USST_Arts_115510203 C公司薪酬体系再设计研究

3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-11 4 4 689.33KB 67 页 15积分
最终还是人才的竞争。C公司是一家集计算机与通信技术于一体的 ICT 公司,由
运营、计算机服务外包等 IT 支撑服务。作为一个迅速发展的信息化服务行业,
论文以 C公司的薪酬体系再设计作为研究案例,重点对 C公司薪酬体系现状
进行了分析,通过调阅资料、访谈等方式深度了解 C公司的运营概况、公司所处
进行调查分析和诊断研究,找出了 C公司原有薪酬制度中存在的七大问题,并针
的保障措施进行了详细说明。该薪酬体系的实施,较有效的弥补了 C公司原体系
关键词:薪酬制度 岗位价值评估 薪酬体系设计
No one is unable to operate enterprise.The core value of competition is
undoubtedly the competition for talents. Company C which is an integration of
computer and communication technology is a Company ICT which came from the
merge of two companies, providing the integrated solutions of the communication and
information, the development and operations of utility software, the IT support services
such as computer services outsourcing. As a information service industry of rapid
development, the disadvantages of lacking effective motivation, restriction and fair
distribution in the salary system have seriously hampered the development of
enterprises. In order to reduce the key staff turnover rate, attract top-level talentsalleviate
the contradiction inside enterprise and increasing cohesion, it’s necessary to refine the design
of the present salary system, and establish a new salary system which has the
competing power outside and fairness inside.
The dissertation is based on the case of the rearrangement of the salary system of
Company C with the emphasis being put on analyzing the present situation of the
salary system of Company C. Reference checking and interviews will be used to
deeply understand the general operating situation, the stage of development and the
difference in the salary system between these two companies before their integration.
Related theories about the modern salary design will be used for reference, and via
research and diagnostic study, seven problems existing in the previous salary system of
Company C will be found. Then the redesign idea of the salary system and the method
for coping problems like consistency, compatibility, equalization, equity and
motivation will be raised correspondently. By comparing with the others’ salary level
in this industry, the dissertation will use the mixed salary strategy and design the
salary-point-scale. Based on the job evaluation, salary level for different positions will
be determined according to its position value. Therefore, the performance salary ratio
will be set differently according to the job nature and the design of the bonus will be
distinguished among departments because of the difference in their profession. For this
design proposal, first, it shows market consciousness. Strategies like value distinction,
identity weakening and the widening salary difference are embodied in the design of
salary, bonus and welfare. Due to the performance salary difference being put between
the best and the average and intensifying the reward for the best performance, the
phenomenon of equalization can be changed. Second, it emphasizes the integrity of the
company, the team and the individual and guarantees the consistency in the behavior
traction. Third, it shows the company’s inclination towards the core talents and
business policy and enhances the economical efficiency and strategy. Besides, the
dissertation has illustrated in detail about the safeguard measures for the salary system.
The implementation of the compensation system, effectively overcomes the
disadvantages of C company system, effectively reflects the competition, fair,
legitimate, incentives and other characteristics.
Key Words: Salary SystemPost EvaluationSalary System Design
第一章 绪 论 ....................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 ............................................... 1
1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................... 1
1.1.2 研究目的及意义 ......................................... 2
1.2 国内外研究现状综述 ........................................... 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状综述 ....................................... 2
1.2.2 国内学者的观点综述 ..................................... 6
1.2.3 知识员工的薪酬激励因素研究综述 ......................... 7
1.2.4 薪酬体系的研究综述 ..................................... 9
1.3 论文研究内容及框架 .......................................... 11
1.4 研究方法 .................................................... 12
第二章 薪酬管理相关理论 ............................................ 13
2.1 薪酬的基本概念 .............................................. 13
2.1.1 薪酬的定义与结构组成 .................................. 13
2.1.2 薪酬的功能分析 ........................................ 13
2.2 薪酬体系设计 ................................................ 15
2.2.1 薪酬体系设计的模型 .................................... 15
2.2.2 薪酬设计的原则 ........................................ 15
2.2.3 薪酬策略 .............................................. 17
2.2.4 薪酬体系设计的步骤 .................................... 17
2.2.5 薪酬体系设计时需关注的问题 ............................ 17
第三章 C 公司薪酬体系现状分析 ...................................... 21
3.1 C 公司基本情况介绍........................................... 21
3.1.1 C 公司的定位与发展思路 ................................. 22
3.1.2 C 公司组织架构演进 ..................................... 22
3.1.3 C 公司收入与人员规模情况分析 ........................... 23
3.1.4 C 公司人员结构分析 ..................................... 24
3.2 C 公司薪酬体系现状调查....................................... 24
3.3 C 公司现行薪酬体系存在的问题分析............................. 27
3.3.1 “岗位工资制”特征与企业特点匹配性不高 ................ 27
3.3.2 薪酬对高阶人才激励不足 ............................... 29
3.3.3 薪酬激励重心不明显 ................................... 29
3.3.4 薪酬水平与岗位价值之间未呈现正相关性 ................. 30
3.3.5 薪资结构没有体现不同岗位的业务特征 ................... 32
3.3.6 薪酬提高仅仅取决于职位晋升 ........................... 32
3.3.7 缺少薪酬动态调整机制 ................................. 32
第四章 C 公司薪酬体系的再设计 ...................................... 34
4.1 薪酬体系再设计总体目标和思路框架 ............................ 34
4.1.1 C 公司薪酬体系再设计的目标 ............................. 34
4.1.2 C 公司薪酬体系再设计的思路 ............................. 34
4.2 薪酬体系再设计的举措概述 .................................... 35
4.2.1 解决一致性、匹配性问题 ................................ 35
4.2.2 解决平均化、公平性问题 ................................ 35
4.2.3 解决激励性问题 ........................................ 36
4.3 薪酬体系再设计的具体内容 .................................... 36
4.3.1 C 公司职能等级工资体系设计 ............................ 37
4.3.2 基本工资与绩效工资比例确定 ............................ 40
4.3.3 绩效工资的获得 ........................................ 41
4.3.4 工资调整制度 .......................................... 42
4.3.5 奖金体系设计 .......................................... 44
4.3.6 福利体系设计 .......................................... 45
第五章 C 公司薪酬体系实施保障 ...................................... 48
5.1 工资测算与切换步骤 .......................................... 48
5.2 薪资切换方案 ................................................ 49
5.2.1 员工任职能力等级初始化 ................................ 49
5.2.2 薪资切换实施 .......................................... 49
5.2.3 薪酬动态调整思路 ...................................... 51
5.3 薪资实施保障措施 ............................................ 52
5.3.1 动态更新岗位价值及员工能力等级评价结果 ................ 52
5.3.2 加强对新薪酬体系的宣贯与解释 .......................... 52
5.3.3 提供与岗位胜任要求相匹配的员工培训 .................... 53
5.3.4 不得突破企业薪酬总量的控制上限 ........................ 53
第六章 总结与展望 ................................................. 54
6.1 总结 ........................................................ 54
6.2 展望 ........................................................ 55
参考文献 ........................................................... 56
附 录 ............................................................. 58
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ..................... 62
致 谢 ............................................................. 63


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:67 页 大小:689.33KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-11


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