
3.0 牛悦 2024-11-11 4 4 1.32MB 95 页 15积分
确定性,仍然不能从根本上解决流体诱导换热器的管束振动问题。TEMA 标准和
GB151 标准均指出采用标准防振设计的换热器仍然可能发生振动现象。需要指出
的是 TEMA 标准和 GB151 标准虽然经过长期的研究和修改,也只是利用振动校核
即动力特性分析和振动响应分析。利用 Euler 梁振动理论,建立了换热管振动的微
1. 采用 Euler 梁振动理论,推导了换热管振动的微分方程。利用分离变量法,
2. 利用 ANSYS 软件,对实体结构简化模型进行了模态分析和谐响应分析,
3. 对解析法、TEMA 标准、GB151 标准以及 ANSYS 模态分析和谐响应分析
4. 利用解析法得到的振动频率和振型,结合换热管振型的正交性,采用傅立
5. 在时域内,应用 Newmark 反分析理论完成了作用于换热管的激励载荷的
6. 在频域内,提出了一套较为完善的用于求解多种约束形式的作用于换热管
关键词:管束振动 激励识别 傅立叶级数 故障诊断 防振设计
Excitation by the flow turbulence and possible fluid-elastic phenomena may cause
high-risk vibration on tube bundles, which is a major source concern, leading to
vibration failure of Shell-and-tube heat exchanger. Hence, dynamic analysis of tube
bundles’ vibration is necessary as a first step to avoid flow-induced vibration failure.
Currently many researchers have done lots of theoretical research and experimental tests
on tube bundles vibration and many theoretical insights and experimental criteria have
been proposed in the prevention of vibration. Bases on vibration mechanisms, a lot of
means can be used to prevent tube bundles vibration, such as reducing unsupported span,
using support plate, decreasing flow velocity at shell side, replacing the baffles with rod
supports or strip supports and so on. However, as the result of the complexity of flow
and the uncertainty of vibration, flow-induced vibration on tube bundles could not be
solved fundamentally yet. Both TEMA and GB 151 standard point out that guarantees
may not cover vibration damage. Although these standards have been studied and
modified for long terms, vibration is judged only by means of checking and a new direct
method has still not occurred during the design.
This dissertation takes a tube of a certain shell-and-tube heat exchanger as the
research object, studying its dynamic property including system performance and
vibration responses. A differential equation of tube vibration has been built according to
Euler beam theory, dynamic performance is analyzed and inherent frequency and mode
under various constrains have been calculated. According to these inherent frequency
and mode, calculating the response based on Fourier series under various constrains and
providing a method in the time and frequency domain to achieve the excitation
identification. The main study is as follows:
1. Based on Euler beam theory, derive the differential vibration equation of tube.
What is more, the computational formula of inherent frequency and mode under various
constrains has been achieved by using variables separation.
2. Calculate the inherent frequency of simplified model by using Modal and
harmonic frequency response analysis based on ANSYS.
3. Analyze and compare their natural frequency from formula, TEMA, GB 151,
and ANSYS.
4. According to these inherent frequency and mode from formula, with the
orthogonality of mode, the displacement response under various constrains based on
Fourier series is calculated.
5. In the time domain, apply inverse Newmark theory on excitation identification
and decrease error by way of least-squares.
6. In the frequency domain, propose a set of method and theory to achieve
excitation identification including concentrated load, distributed load and impact load in
one action or a combination of actions. In fact, as for most inverse problems,
identification results prove quite sensitive to noise and modeling error, which is called
ill-conditioning problem. Regularization methods such as SVD must be applied, which
can increase reliability and precision.
Currently, although the research is very primary, validation of predictive technique
through lab experiments can achieve in the future. With our collective effortsit may be
used in the fault diagnosis and vibration-control design of heat exchangers.
Key Word: Tube bundles’ vibration, Excitations identification, Fourier
series, Fault diagnosis, Vibration-control design
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ........................................................1
§1.1 引言 ....................................................... 1
§1.2 流体诱导管束振动的研究现状 ................................. 4
§1.2.1 流弹不稳定性的研究 ................................... 4
§1.2.2 漩涡脱落的研究 ....................................... 5
§1.2.3 振动反问题的研究 ..................................... 6
§1.3 课题研究的意义和主要工作 ................................... 8
第二章 结构振动的动力学理论基础 ....................................10
§2.1 结构动力学概述 ............................................ 10
§2.1.1 结构动力学的基本内容 ................................ 10
§2.1.2 结构的动力分析 ...................................... 10
§2.2 结构振动的有限元基础 ...................................... 10
§2.2.1 结构振动的有限元法介绍 .............................. 10
§2.2.2 结构振动的有限元分析步骤 ............................ 11
§2.2.3 结构振动的有限元求解 ................................ 14
§2.3 动力特性分析方法 .......................................... 15
§2.3.1 矢量迭代法 .......................................... 15
§2.3.2 子空间迭代法 ........................................ 16
§2.4 响应分析方法 .............................................. 17
§2.4.1 时域动力响应分析方法 ................................ 17
§ 中心差分法 ..................................... 17
§ Newmark-β法 ................................... 18
§ Wilson-θ .................................... 21
§2.4.2 频域动力响应分析方法 ................................ 23
第三章 管壳式换热器的计算模型 ......................................26
§3.1 换热器的结构 .............................................. 26
§3.2 换热器的设计条件 .......................................... 28
§3.3 换热器的工艺条件 .......................................... 28
§3.4 换热器的计算模型和物理参数 ................................ 29
第四章 换热管动力特性的计算 ........................................32
§4.1 换热管的振动 .............................................. 32
§4.1.1 换热管振动微分方程的建立 ............................. 32
§4.1.2 分离变量法 ........................................... 33
§4.1.3 典型的边界条件 ....................................... 34
§4.1.4 换热管横向振动的模态 ................................. 35
§ 两端固支 ........................................ 35
§ 左端固支右端简支 ................................ 37
§ 两端简支 ........................................ 38
§ 各种约束条件下换热管的频率和振型 ................ 38
§4.2 按照各种方法计算换热管的固有频率 .......................... 39
§4.2.1 采用解析法计算换热管的固有频率 ....................... 39
§4.2.2 采用 TEMA-2007 计算换热管的固有频率 ................... 39
§4.2.3 采用 GB 151-1999 计算换热管的固有频率 ................. 41
§4.2.4 利用 ANSYS 软件计算换热管的固有频率 ................... 42
§ 简化模型的模态分析 ............................. 42
§ 含管板模型的模态分析 ........................... 44
§4.2.5 利用 ANSYS 谐响应分析计算换热管的固有频率 ............. 46
§ 采用 BEAM188 单元的谐响应分析 ................... 47
§ 采用 SOLID186 单元的谐响应分析 .................. 49
§4.2.6 按照各种方法计算固有频率的比较和分析 ................. 51
第五章 换热管响应特性的计算和反问题的求解技术 ......................53
§5.1 换热管横向振动的响应特性 .................................. 53
§5.1.1 初激励换热管的自由响应 ............................... 55
§5.1.2 集中载荷作用下的换热管的振动响应 ..................... 57
§5.1.3 均匀来流作用下的换热管的振动响应 ..................... 58
§5.2 振动响应反问题 ............................................ 59
§5.2.1 时域内基于 Newmark-β 法换热管载荷的识别 .............. 61
§ Newmark-β 反分析法原理 ......................... 62
§ 算例分析 ....................................... 63
§5.2.2 频域内换热管载荷的识别 .............................. 66
§ 时域内非线性系统的振动 ......................... 66
§ 间隙支撑结构对换热管的激励 ..................... 68
§ 无间隙支撑换热管的单点激励 ..................... 69


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:95 页 大小:1.32MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-11


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