
3.0 牛悦 2024-11-11 4 4 1.93MB 70 页 15积分
程碑然而,缘于发达国家和发展中国家碳排放高峰期的错位,截止 2013 年的华
响因,得到主要结论有1本文所研究的 29 个国家的总体碳减排经济效率
一般,均值为 0.652纯技术效率和规模效率均小于 1,且纯技术效率大于规模效
率,碳减排经济效率受制于规模上的瓶颈和技术的欠缺;2达到 DEA 有效的
国家只有 5个:欧盟、美国、日本、挪威、瑞士,非 DEA 有效国家要提高碳减排
低为 0.228,排第 26 ,原因是资源分配偏重经济增长而碳减排投入不足、未
形成排放交易体系、CDM 项目处于产业链低端碳金融服务体系不完善、产业
放交易机制、构建统一的碳排放交易体系、大力发展 CDM 项目、建立碳金融服务
DEA 模型并梳理出投入产出指标从而建立了碳减排经济效率评价体系;
关键词:碳减排 经济效率 效率评价 数据包络分析 因子分析
With the increasing carbon emissions in the progresss of human economic and
social development, the problem of global climate is becoming more and more serious
and threatening the safety of the earth and human beings. In order to control carbon
emissions effectively, the major developed countries signed the Kyoto protocol, which
has become a milestone of national carbon reduction. However, due to the dislocation of
carbon emissions peak between the developed and developing countries, as of Warsaw's
climate conference in 2013, it has still not been formed between developed and
developing countries that governing the carbon emissions from country to country by a
legally binding like Kyoto protocol. So far, the prospect of carbon reduction is in a
chaos. The study of carbon reduction is of great significance, for it will not only provide
suggestions to control carbon emissions and promote the progress of carbon recduction,
but also make a contribution to mitigate climate problem.
This paper establishes an evaluation system of Carbon Reduction Efficiency (CRE)
from the angle of input-output by data envelopment analysis, which shows the different
efficiency of national carbon reduction. There are five main conclusions as follows.
(1)The overall carbon reduction efficiency of 29 studied countries is in general level,
that is, the mean is 0.652. Whats more, the pure technical efficiency is greater than the
scale efficiency, which indicates that carbon emissions efficiency is subject to the lack
of bottlenecks in the scale and technology.(2)The European Union, the United States,
Japan, Norway and Switzerland are DEA efficient countries, and the rest 24 countries
are not. Compared with controling the carbon emission and increasing human input,
they should give priority to emission reduction measures, industrial development and
capital investment to improve the un-DEA efficiency. (3)The reason of higher carbon
reduction efficiency in European and America is that they have the first-mover
advantage, more reasonable industrial structure and more advanced carbon technology.
China's efficiency is 0.228 and ranks 26. Because it focuses on economy growth and
less resource is allocated to carbon reduction; there is no unified carbon emissions
trading system in China; it is at a disadvantage in CDM trading; its carbon financial
service system needs improved. (4)The main influencing factors of CRE are emissions
constraints measures, energy intensity and structure, industrial structure, economic
development, technology, the degree of opening to other countries, government
intervention, etc. (5)To raise Chinese CRE, we must increase investment and expand the
size of carbon reduction, including constructing the carbon trading mechanism,
improving the carbon trading system, developing CDM project market, establishing
carbon financial services system, optimizing the industrial structure, strengthening
international carbon cooperation and docking, etc.
Paper structure is as follows: The first chapter includes this articles research
background, research significance, research literature review, research content and
innovation points, research ideas and methods. The second chapter introduces the theory
of sustainable development, externality, efficiency and other related carbon emissions
theory. The third chapter creates the suitable input and output index for DEA analysis
through the overview of principles of establishing evaluation model and establishment
of data envelopment analysis to analyze CER. The fourth chapter is the empirical
analysis, including factor analysis of input indicators, evaluation analysis of CER and so
on. The fifth chapter is the policy recommendations and the sixth is conclusions.
Key Word: Carbon Reduction, Economic Efficiency, Efficiency
EvaluationDate Envelopment AnalysisFactor Analysis
第一章 ...................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 .............................................. 1
1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1
1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 3
1.2 文献综述 .................................................... 5
1.2.1 碳效率指标的研究 ........................................ 5
1.2.2 碳排放效率的测算及影响因素研究 .......................... 6
1.2.3 本节小结 ................................................ 7
1.3 研究思路及方法 ............................................... 8
1.4 研究内容及创新点 ............................................ 9
1.4.1 研究内容与框架 .......................................... 9
1.4.2 本文的创新点 ........................................... 10
第二章 碳减排经济效率评价的相关理论 ............................... 12
2.1 碳减排的相关理论 ........................................... 12
2.1.1 可持续发展理论 ......................................... 12
2.1.2 部性理论 ............................................. 12
2.2 经济效率的相关理论 ......................................... 13
2.2.1 效率理论的概述 ......................................... 13
2.2.2 经济效率的内在机理 ..................................... 14
2.2.3 经济效率的测算模型 ..................................... 16
2.3 碳减排经济效率的提出 ........................................ 17
2.3.1 碳减排经济效率的提出 ................................... 17
2.3.2 与其他碳效率的比较 ..................................... 18
第三章 碳减排经济效率评价体系的建立 ............................... 20
3.1 碳减排经济效率评价体系的建立原则 ........................... 20
3.1.1 全面性原则 ............................................. 20
3.1.2 相关性原则 ............................................. 20
3.1.3 定量化原则 ............................................. 20
3.1.4 一致性原则 ............................................. 21
3.2 碳减排经济效率评价方法及模型 ................................ 21
3.2.1 数据包络分析方法 ....................................... 21
3.2.2 碳减排经济效率评价模型 ................................. 21
3.3 碳减排经济效率评价体系的指标构成 ........................... 22
3.3.1 碳减排经济效率评价体系的指标概述 ....................... 22
3.3.2 碳减排经济效率评价体系投入指标的说明 ................... 25
3.3.3 碳减排经济效率评价体系产出指标的说明 ................... 26
第四章 碳减排经济效率的实证分析 ................................... 27
4.1 数据来源及相关处理 ......................................... 27
4.2.1 数据来源说明 ........................................... 27
4.2.2 数据处理说明 ........................................... 27
4.2 投入指标的因子分析 ......................................... 31
4.2.1 因子分析的目的 ......................................... 31
4.2.2 投入指标因子分析的结果及说明 ........................... 31
4.3 基于 DEA 的碳减排经济效率评价分析 ........................... 35
4.3.1 DEA 分析的数据说明 ...................................... 35
4.3.2 碳减排经济效率 DEA 分析的结果 ........................... 36
4.3.3 碳减排经济效率评价结果的初步分析 ....................... 38
4.4 各国碳减排经济效率存在差异的原因分析 ........................ 41
4.4.1 欧美碳减排经济效率较高的原因 ........................... 41
4.4.2 中国碳减排经济效率低下的原因 ........................... 42
4.5 碳减排经济效率的影响因素分析 ............................... 44
第五章 中国碳减排的发展对策 ....................................... 48
5.1 完善碳排放交易机制 .......................................... 48
5.2 构建统一碳排放交易体系 ...................................... 48
5.3 大力发展 CDM 项目 ............................................ 49
5.4 建立碳金融服务体系 .......................................... 49
5.5 积极推动产业结构低碳化 ...................................... 50
5.6 加强国际碳合作与对接 ........................................ 50
第六章 结语 ....................................................... 51
6.1 主要结论 .................................................... 51
6.2 不足与展望 .................................................. 52
........................................................... 54
附录一 几个概念的说明 ......................................... 54
附录二 部分国家历年的二氧化碳排放量(1998-2010 .............. 54
附录三 投入指标和产出指标源数据 ............................... 55
附录四 用于数据包络分析法的数据 ............................... 59
参考文献 ......................................................... 60
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ................... 65
........................................................... 66


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:70 页 大小:1.93MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-11


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