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污水污泥中存在的微量有机污染物如药理活性化合物 (Pharmaceutically active
compounds, PhACs) 污水污泥处理置和资用带了直接的环境危害
酸、 治疗癫痫的卡马西平和广谱抗菌剂三氯生为目标物,通过在建立有效的分离
纯化等预处理方法以及气相色谱-质谱 (GC-MS) 定量检测方法的基础上,研究其
(1) 针对不同污泥停留时间 (Sludge retaining times, SRTs) 研究了污水污泥中
显,高温厌氧消化当 SRT 15 d 以上时对目标物的去除变化不大。目标物在中、高
可达 74% 总体上,高温厌氧消化更有利于目标物的去除。厌氧消化过程中 NH3-N
的累积会影响目标物的去除,中温厌氧消化过程中其浓度在 75 mg/L 以下时,对目
温厌氧消化过程中,NH3-N 浓度在 85 mg/L 以下时,对目标物的去除没有影响,
(2) 利用超声对污水污泥强化预处理,以提高污泥絮体的解离,探讨超声强化
厌氧消化对 PhACs 的去效果。采用前置超声和后置超声方式的强化预处理
术, 分别进行了中、高温厌氧消化 (SRT=15 d) 对照试验。超声联合高温厌氧消
8% 60%左右;氯贝酸去除率增长约 7%67%双氯芬酸去除率增长约 5%
(3) 运用快速机械转盘强化对污泥絮体的预处理,探讨快速转盘联合厌氧消化
PhACs 的去除。试验过程中采用前置转盘和后置转盘方式强化中、高温厌氧消
化工艺,SRT 设定为 15 d厌氧消化联合后置快速转盘更有利于目标物的去除,
氯芬酸的去除率增加约 8%70%氯贝酸去除率增加约 10%70%卡马西
平去除率增加约 12%,达 64%;但对三氯生的去除率几乎无影响。
关键词:污泥停留时间 相萃取 去除效果 超声 快速机械转盘
Micropollutants present in the sewage sludge like PhACs (pharmaceutically
active compounds) could exert directly environmental harms or potentially
environmental risks in the course of disposal and resource utilization of sewage sludge.
Four pharmaceuticals, i.e. anti-inflammatory painkiller diclofenac, lipid regulating
agent clofibric acid, epilepsy drugs carbamazepine, and broad-spectrum antibacterial
agent triclosan, which were frequently detected in the sewage sludge, were selected as
the target compounds in this study. Effective isolation and purification pre-treatment
to extract the target compounds were firstly established, followed by identification
and quantification of them using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS).
The objectives of this study were to investigate the behavior of target compounds
during the anaerobic digestion (AD) of sewage sludge and focus on their removal
characteristics using enhanced anaerobic digestion processes (EAD). The main results
obtained were as follows.
(1) The behavior and variations of PhACs during the AD of sewage sludge under
the mesophilic and thermophilic conditions with different sludge retaining times
(SRTs) were primarily investigated. The removal efficiencies of the target compounds
could be raised to a certain extent with the increase on SRTs, especially under the
mesophilic condition. The removal of target compounds under thermophilic condition
hardly varied when the SRTs were above 15 d. All the compounds could be partly
removed from the sewage sludge under the two temperature conditions, particularly
the triclosan which was obtained about 74% of removal. On the whole, it seemed that
the thermophilic condition was more conducive to their removal. The accumulation of
ammonia nitrogen in the AD process also affected the removal of the targets. When its
concentrations under the mesophilic condition were below 75 mg/L, little effects on
the removal were observed, and beyond the concentrations the inhibition to the
removal would took place. In the case of the thermophilic condition, there were no
effects on the removal below 85 mg/L of ammonia nitrogen, and some inhibitions to
the removal were found above the concentration.
(2) The EAD processes of AD combined with sonication were developed to
investigate the removal of the PhACs, where the ultrasonic treatment was used as the
pretreatment to enhance the dissociation of the flocs, and then expected to improve the
removal of the compounds. The ultrasonic units were settled before or after the
anaerobic digestion reactors which were operated under the mesophilic and
thermophilic conditions individually. SRT was set to 15 d. It could be seen that the
EAD processes were generally conductive to the removal of the targets, especially
under the thermophilic condition. Particularly, the removal efficiency of the
carbamazepine which is considered as very difficult to be removed reached about 60%
with 8% up, the clofibric acids was up to 67% with 7% up, and the diclofenacs was
about 68% with 5% up, however, the removal of the triclosan was not raised at all.
(3) The EAD processes of AD combined with high-speed mechanical rotary discs
were designed and adopted to study the removal of the PhACs, where the rotary discs
were applied to break the sludge flocs. Similarly to the former EAD, the discs were
settled before or after the mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion reactors.
SRT was set to 15 d. It was found that the AD with the rear discs was more
conductive to the removal of the targets. The removal efficiency of the clofibric acid
reached about 70% with 7% up, the clofibric acids was up to 70% with 10% up, and
the carbamazepine was about 64% with 12% up, notwithstanding, the removal of the
triclosan was not perceivably raised.
The results achieved in this study could be combined with some research
achievements obtained from other sludge indicators and relevant projects, and
therefore to perfect the basic data of sewage sludge and present a technical support on
the sludge-related toxic pollutant management.
Key Word: sludge retaining time, solid-phase extraction, removal effect,
sonication, high-speed mechanical rotary disc
第一章 .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 课题来源 ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 研究背景 ............................................................................................................ 2
1.2.1 城市污水污泥的处理 .............................................................................. 2
1.2.2 PhACs 的研究现状 ................................................................................... 7
1.2.3 厌氧污泥中的 PhACs 的研究现状 ....................................................... 12
1.3 研究意义与内容 .............................................................................................. 13
第二章 试验内容和方法 .............................................................................................. 15
2.1 试验试剂与仪器 .............................................................................................. 15
2.1.1 试验药剂 ................................................................................................ 15
2.1.2 试验仪器 ................................................................................................ 16
2.1.3 标准溶液的配制 .................................................................................... 17
2.2 样品的制备 ...................................................................................................... 17
2.2.1 污泥的采集与保存 ................................................................................ 17
2.2.2 样品的预处理方法 ................................................................................ 18
2.2.3 样品的检测方法 .................................................................................... 22
2.3 试验装置 .......................................................................................................... 25
2.3.1 厌氧消化装置 ........................................................................................ 25
2.3.2 快速转盘装置 ........................................................................................ 25
2.4 常规指标检测 .................................................................................................. 26
2.5 目标物检测 ...................................................................................................... 26
2.5.1 目标物 .................................................................................................... 26
2.5.2 标准溶液的配制 .................................................................................... 27
2.5.3 目标物定性 ............................................................................................ 28
第三章 厌氧消化中 PhACs 的变化规律 ..................................................................... 30
3.1 试验方案 .......................................................................................................... 30
3.2 中温厌氧消化 .................................................................................................. 30
3.2.1 污泥停留时间对常规指标的影响 ........................................................ 31
3.2.2 污泥停留时间对目标物去除的影响 .................................................... 31
3.2.3 NH3-N 对目标物去除的影响 ................................................................. 33
3.3 高温厌氧消化 .................................................................................................. 35
3.3.1 污泥停留时间对常规指标去除的影响 ................................................ 35
3.3.2 不同污泥停留时间对目标物去除的影响 ............................................ 36
3.3.3 NH3-N 对目标物去除的影响 ................................................................. 37
3.4 本章小结 .......................................................................................................... 39
第四章 强化厌氧消化对 PhACs 的处理效果 ............................................................. 40
4.1 试验方法 .......................................................................................................... 40
4.2 超声联合厌氧消化对 PhACs 的去除 ............................................................. 41
4.2.1 前置超声下厌氧消化对目标物的去除 ................................................ 41
4.2.2 厌氧后超声处理回流对目标物的去除 ................................................ 44
4.2.3 对比分析 ................................................................................................ 45
4.3 快速转盘预处理联合厌氧消化对 PhACs 的去除 ......................................... 45
4.3.1 前置转盘联合厌氧消化对目标物的去除 ............................................ 46
4.3.2 后置转盘联合厌氧消化对目标物的去除 ............................................ 48
4.3.3 对比分析 ................................................................................................ 50
4.4 本章小结 .......................................................................................................... 50
第五章 结论及建议 ...................................................................................................... 52
5.1 结论 .................................................................................................................. 52
5.2 建议与展望 ...................................................................................................... 53
参考文献 ........................................................................................................................ 54
在读期间公开发表论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ................................................ 60
致谢 ................................................................................................................................ 61
第一章 绪论
1.1 课题来源
很大的增长。据统计,2007 年污水处理厂共处理污水量为 178,012 万吨,其中生
活污水为 114,185 万吨,工业废水为 63,827 万吨,产生污泥量为 732,777 吨,平均
每天产生 2007 (湿泥)[1]。根据上海市规划,到 2020 年期末,污水处理设施总
体规模将达到 1.12×107 m3/d全市范围内规划建成 64 座污水处理厂,同时预测到
2020 年上海市污水处理厂产生的污泥量将为 6986-8383 m3/d [2]。据估算,我国目
前的城市污水处理厂年排放污泥 (干重) 约为 300 万吨,且年增长率大于 10%,特
污水污泥的土地填埋、土地利用 (包括农田利用、园林绿化、填埋厂覆土等)
和堆肥仍是当前主要的污泥处理处置和资源化利用方式。据估算,2010 年,美
国土地利用的污水污泥达 8,200,000 万吨,占总污泥产量的 45%另有 17%的污水
污泥进行土地填埋,约 5%的污水污泥用于堆肥[3]。此外,由于污水污泥中有机成
分含量非常高,利用污水污泥通过生物转化,生产高附加值产品[4] (VAPs如生物
杀虫剂,工业用酶、生物聚合物等) 也是污水污泥资源化利用的新方向。
(PAHs) 多氯联苯 (PCBs) 及毒性评价,国内外已有相当多的文献进行了研究
有机污染物数据的匮乏,2002 年,美国国家研究理事会 (NRC) 发布了有关污水
污泥 () 的报告NRC 建议有必要对污水污泥中药品和个人护理用品
(Pharmaceutical and personal care products, PPCPs) 的存在和迁移转化等进行研
究。 在该报告中,NRC 特别指出虽然目前没有研究污水污泥中 PPCPs但是其极
1999 年在美国环境保护总署 (EPA) 支持下,Daughton Ternes[9]发表了关于


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:64 页 大小:2.53MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-11


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