
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-11 4 4 868KB 62 页 15积分
摘 要
定着客户的选择。JA 市电信公司作为本地主要通信企业,提供固定电话、移动电
话、宽带、行业信息化、iTV 等众多通信服务产品,加强基于客户感知的电信装维
服务研究,对提升 JA 市电信公司核心竞争力、提高客户满意度,具有积极的现实
服务质量的理论、方法进行梳理,并对 JA 市通信行业装维服务现状进行深入研究,
提炼出当前装维服务存在的主要问题。运用服务质量差距分析模型,JA 市电信
该论文在对 JA 市电信公司装维服务的研究基础上,形成的基于客户感知的装
维服务质量管理模型和实施措施,JA 市电信公司建立符合客户需求、相对竞争
关键词:电信 装维服务 客户感知 服务质量 管理模型
Telecommunications industry have rapid developmented for many years, the
development mode driven by technology, network operation has gradually changed into
taking the customer as the center and serving as the core competitiveness . To fierce
competition, China Telecom put forward " customer first, service foremost" , China
Mobile put forward " Reaching out from the heart", China Unicom put forward " the
customer as the center, service to promote development ".All of us realize that only
good services can get more customers , can establish an invincible position. The content
of communication service include installing, transferwith, repairing, payment,
inquiries, customer care and so on.The most important of the communication is
dimensional service, it includs installation, repair, active maintenanc. It is directly
contact to the hundreds of millions of customers. The service quality is relat to the
perception of communication’s customers. In the increasingly competitive
telecommunications market environment, the chooses telecom company depend on the
choice of customers . The JA Telecom is one of most import local communication
companys,which provides communication services and products including fixed
telephone, mobile telephone, broadband, information industry, iTV and so on. To
strengthen the research of telecommunications equipment based on customer
perception , it enhance core competitiveness and customer satisfaction of the JA
Telecom's, has a positive and practical significance.
The paper on domestic and foreign classification service management research
literature,which combs theory and method of improving customer perception and
service quality. It deeply researchs the status of JA communications industry equipment
maintenance, which obtains the service requirements under the new situation of industry
trends, competitive factors, technical innovation, to extract the main problems of current
services. It analysises the quality gap of the JA Telecom equipment maintenance service
Using service quality gap analysis model, which provides a basis to improve services .
According to the theory of labor pool, It probes into the methods of introducing the time
dimension pool management and lifting device dimension service effectiveness in
telecommunications equipment services . with security definition of oriented customer,
it puts forward to the optimize measures of service process and system support., It
builds service quality management model of basing on customer perception. Finally, it
puts forward corresponding measures of the application of practical work from process
optimization, team construction, service quality control and so on.
The paper is based on the JA Telecom equipment maintenance service, which
forms the management model and the implementation measures of device dimension of
service .It provides a feasible services method of in accordance with customer demand
and comparative advantages for the JA Telecom company. It also has certain reference
function in improving the level of equipment maintenance services and enhancing the
level of customer satisfaction.
Key words: TelecomEquipment maintenance service
Customer perceivedService qualityManagement model
目 录
第一章 ........................................................ 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 ................................................ 1
1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1
1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 3
1.2 国内外相关领域研究现状 ....................................... 3
1.3 论文研究的主要内容及框架 ..................................... 7
第二章 服务质量管理理论和工时池管理 ................................ 10
2.1 服务质量管理理论 ............................................ 10
2.1.1 服务质量管理理论发展过程 ............................... 10
2.1.2 客户感知服务质量理论概述 ............................... 11
2.1.3 服务质量差距管理理论概述 ............................... 13
2.1.4 服务质量管理理论在其它行业的应用 ....................... 15
2.2 工时池管理 .................................................. 16
2.2.1 工时池概述 ............................................. 16
2.2.2 工时池的应用 ........................................... 17
第三章 JA 市电信公司装维服务现状及问题 ............................. 18
3.1 JA 市电信公司介绍 ............................................ 18
3.1.1 中国电信集团公司介绍 ................................... 18
3.1.2 中国电信江西公司介绍 ................................... 19
3.1.3 JA 市电信公司介绍 ...................................... 20
3.2 电信行业环境分析 ............................................ 21
3.2.1 电信行业介绍 ........................................... 21
3.2.2 中国电信集团公司 PEST 分析 .............................. 22
3.2.3 行业竞争力分析 ......................................... 23
3.3 JA 市电信公司装维服务现状情况 ................................ 25
3.3.1 电信装维服务介绍 ....................................... 25
3.3.2 JA 市电信公司装维服务现状 .............................. 26
3.4 电信行业装维服务竞争对比 .................................... 27
3.4.1 市场竞争形势 ........................................... 27
3.4.2 竞争对手装维服务状况 ................................... 29
3.5 电信装维服务的技术需求分析 .................................. 29
3.5.1 iTV 业务对装维服务要求 ................................. 29
3.5.2 光宽带业务对装维服务要求 ............................... 30
3.5.3 产品技术创新对装维服务要求 ............................. 30
3.6 JA 市电信公司装维服务存在的问题 .............................. 31
第四章 基于客户感知的装维服务架构的构建 ............................. 34
4.1 装维服务质量差距分析 ........................................ 34
4.1.1 企业发展目标 ........................................... 34
4.1.2 装维服务质量差距 ....................................... 34
4.1.3 装维服务质量度量 ....................................... 36
4.2 装维服务的价值提升 .......................................... 38
4.2.1 差异化服务价值 ......................................... 38
4.2.2 特色服务价值 ........................................... 38
4.3 工时池在装维人力资源的应用 .................................. 39
4.3.1 装维工作单元标准化 ..................................... 39
4.3.2 装维服务流程优化 ....................................... 39
4.3.3 建立生产力标准 ......................................... 40
4.3.4 创建工时池 ............................................. 40
4.3.5 考核及配套措施 ......................................... 41
4.4 构建客户感知装维服务质量管理模型 ............................ 42
4.4.1 基于客户感知的装维服务质量标准 ......................... 42
4.4.2 装维服务质量的度量 ..................................... 44
4.4.3 人力资源配置保障体系 ................................... 45
第五章 客户感知装维服务质量提升的保障措施 ........................... 47
5.1 流程优化措施 ................................................ 47
5.1.1 流程优化原则 ........................................... 47
5.1.2 流程优化重点 ........................................... 47
5.1.3 IT 支撑系统完善 ........................................ 48
5.2 队伍建设措施 ................................................ 49
5.2.1 稳定队伍措施 ........................................... 49
5.2.2 提升技能措施 ........................................... 50
5.3 服务质量管控措施 ............................................ 50
5.3.1 过程管控措施 ........................................... 50
5.3.2 考核激励及应用措施 ..................................... 50
5.4 强化装维班组标准化措施 ...................................... 51
5.4.1 装维班组文化建设 ....................................... 51
5.4.2 统一和完善工器具装备 ................................... 51
5.4.3 完善班组管理制度 ....................................... 52
5.4.4 加强装维后台支撑 ....................................... 52
第六章 结论与展望 ................................................... 53
6.1 研究结论 .................................................... 53
6.2 研究展望 .................................................... 54
参考文献 ............................................................ 55
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 57
.............................................................. 58


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:62 页 大小:868KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-11


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