膜燃料电池 膜加湿器 实验台设计 PLC
This paper completed A Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell(PEMFC) plate
type membrane humidifier experimental apparatus. Through the stability test and
proceed with practical operation, this experiment controls the temperature relative
humidity air pressure and mass flow rate of air flows well at inlet sides of Nafion
membrane. The pressure drop
temperature and relative humidity changes after air flows
through both side of Nafion membrane can also be recorded with high accuracy.
Through the study of heat and mass transfer of water in plate type membrane humidifier
to provides data support for the design optimization application of plate type
membrane humidifier.
This paper introduces the background of petroleum resource shortage and seroius
automobile exhaust pollution, highlighting the importance of new energy vehicles in the
future life, especially the new energy vehicles which use PEMFC as power supply. Then
introduces the research status of PEMFC water management , and elaborated the
internal moisture migration mechanism of PEMFC.
Through analysis of the current research status of humidification technology,
introduces the working principle of this experiment, and detailed analysis of four main
parameters which impact membrane humidifier, laid a theoretical foundation for the
design of experiment table. Meanwhile, elaborated reasearch contents experimental
tasks and implementation plans for the membrane humidifier. The automation system
combines PLC and Sunway Forceontrol configuration. Selected PLC module, designed
the PLC control program, and designed data processing program by forcecontrol
configuration software. Verified by experiments, this control system is stable, automatic
control is good, can meet the test requirements.
Then, studies the changes of pressure drop through the membrane humidification
with different conditions, confirmed the proportional relationship between pressure drop
of membrane and flow
viscosity coefficient. Humidifiction side inlet temperature in the
range of 60~75, higher temperature is favorable for the humidifier. There is a linear
relationship between humidification side inlet temperature and be humidified side. In
other conditions unchanged, the air mass flow rate for 2g/s is better than 9g/s in the
humidifying effect.
Finally, through the calculation of heat and mass transfer in membrane, and found
in other conditions unchanged, the air mass flow rate changes from 2g/s to 9g/s , due to
the poor effect of heat transfer in membrane, cause the heat flow reduced. When
humidification side relative humidity is 95%, the heat flow in membrane isn’t
influenced by air mass flow. When the air mass flow rate is 2g/s, the heat flow in
membrane with increasing humidification side inlet temperature increases first snd then
decreases. The heat flow in membrane with humidification side inlet temperature rise
has been increased when 9g/s. When the air mass flow rate in two sides of the
membrane is 2g/s and the humidification side inlet relative humidity is 95%, the water
transfer rate in membrane is maximum. When the air mass flow rate in two sides of the
membrane is 2g/s, the water transfer rate increases along with the increase of
humidification side inlet temperature, and when the humidification side inlet
temperature at 70 ~ 80 , the water transfer rate in membrane has biggest change.
Key words: Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, membrane
humidifier, experimental design,PLC,control system
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ......................................................... 1
§1.1 课题的宏观背景 ................................................. 1
§1.1.1 石油资源和汽车废气污染 ................................... 1
§1.1.2 新能源汽车 .............................. 错误!未定义书签。
§1.1.3 氢能 .................................... 错误!未定义书签。
§1.2 燃料电池 ....................................................... 2
§1.2.1 燃料电池的分类及发展历史 ................................. 2
§1.2.2 质子交换膜燃料电池 ....................................... 4
§1.3 质子交换膜燃料电池水管理 ....................................... 7
§1.3.1 质子交换膜内水管理的研究现状 ............................. 7
§1.3.2 质子交换膜燃料电池内部水分迁移机理 ....................... 9
§1.4 本章小结 ...................................................... 11
第二章 膜加湿器 ..................................................... 12
§2.1 加湿技术 .....................................................12
§2.1.1 传统加湿技术 ............................................ 12
§2.1.2 新型加湿技术 ............................................ 14
§2.1.3 本实验台膜加湿器设计 .................................... 15
§2.2 膜加湿器的影响参数 ..........................................116
§2.2.1 加湿温度 ................................................ 16
§2.2.2 相对湿度 ..................................1 错误!未定义书签。
§2.2.3 反应气体流量 ........................................... 118
§2.2.4 膜两侧压力 ............................................. 19
§2.3 膜加湿器传热传质分析 .........................1 错误!未定义书签。
§2.4 膜加湿器实验台 ................................................ 18
§2.4.1 实验台研究内容 .......................................... 19
§2.4.2 主要任务 ................................................ 20
§2.4.3 具体实施方案 ............................................ 20
§2.5 本章小结 ...................................................... 20
第三章 膜加湿器控制系统的实验设计 ................................... 21
§3.1 实验系统设计 .................................................21
§3.1.1 实验系统设计原理图 ...................................... 34
§3.1.2 实验系统设计介绍 ........................................ 22
§3.2 实验装置设计选型计算 .........................................23
§3.2.1 空气压缩机 .............................................. 34
§3.2.2 压缩空气过滤器 .......................................... 34
§3.2.3 流量控制器 .............................................. 34
§3.2.4 空气加热器 .............................................. 34
§3.2.5 蒸汽锅炉 ................................................ 34
§3.2.6 空气加湿器 .............................................. 34
§3.2.7 温湿度传感器 ............................................ 34
§3.2.8 压力压差传感器 .......................................... 28
§3.2.9 电动调节阀 .............................................. 29
§3.2.10 电力调整器 ............................................. 34
§3.2.11 可编程逻辑控制器 ....................................... 31
§3.2.12 实验台其他装置部件 ..................................... 32
§3.3 基于 PLC 与三维力控的数据采集系统 .............................33
§3.3.1 控制系统介绍及控制要求 .................................. 34
§3.3.2 PLC 控制系统设计 ........................................ 35
§3.4 实验装置设备的日常维护及操作要求 .............................39
§3.4.1 日常维护 ................................................ 40
§3.4.2 操作要求 ................................................ 40
§3.5 本章小结 ....................................... 错误!未定义书签
第四章 实验台运行与实验结果分析 ......................错误!未定义书签。
§4.1 实验台运行概况 ................................. 错误!未定义书签
§4.2 实验台运行稳定性检验 .........................................43
§4.2.1 实验步骤 ................................................ 43
§4.2.2 数据稳定性检验 .......................................... 44
§4.3 实验结果分析 .................................................45
§4.3.1 膜两侧压降 .............................................. 46
§4.3.2 膜两侧进出口温度 ............................错误!未定义书签
§4.3.3 膜两侧进出口相对湿度 .................................... 49
§4.3.4 待加湿侧含湿量变化 ...................................... 50
§4.3.5 膜加湿器极限工况 ........................................ 51
§4.4 本章小结 .....................................................52
第五章 传热传质计算分析 ............................................. 54
§5.1 模型假设 .................................................... 54
§5.1.1 膜内传热计算 .............................................55
§5.1.2 膜内传质计算 ............................................ 55
§5.2 理论计算分析 ................................................ 56
§5.2.1 膜加湿器内传热分析 .......................................56
§5.2.2 膜加湿器内传质分析 ...................................... 59
§5.3 本章小结 .................................................... 61
第六章 总结与展望 ................................................... 63
§6.1 工作总结 .....................................................63
§6.2 展望 ........................................................ 63
主要符号说明 ........................................................ 65
参考文献 ............................................................ 66
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 70
............................................................... 71


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:75 页 大小:4.01MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-11


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