USST_Arts_117200851 IW喷墨公司发展战略研究

3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-11 4 4 1.5MB 78 页 15积分
文章结合了 IW 喷墨公司的竞争优势和劣势,为了保证 IW 喷墨公司今后高速
通过 PEST 分析法和 SWOT 分析法提出了有效的发展战略方案,并且在深入研究
和汇总了 IW 公司的竞争优势和面临的问题进行了优化,IW 喷墨公司的战略管
理能够有效的实施提出解决方案,IW 喷墨公司未来的快速发展提供了战略依据
文章针对国内和国际数码纺织印花行业的发展现状,结合 IW 喷墨公司的企业
模式和创新点。通过对 IW 喷墨公司在数码纺织印花行业发展战略的研究,希望能
关键词:喷墨 SWOT 分析 数码印花 纺织业
Textile industry is an important industry of pillar of economic in China, a large
number of resource is cosumed and environmental pollution become more and more
heavier that it has been caused people's attention after the process of rapid development,
especially in the textile printing and dyeing industry, emissions of pollutants can be
almost accounted for more than 70% of the entire textile printing and dyeing industry,
product innovation is not enough good,the homogenization is serious, additional value
is very low,and industry competition is weak in the domestic textile printing and dyeing
industry, upgrade eagerly for the traditional textile industry. Digital inkjet printing
technology is a new printing technology of textile dyeing and printing way, it can be
through the transfer medium to transfer printing in the textile printing directly.Thus it
can be realized the high speed, the small quantity requirement and multiple colors which
traditional printing and dyeing can not achieve the task.
The writtings, combined with the advantages and disadvantages of IW inkjet
company's competitive, in order to ensure that the needs of the rapid development of the
expansion for IW inkjet company in the future. Carries on the elaboration from the
company's development process through the analysis of the environment, industry
analysis of external factors and the analysis internal competitive factors. The advantages
of the company's overall operating situation, the current analysis of facing various
difficulties for the company which in accordance with the actual situation, in view of
these factors, so as to find out the cause of the problem. In the overall analysis process
of the strategy of the company, to choose the suitable development strategy and to strict
implementation is crucial adjective in this strategy. Therefore, it is combined with the
actual situation of enterprises to analysis of the resource capacity, financial capacity,
marketing mode, the core competitiveness of enterprises, competitors, detailed analysis
and management capability, through the PEST analysis method and SWOT analysis
method that puts forward the scheme of effective development strategies, then intensive
study and summarize the advantage of IW company's competitive and face the problem
of optimization,the strategy management of IW inkjet company can be provided
effective solutions to implement, it is provided strategic basis and guarantee for the
rapid development of the IW inkjet company in the future.
According to the domestic and international digital textile printing industry in the
development of the writtings, it can be combined with enterprise characteristic of the
IW inkjet company, proposed for the intensive development strategy, the enterprise's R
& D and production integration development in the strategy and innovation. Through
researching the IW inkjet company on the development of the digital textile printing
industry strategy, hoping to provide certain reference role which related enterprises of
the domestic digital textile printing industry in the strategy of development.
Keywords: Inkjet, SWOT Analysis, Digital printing, Textile industry
第一章 ....................................................... 1
1.1 研究的背景 ...................................................... 1
1.2 研究的目的和意义 ................................................ 4
1.2.1 研究的目的 ................................................. 4
1.2.2 研究的意义 ................................................. 4
1.3 文献综述 ........................................................ 6
1.3.1 国外研究成果 ............................................... 6
1.3.2 国内研究成果 ............................................... 9
1.4 主要的研究内容和框架 ........................................... 12
1.4.1 研究的内容 ................................................ 12
1.4.2 研究的框架 ................................................ 13
第二章 战略理论的概述 ............................................ 14
2.1 企业战略理论的概述 .............................................. 14
2.1.1 企业战略管理的理论基础 .................................... 14
2.1.2 企业战略管理的发展趋势 .................................... 15
2.2 国内外企业战略理论的研究 ........................................ 16
2.2.1 国外企业战略管理理论的研究 ................................ 16
2.2.2 国内企业战略管理理论的研究 ................................ 17
2.3 PEST 分析和影响因素 ............................................ 18
2.3.1 PEST 模型分析的相关概念 ................................... 18
2.3.2 PEST 分析法的影响因素 ..................................... 18
2.4 SWOT 分析和战略选择 ............................................ 19
2.4.1 优势—机会(SO)组合 ...................................... 20
2.4.2 弱点—机会(WO)组合 ...................................... 20
2.4.3 优势—威胁(ST)组合 ...................................... 20
2.4.4 弱点—威胁(WT)组合 ...................................... 20
2.4.5 SWOT 分析矩阵 ............................................. 21
第三章 IW 喷墨公司的经营发展分析 ................................... 22
3.1 IW 喷墨公司的概况 ............................................... 22
3.1.1 IW 喷墨公司简介 ........................................... 22
3.1.2 IW 喷墨公司的产品市场 ..................................... 24
3.2 IW 喷墨公司的发展历程 ........................................... 26
3.2.1 开拓创新的初始阶段 ........................................ 26
3.2.2 充满挑战的成长阶段 ........................................ 27
3.2.3 稳定增加的成熟阶段 ........................................ 27
3.2.4 风险增大的竞争阶段 ........................................ 27
3.3 IW 喷墨公司经营发展中遇到的问题 ................................. 27
3.3.1 产品的创新难度加大 ........................................ 27
3.3.2 国际化发展的不可控因素增大 ................................ 30
3.3.3 市场竞争的日益加剧 ........................................ 30
第四章 IW 喷墨公司内外部因素分析 .................................... 32
4.1 IW 喷墨公司外部因素分析 ......................................... 32
4.1.1 宏观环境因素分析(PEST 分析法) ............................ 32
4.1.2 IW 喷墨公司的行业环境分析 ................................. 36
4.2 IW 喷墨公司内部因素分析 ......................................... 38
4.2.1 IW 喷墨公司的企业资源 ..................................... 38
4.2.2 IW 喷墨公司的企业能力 ..................................... 39
4.2.3 IW 喷墨公司的核心竞争力 ................................... 41
4.2.4 IW 喷墨公司的管理能力 ..................................... 42
4.3 IW 喷墨公司的 SWOT 分析 .......................................... 42
第五章 IW 喷墨公司发展战略的制定 .................................... 54
5.1 密集型发展战略 ................................................. 54
5.2 研发与生产一体化发展战略 ....................................... 57
第六章 IW 喷墨公司发展战略实施 ...................................... 61
6.1 企业内部因素进行战略的实施 ..................................... 61
6.1.1 加大研发投资力度,提高技术创新水平 ........................ 61
6.1.2 提高生产管理意识和能力 .................................... 61
6.1.3 加强公司财务管理 .......................................... 62
6.1.4 以品牌为战略为先导,构建市场竞争优势 ...................... 63
6.1.5 以人力资源开发为基础,构建可持续性发展竞争优势 ............ 63
6.2 企业外部行业进行战略实施 ....................................... 64
6.3 国家相关的扶持政策进行战略实施 ................................. 65
第七章 结论与展望 ................................................. 67
7.1 结论 ........................................................... 67
7.2 展望 ........................................................... 68
参考文献 ........................................................... 69
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ..................... 73
............................................................ 74


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:78 页 大小:1.5MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-11


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