室内SO2 NO2 甲醛的吸附材料改性实验研究

3.0 牛悦 2024-11-11 4 4 896.94KB 88 页 15积分
,人 们在生产生活中不断外排出废气使大气污染严重,使 新风“新”
到更佳吸附效,本 课题经过比较选择并制KOH
更好吸附净化效,本 课题析改性性炭选择并制KOH 改性
进行反应机理分其中考虑到 KOH 性炭与高锰酸钾球混合二氧化硫
分数 KOH 性炭+50%分数的高锰酸钾球流速越小吸附效率越高;
50%分数 KOH 性炭+50%分数的高锰酸钾球二氧化硫吸附
KOH 性炭显优势二氧化氮吸附速率
/mmg 得出吸附KOH 性炭
二氧化硫须低19.75 3
/mmg 二氧化氮浓须低0.289 3
/mmg 可以
;当吸附为普通性炭二氧化硫4.166 3
/mmg 二氧化氮
0.24 3
/mmg 可以满足
关键词室内空气净化 二氧化硫 二氧化氮 甲醛 吸附模型
吸附速率 等温线
In recent years, with the accelerating pace of urban construction, the increasing
population , the rising car ownership, people constantly exhaust polluting gases, which
has caused serious air pollution, the so called "fresh air" has not been "fresh" any more,
even if we do ventilation, it is difficult to improve indoor air quality. Sometimes
outdoor air condition even beyond the indoor air quality standards, thus, ventilation can
not meet the dilutive demand by pulling in outdoor air directly, which may deteriorate
the indoor air quality. Regarding this reality, in order to guarantee the quality of indoor
air, many countries have put forward concentration limits of varieties of polluting gases,
including sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde, these three polluting gases
do great harm to human's health, it is essential to study those three gases purification.
The object firstly described many purification technologies, after the analysis of the
applicability and economy, activated carbon was chosen as the best adsorption
purification of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide , because of the disadvantages of
activated carbon, in order to get a better adsorption purification effect, the object
analyze the KOH modified activated carbon, and compared it with ordinary activated
carbon; as to the purification of formaldehyde, the potassium permanganate ball was the
best choice, then the mechanism analysis of different adsorbate and adsorbent
combinations were made, which took the mixture of KOH activated carbon and
potassium ball into account, the theory analysis showed that this adsorbent mixture had
the best adsorption effect; the next step, the reactor math-physics model was built, there
deduces adsorption efficiency, adsorption rate equation, and the adsorption isotherm ;
Finally, we do experiments by changing the air flow velocity ,or changing the
concentration of polluting gases, then the concentrations before and after the reactor of
different adsorbents were tested and noted down.
Deriving from the analysis of the experimental data, the best adsorbent of sulfur
dioxide or nitrogen dioxide is the mixture of 50% KOH activated carbon and 50%
volume fraction of the potassium permanganate ball, and the lower the gas velocity, the
higher the efficiency of adsorption; the higher the concentration of gas pollutants, the
greater the amount of adsorption. The thesis also calculated four adsorption rate
equations of different sets of adsorbent and adsorbate , and regarding the sulfur dioxide
adsorption rate, the result showed that the mixture of 50% volume fraction KOH
activated carbon and 50% volume fraction of potassium permanganate ball has no
obvious advantages when comparing with KOH modified activated carbon, while
regarding to the nitrogen dioxide adsorption rate, the former is a little better than the
latter, and we got another conclusion, whatever the adsorbent is ,the sulfur dioxide
adsorption rate is greater than nitrogen dioxide. Finally, the thesis also calculated four
adsorption isotherms of four groups of different adsorbents and adsorbents, in order to
meet the highest requirements of the domestic and international standards of sulfur
dioxide and nitrogen dioxide -- the hour-average 0.2 3
/mmg , when the adsorbent is
KOH modified activated carbon, the inlet concentration of sulfur dioxide should be
below 19.75 3
/mmg , the inlet concentration of nitrogen dioxide concentration should be
lower than 0.289 3
/mmg ; when the adsorbent is ordinary activated carbon, the inlet
concentration of sulfur dioxide should be below 4.166 3
/mmg , the inlet concentration
of nitrogen dioxide concentration should be lower than 0.240 3
/mmg .
Key word: indoor air purification, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide,
formaldehyde, adsorption model, adsorption rate, adsorption isotherm
........................................................ 1
1.1 课题研究背景 .................................................... 1
1.2 SO2/NO2/甲醛污染与危害 .................................... 4
1.2.1 二氧化硫污染与危害 .................................. 4
1.2.2 二氧化氮污染与危害 .................................. 4
1.2.3 甲醛污染与危害 ...................................... 5
1.3 国内量标 .............................................. 5
1.3.1 量标 ......................................... 6
1.3.2 世界卫组织(WHO量标 ........................ 7
1.3.3 量标 .......................................... 8
1.3.4 综合国内量标 .................................... 9
1.4 课题研究内容 ........................................ 9
SO2/NO2/甲醛净化技术比较 .......................... 11
2.1性炭吸附净化技术 .............................................. 11
2.2硅胶吸附净化技术 ................................................ 11
2.3 分子吸附净化技术 ............................................. 12
2.4 性氧化吸附净化技术 ......................................... 13
2.5性炭纤维吸附净化技术 .......................................... 13
2.6 高锰酸钾球吸附净化技术 ..................................... 14
2.7 TiO2光催净化技术 ........................................... 14
2.8 低温净化技术 ........................................... 15
2.9多种净化技术比较 ............................................ 15
2.9.1 吸附性质比较 ....................................... 15
2.9.2 吸附吸附比较 ....................................... 17
2.9.3 吸附剂价格比较 ........................................... 17
2.9.4 最优吸附 ......................................... 18
2.10 章小结 ....................................................... 19
吸附材料吸附 SO2/NO2/甲醛 ......................... 20
3.1 性炭吸附 SO2/NO2 ................................... 20
3.1.1 性炭吸附 SO2/NO2的机理分 ............................. 20
3.1.2 改性性炭研究 ............................... 21改性性炭 ........................................ 21改性性炭研究 .................................... 22
3.2性炭改性吸附二氧化硫/二氧化氮机理分 ................. 22
3.2.1 改性性炭选择 ......................................... 22
3.2.2 改性性炭的制 ......................................... 23 改性试剂 ...................................... 23 改性性炭的制方法 .................................. 23
3.3 性炭改性前后理和定和分 ....................... 23
3.3.1 性炭改性前后 ................................... 23
3.3.2 性炭改性前后 ................... 24
3.4 吸附材料吸附 SO2/NO2/甲醛的机理分 ............................ 24
3.4.1 KOH 改性性炭吸附 SO2/NO2的机理分 .................... 24
3.4.2 高锰酸钾球吸附甲醛机理分 ........................... 25
3.4.3 改性性炭与高锰酸钾球吸附 SO2/NO2的机理分 ..... 25
3.5 章小结 ....................................................... 25
第四章 反应器模型建立 ............................................ 26
4.1 反应器模型建立 ........................................... 26
4.2 反应器模型建立 ............................................... 27
4.3 反应器模型 ................................................. 27
4.3.1 吸附速率 ........................................... 28
4.3.2吸附效计算 ............................................ 31
4.3.3吸附温线 .......................................... 31
4.4 章小结 ....................................................... 32
装置 .............................................. 33
5.1 装置 ................................................... 33
5.1.1 系统 ....................................... 33
5.1.2 净化试验件的 ......................................... 34
5.1.3 气体计计算 ..................................... 35
5.2 ....................................................... 36
5.2.1 ................................................. 36
5.2.2 方法及原 ........................................... 37


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:88 页 大小:896.94KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-11


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